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View Full Version : rotator cuff tear. Can any substance help repair the actual tear.

06-16-2016, 05:27 AM
I* hear of people talking about using HGH to help heal various problems. One being sore shoulder after a rotator cuff tear. But can it or any other substance help repair the actual tear in the tendon its self. My understanding is nothing but an operation can fix it. So just incase I'm missing something, does any one know, is there any other way of fixing it other than an operation? Via subanstances such as HGH?

06-16-2016, 05:30 AM
Are you sure it's an actual rotator cuff tear?? Did you have an MRI done?

06-17-2016, 12:59 AM
Are you sure it's an actual rotator cuff tear?? Did you have an MRI done?

Oh yeah its a tear.. Tendon only hanging on by 10% according to the specialist. And yes MRI done. A few years ago when it happened.
Pain free and pushing weights now ok though. And the specialist said weights shouldn't be an issue.

But I want to get back in to BJJ and I' am training in boxing again..

I saw another specialist recently, who said stop boxing and no mma, as one arm bar could tear it right off the shoulder and its going to cost $20k to repair and will put me out of action for a couple of years until I can be back to where I was before the op.

Considering I haven't got 20k up my sleeve and considering I don't want to spend the next couple of years rehabilitating it, and considering the quack said some repairs aren't even very successful, I want to avoid tearing it right off.

Unfortunately the new specialist couldn't get the old mri to open on his mac pc. I'm going back with the old scan and a windows laptop to get him to have another look. But he tells me is really not relevant anyway considering I'm boxing. He said that will only cause the tear to get worse bashing it around like that..

06-30-2016, 01:53 AM
No quick repair for it. Just had my rotator and bicep tendon scoped in April of 2016. It sucked. I had to do rehab first before doing surgery, I think it actually helped some. The pain was still there, but had better movement, but couldn't press or curl anything. I tried peptides and gh directly into the injury, but it was too far gone. I had the surgery, took about 8 months to get back to work. Worst experience ever. A year and half later, I'm still not able to press anything, no strength in my shoulder, but the pain is gone. Just scared to tear it again. My suggestion is have surgery and get it over with.

07-01-2016, 01:55 AM
No quick repair for it. Just had my rotator and bicep tendon scoped in April of 2016. It sucked. I had to do rehab first before doing surgery, I think it actually helped some. The pain was still there, but had better movement, but couldn't press or curl anything. I tried peptides and gh directly into the injury, but it was too far gone. I had the surgery, took about 8 months to get back to work. Worst experience ever. A year and half later, I'm still not able to press anything, no strength in my shoulder, but the pain is gone. Just scared to tear it again. My suggestion is have surgery and get it over with.
Easy to say..
Im 55.. An op would put me out of training for 2 years.. Too long at my age. Currently full strength and pain free. As long as it doesnt get any worse then no point really.. Although its annoying as i want to train in inpact sports which i cant.. Its the supraspinatus tendon which is nearly torn clean off. Got to see the mri the other day.. not much holding it on.. Apparently you have plenty of strength with out it and its not the end of the world if it tears off. The risk is if the tear spreads to the other tendons.

07-02-2016, 08:59 PM
Yea, I think if I had to do it all over again, I would have passed on the surgery. You lose so much strength and size to your shoulder. I think I would try another procedure called PRP. They take the plasma and inject it into the injury. A lot of reports are showing the year completely healing. Insurance doesn't cover it though, so it's all out of pocket. But the downtime after the injections is 2-3 weeks.

07-13-2016, 09:38 PM
Bpc 125 with tb500 should do the trick if no love surgery will be required brother.

07-24-2016, 08:20 PM
I am a therapist. They have been doing studies on use or PRP or protein rich plasma injection under flouroscopy. It is much less invasive than a surgery and upon latest documentations it is showing to have as good of an outcome as some surgeries. Basically they take your blood and spin it down to get the plasma and then go in under guidance from flouroscopy machine to inject it right into the tear. This is like putting a blower on a dragster'so motor. I had a tendon/muscle tear to my biceps femoris area behind my knee. Wasn't torn all the way but good tear. Signed up with resident doing study at the hospital I work for and he did the procedure. There was no way in hell I was doing surgery and 3 + months of therapy. Procedure went well and I got to watch it all. Needless to say now I am pain free and have full use of the tendon and muscle junction. It was a game changer for me. Might be something to look at Frankenstein. If you have any other questions about it shoot me a PM. Hope this helps bro.

07-25-2016, 02:40 AM
Awesome post mate.. Can you tell me did it actually fix the tear? Repair it? Or just make it pain free?

07-25-2016, 02:43 AM
Allowed it to heal. It's fine now

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07-29-2016, 01:02 AM
Im actually in NZ. That technology is out of reach here, all though Im looking in to it to see if its available.. Many thanks for your advice. Really appreciated and great advice.. Perhaps I need to take a visit to Auss at some stage to see if I can get this sorted.. Thank you again.. Really appreciated.

07-29-2016, 07:28 PM
Anytime Frankenstein. Sorry it's not available there. Usually it's the other way around. You guys can and we can't. Lol. Hope that it does help though. Good luck

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07-29-2016, 08:01 PM
MGF and TB500 might help. MGF is injection site specific. GH wouldn't hurt.

07-30-2016, 12:30 AM
Anytime Frankenstein. Sorry it's not available there. Usually it's the other way around. You guys can and we can't. Lol. Hope that it does help though. Good luck

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Yess... will give it a shot..

PRP therapy | Auckland, NZ (http://www.prp.co.nz/)

07-30-2016, 02:17 AM
I tore my rotator 5 or 6 times playing rugby (thought it was a stinger LOL woopsies) and opted to rehab rather than surgery. Msm bromelain and aspirin empty stomach to clean out the scar tissue, external rotations without weigt for 3 sets of 20 til that was painless, then started with a 1 pounder,then 3, then 5, then 7, etc. Took a year but it came back full range of motion full strength. So its possible to avoid surgery, especially with some prp or gh thrown in. It will take longer than if you just went under the knife though. Just my 2 cents

12-24-2016, 04:49 PM
just had my rotator cuff surgery 2 days ago....... supraspinatus torn off to much other damage to list........ lived with the pain for years i'm 54 wished i had done it years ago the longer you wait unless you coast in you workouts it can get progressively worse.

12-26-2016, 07:52 PM
mine gives grief on and off.. As soon as its gets to apoint its not managble.. I'll get the op done.. till then I'll just keep training..