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View Full Version : Today's lesson: Never wear a weight belt.

06-20-2016, 06:54 PM
Alright gents, we've all had injuries in the gym and it sucks when you're set back on your goals. I recently had a foot injury as I was going for a new max squat. Normally I don't train with a weight belt because I personally believe you can train your cores "natural weight belt" to be just as effective. Take that as you will but I've never had any back problems at all. Anyways, I couldn't get my 1rm and went to shed the weight off my back which I've done so many times before. The bar caught on my weight belt and yanked me down torquing both my feet. I ended up dislocating my lisfranc joint and tore some tendons. It'sbeen 2 weeks since surgery and I have about 10 weeks before I'll be walking in my own shoes and my never run again. It's gonna be a long road. Luckily I wasn't in the middle of a cycle so no gear was lost haha. Now I get to sit around and plan my next cycle to help bring my leg gains back. So moral of the story. Don't wear a weight belt. Be safe out there gents.

06-22-2016, 02:20 AM
Shit that's pretty full on. I was expecting like it failed or injury for too much weight. It's quite often the least manly thing gets us injured, stay safe and heal well!

06-22-2016, 02:37 AM
Oh that sure sucks brother. If this happened during squats you should set the safety bars high enough and dropped down enough to let go of the bar if you needed to bail. Also a good idea is not to set the belt too tight.

Heal up and get some therapy to rebuild your legs!