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View Full Version : Single dose of triptorelin gets bodybuilder's hormones going again

04-08-2016, 03:47 AM
Thought this might be of intrest and to the guy who said he was thinking about 250 enthanate and 200mg of masteron
For trt I have just started 250 sus e5d and 100mg masteron p e3d forgot your nick but I'll post how I go

Italian endocrinologists managed to restore the natural testosterone production of a bodybuilder whose sex hormone production had shut down after 13 years of taking steroids. All they had to do was give the 34-year-old man a single dose of 100 micrograms triptorelin. An article by the researchers, who work at the University of Brescia, was published recently in Fertility & Sterility.

Single dose of triptorelin gets bodybuilder's hormones going again
The bodybuilder went to a doctor in September 2008 because he was depressed, had no energy and had lost all interest in sex. He told the doctor he'd been using steroids since he was 21.

The guy took 10-week courses. Typically he would inject a daily 25 mg nandrolone and 25 mg stanozolol for the first 8 weeks, and follow it with 2 weeks of 50 mg mesterolone daily [say: primo]. The following week he would take 50 mg clomiphene daily, and for the last week he'd inject himself three times with 2000 IE hCG.

Well, that's what the doctors reported. Probably the man took hCG first and clomophene after. What's more the doses sound very responsible to us. If bodybuilders tell doctors how much steroids they've been using, in our experience you need to triple the doses.

How many courses the man took each year is also not mentioned in the article.

The bodybuilder did jack up his doses from 2005 to 2008. During the 8 weeks that he injected stanozolol and nandrolone, he also started to use boldenone, injecting an average of 50 mg per day for a period of 3 weeks. And that's where it went wrong, according to the blood tests. The doctors examined the guy in September, but decided to just observe for a few months. A damaged axis often just needs time to recover. But when the doctors examined the bodybuilder's blood again in January 2009, there had been hardly any improvement.

Single dose of triptorelin gets bodybuilder's hormones going again

The doctors decided to treat the guy with the GnRH analogue triptorelin. GnRH is a hormone that consists of only 10 amino acids. It is produced in the brain by the hypothalamus and stimulates the production of FSH and LH by the pituitary gland. The hormones travel in the blood to the sex glands, where they get these to produce testosterone.

The bodybuilder responded immediately to the hormone treatment. Within several minutes the concentration of LH and FSH in his blood had risen.

Single dose of triptorelin gets bodybuilder's hormones going again

The doctors saw the bodybuilder 10 days later. His energy had returned and the testosterone concentration in his blood had risen to 7 ng/ml. Another three weeks later, his testosterone level was still normal, and his libido had returned too.

Fertil Steril. 2010 Apr 21. [Epub ahead of print].
Case study: hCG restores testosterone production after steroids use 26.02.2010
Case study: clomiphene normalises bodybuilder's hormone levels 20.02.2010
Bodybuilder on hCG almost loses last testicle 30.10.2008

04-08-2016, 04:29 PM
Yep I'm going to try this after my cycle.

Super Saiyan
04-08-2016, 08:16 PM
I'm going to try it also. Thanks.

04-08-2016, 10:13 PM
No worries

04-09-2016, 02:52 AM
Don't they use it castrate sex affenders?

04-09-2016, 02:58 AM
Don't they use it castrate sex affenders?

Wrong dose will chemically castrate yes!

I'd also say it would vary how it works from person to person. There are studies to show that it does work with some people. I also know people how cycle and never pct and are fine. Mate does 1-2 test and tren ace cycles a year and never done a pct. he recovers better than I have with pct in the past.

