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View Full Version : TEST C PCT

01-24-2016, 07:30 AM
I am going to run my first cycle Test Cyp 12 weeks

1-12 //500mg/wk (split into 2 doses)
Arimidex weeks 1-12 //0.5mgs

Nolva weeks14-17 // 40/40/20/20

With just running Test does anyone think my PCT should use Nolva and Clomid? I don't want to over kill
Any input on any of the above would be greatly appreciated

01-24-2016, 09:15 AM
I think you should use Aromasin instead of Arimidex on cycle and continue using it through PCT. Do yourself a favor and look up and read Aromasin's profile on Google. It will explain in detail the benefits of using it on cycle AND during PCT. As far as Clomid goes - I do not think you need to use it.

01-24-2016, 12:10 PM
I will take a look, thanks for the input

01-25-2016, 12:14 PM
here is my new plan for my 1st cycle

Test Cyp weeks 1-12 // 500mg/wk (splitinto 2 doses)
Aromasin weeks 1-17 // 12.5 mgE3D

And for PCT:

Nolvalex (tamoxifen citrate) weeks 14-17 // 40/40/20/20

No need for an HCG on this type of cycle

01-26-2016, 02:48 PM
You need to make some adjustments here. Take your aromasin to 25mg ed, add clomid to your pct as follows: 75/50/50/50. You DO need hcg on cycle at 250iu e3.5d. It will make for easier recovery/pct. Stop hcg 3-4 days before pct begins. Clomid and nolva work in concert to restart your hpta far greater than either one alone.

01-26-2016, 02:51 PM
Oh and one other thing...make sure when you take your aromasin to divide it into 2 doses and take with a meal containing some fat for optimal absorption

01-26-2016, 03:40 PM
I hat to be contrarian here, but for 500mg testC a week, there's a good possibility you won't even see estrogen sides. That would put 25mg stane on the overkill. You want estrogen a tad high, matching in a ratio the amount of test in your body. Basically, run the test, if your nips start to get sore, or itchy, take 12.5 spot with food and fat, twice a day, for a day or two, the sore goes away, voila, keep running g test. This how I do it, peeps are all different, this is why 500 mg test I'd recommend first cycle, so you can figure this out. I don't personally see estrogen sides till I get closer to 1g per week, and even then, don't run stane every day. If you tank your estrogen, you are going to feel like dogshit. I try to avoid that.

01-27-2016, 04:07 AM
I am on the fence with using HCG on this type of cycle only because I have read 50/50 on needed and not needed (not to discount your advise Heben I appreciate anyone taking the time to comment) One argument is better safe than sorry and the other is why inject something you probably don't need. I would love to hear some different views on HCG for a 500mg/wk test cycle.
I read 10 people that do it 10 different ways

01-27-2016, 03:03 PM
I am on the fence with using HCG on this type of cycle only because I have read 50/50 on needed and not needed (not to discount your advise Heben I appreciate anyone taking the time to comment) One argument is better safe than sorry and the other is why inject something you probably don't need. I would love to hear some different views on HCG for a 500mg/wk test cycle.
I read 10 people that do it 10 different ways

I'm in the same boat as far as finding 10 opinions from 10 people thing. My bacteriostatic water came in the other day, so I'm going to go ahead and run 500iu/week of HCG for the last eight weeks of this 12 week 500 test E/week cycle. My nuts have atrophied a little, so while the HCG may not be totally necessary, since I already reconstituted the shit I might as well use it instead of throwing it away after two months of whatever the shelf life is. I'll let you know how it goes.

01-27-2016, 04:31 PM
Yeah I just trying to collect different views and chose what I feel is best for me. when in doubt I will use HCG as I would rather error on the side of safe.

01-30-2016, 12:06 PM
Less than 24 hours after injecting 250iu of HCG my sack dropped back down like normal. Wife is pretty happy about that, as shortly after starting the cycle my testes were constantly pulled up as if they were cold.