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View Full Version : IGF no need for HCG?

04-18-2016, 04:33 AM
Hey guys, I've been reading a lot about HGH and IGF lately. I'm thinking of using one or the other during a winter bulking cycle, probably IGF. From your experience, is it true that the testicles don't atrophy while on IGF and you can keep nearly all of your gains? Wouldn't that make HCG pointless? I mean that's the only point of HCG is to keep your testicles going or kickstart them. Plus it can convert to estrogen I think. So why not use IGF, where it keeps your testicles going, doesn't convert to estrogen, plus has loads of other benefits. There must be something I am not seeing here.

04-19-2016, 12:35 AM
I've heard of guys using igf during PCT to help keep gains while waiting for natural production to start. The main problem with this system is that your chance of actually purchasing real igf1 is extremely slim. And extremely expensive for the real thing. Whereas HCG for use on cycle is easy to find and cheap.

05-20-2016, 05:36 AM
Igf keeps the testicles from shrinking, but you will still be shut down.

06-20-2016, 01:50 AM
Hcg drops the testies