04-09-2016, 06:32 AM
[url=http://www.peptidequestions.com/peptides/triptorelin-gnrh/]Triptorelin (GnRH) Triptorelin (GnRH) What is Triptorelin? How much Triptorelin should be used? How often should Triptorelin be used? When should Triptorelin, Clomid, Nolvadex and HCG be used during PCT? How to reconstitute Triptorelin? See below for the answers to the above questions What is Triptorelin? Triptorelin – GnRH (Gonadotropin-releasing hormone) is being used during PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) for users recovery or restart their normal testosterone production. GnRH has been used for a long time by horse breeders as a way to stimulate the anterior pituitary to release follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). With this stimulation, the horses became more fertile, and breeding would commence. FSH is one of the two main hormones responsible for sexual reproduction regulations (along with LH). FSH plays the main role in stimulating the production and maturation of germ cells (which either become sperm in males, or eggs in females). This mean, when your pituitary is stimulated to produce FSH (as a reaction from GnRH), FSH will begin to stimulate the production of sperm in men. GnRH pulses in our bodies, and that pulse controls when we produce FSH. GnRH is a chemical that is sent from our brain to the pituitary to tell it to produce both FSH and LH. When a small pulse dose of GnRH is injected, your pituitary receives that signal to start producing. This will result in both an increase in testosterone serum (as a result from the LH stimulation) and an increase in sperm (or egg in a female case) count. The result may be an effective jumpstart to our reproductive system for steroid users. How much Triptorelin should be used? THE DOSING OF TRIPTORELIN IS VERY IMPORTANT! We can stress this enough. Triptorelin makes a great jumpstart, because unlike HCG, it stimulates both LH and FSH to a higher extent and has a much more lasting effect. But much like HCG, DHT, HMB, ect, we need to be very careful with our pituitary and avoid hyper-stimulation. We need to pulse it once, at a small dose, simulating the pulse that is normally sent from our brain, and then let our bodies do the rest of the work. 1 single 100mcg dose per cycle, after all esters have cleared the body. Triptorelin is so powerful that large doses around 4mg (4,000mcg), repeated once a month, is being used as a chemical form of castration. This dose is so intense on the pituitary, that it hyper-stimulates, resulting in castration-like levels of testosterone serum in the body. Much like HCG, dosing is delicate, and too much is not a good thing. We need to use Triptorelin as a restart, one-and-done, and not over-do things because it may have a much more opposite and negative effect. How often should Triptorelin be used? Only 1 single 100mcg dose per cycle is typically used. If you are doing more than 1 cycle a year then you would need at least 4 months between doses. If over 1mg (1,000mcg) is administered in 1 year it is possible to get castration-like shutdown of your system. When should Triptorelin, Clomid, Nolvadex and HCG be used during PCT? Triptorelin – should be used during PCT when all esters have cleared your system and you are ready to recover. HCG - People that use HCG during a cycle can continue to use it with no problem. Some people don’t like using it during a cycle so that is not a problem either. Once it is time for PCT then you should NOT use HCG because you are using Triptorelin for your PCT. Clomid & Nolvadex – should NOT be used during PCT. We know this sounds crazy but Clomid & Nolvadex will have a negative effect with Triptorelin and your recovery time. Triptorelin is meant to be the one stop peptide that recovers your system without HCG, Clomid, Nolvadex or any other drug. Studies we have read have seen results from even 600mcg used in a three-day period, and still hpta – hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis – function was completely restored, and his hormone levels remained within the normal range during three checkups within the following year. This suggests that the restart will not have the “flare” effect if used at reasonable doses. Another study showed the same effect, with a dose of only one 100mcg injection into a bodybuilder who had been shutdown for 13 years. How to reconstitute Triptorelin? Triptorelin is typically manufactured in 100 mcg amounts and is reconstituted with sterile water. - If you have a 100mcg vial then you can add any amount of sterile water to it since you will use the entire vial at one time. If you fill a 1 ml U-100 insulin syringe up to the number 20 (20 units) then this will be a suitable amount of sterile water for the peptide to dissolve. By viewing this website you acknowledge that you have read our disclaimer and agree to the terms

04-09-2016, 04:16 PM
I wonder if this would help someone with low test levels ? I mean if you are inherently low can this be used to return levels back to what they are suppose to be ,or is this just for pct purposes only ?

04-09-2016, 10:52 PM
It would be worth trying. Clomid or Nolvadex can help too.