View Full Version : test only for newer users

05-06-2016, 01:14 AM
I have been pondering lately: i see many on the net, and in real life, do 1,2 cycles. first one, 500mg test a month, maybe a dbol kicker, next one roughly same, maybe add deca or even tren. The reason i was wondering about this, is some of the craziest changes i have seen in my physique was not on a multi compound stack, but just straight test at about 1400mg per week. even breaking 1g / week was a game changer..is there a reason more do not just go higher on test from the start? Instead of adding compounds ( which adds to a total of 1g_per week anyway) controlling the sides in those amounts is also a good lesson to learn. I know i just cringe when i hear younger guys in the gym talking about adding tren, i guess its their life but honestly, i dunno. maybe its not sexy enough, but just a straight 1g-1.5 will rock anyones world imho. anyone have similar thoughts?

05-06-2016, 01:27 AM
In my opinion & experience 500mg of test e/c per week is plenty (250mg twice a week).

HOWEVER - this depends on the person and what they are trying to accomplish. Not all of us on AAS are trying to be as big as Ronnie Coleman. (Although I'm sure to get that big you'd have to eat a shit ton of calories...also something I'm not willing to do lol)

A d v a n c e d E l i t e L a b s . c o m

[email protected]

05-06-2016, 03:07 AM
Agreed. Test E/C @ 500/wk totally changed my body in my first two cycles. I was able to maintain about 40 pounds on two 12 weekers. I eventually brought in EQ and after that winny, as I was taught back then, that's how it was done, gradually. Not sure if this helps, just my .02.

05-06-2016, 04:42 AM
The reason why you stack different steroids instead of just going really high with just testosterone is because above 500mg/week of test the sides start to become more prominent and you will get much better gains by using two compounds at lower doses then one at a high dose. For example, you will get much better results on 500mg/week of testosterone and 400mg/week of Deca OR NPP then 900mg/week of testosterone! It's not the total mg of a stack that's important, it choosing compounds to work synergistically with each other and using the lowest doses of those compounds that will be effective in yielding results. Keep in mind that no matter how much of any steroid(s) you use the three things that are going to affect your gains more than anything are going to be 1) nutrition/diet 2) rest 3) training.

05-06-2016, 05:47 AM
We all grow like weed on the first cycles. Thats why many users only need test at 500mg to gain muscles. Nothing wrong to throw in dbol or drols for the 4 first weeks. But its not recommended or needed. This way the user will see and know hom he reacts to test alone. Now thinking about strength,pump and size or the bad and negative things like estrogen,acne,gyno and so on.

I have to agree with @ryanwrath and think test alone in high mg is underrated. Now days everyone talks about trenbolone like it is a grape juice or something. Most guys add tren to the stack. Tren is the one compound out there with most sides. Insomnia.night sweats,high bp,lack of appetite and the list goes on. Why do anyone even think about using this compound ? I would use test alone at 1-2g a week over adding tren to any of my stacks ,)

05-06-2016, 10:47 AM
The reason why you stack different steroids instead of just going really high with just testosterone is because above 500mg/week of test the sides start to become more prominent and you will get much better gains by using two compounds at lower doses then one at a high dose. For example, you will get much better results on 500mg/week of testosterone and 400mg/week of Deca OR NPP then 900mg/week of testosterone! It's not the total mg of a stack that's important, it choosing compounds to work synergistically with each other and using the lowest doses of those compounds that will be effective in yielding results. Keep in mind that no matter how much of any steroid(s) you use the three things that are going to affect your gains more than anything are going to be 1) nutrition/diet 2) rest 3) training.

^^^ he speaks truths!! [emoji1303]