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View Full Version : My lab test results

01-18-2016, 09:28 PM
So I've been talking with my doctor and my insurance doesn't cover TRT. I had my levels checked because my energy levels have been shit all year and I can't get motivated. My testosterone level was 226 ng/dl. My doctor did say that was extremely low for being in my early 30's but he doesn't handle TRT either. What would you guys recommend for getting treatment since it will be out of pocket? I tried to upload a screenshot of my blood test results but I get an upload failed message so I'll try again later from my computer.

01-19-2016, 07:32 AM
Try Clomid first.

01-19-2016, 07:41 AM
When I was in your same shoes I put myself on TRT @ 200mg/Test-C a week and after a couple months a went to privatemdlabs.com and had the female hormone panel done to make sure my testosterone and E2 were where they should be. When I found out they were at the right levels I continued doing what I was doing and went back and had the same female hormone panel blood test done (it comes with a CBC) every 6 months to make sure I was OK. I did that for a few years till I got insurance and now I have my Urologist write me scripts for testosterone.

01-19-2016, 01:31 PM
What would you recommend I dose the clomid at and how long? Also would clomid be better than torem, or will they both do the same thing for trying to kick start my natural testosterone. I have ordered several vials of test from Atlas so I can self TRT if necessary but I would like that to be a last option.

01-19-2016, 04:07 PM
Clomid is a serm used primarily for pct in our world. It can have a positive effect on helping natural test levels to recover from exogenous test shutdown; however, in your case, exogenous test isn't this reason for your levels unless you've not told us. What was your estrogen and prolactin results? What are your stats: weight, height, body fat %? You could be the victim of amortization, in which case possibly losing some body/belly fat and possibly an AI would benefit you.