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View Full Version : over40 Split Training days

07-15-2016, 09:41 AM
One new addition to my training at 46y.o. is using split training days for the larger muscle groups. The intensity and overall workload of a leg day simply doesn't leave much in the tank for quality shoulder work; as an example. Similarly, I get much better results when splitting heavy back work and bi's.

While this is certainly not a new idea or a new topic, it has suddenly gained importance to me as I get a bit older.

I have noticed that the split must be long enough to recover both my nutrition (get anabolic), body, and mind (be mentally ready for heavy work). Today , it will be:

6am full leg workout ,(5 movements) most sets at 4 w/ 10 -12 reps averaging 80% of 1 rep max

7pm shoulders at 70% 1 rep max, ( 6 movements) ...etc.

08-04-2016, 11:58 AM
Sounds like a great plan. I will try it myself.

08-05-2016, 03:24 PM
have you considered doing a body part per day routine? Im over 50 and i find doing a individual body part per day(like mon-back,tue-chest) gives me more focus on the muscle and Its less time in the gym than combining multi body part routines.Ive done the split in the past but that was lifting in the morning and cardio in the evening.Changing up programs from time to time is good to do.Keeps the muscles guessing,lol Good luck bro

08-12-2016, 01:16 PM
great plan

11-29-2016, 01:02 PM
Definitely have to adapt as you age. Keeping the intensity high is more important. Good diet and proper rest and managing stress will support a high intensity training program

01-29-2017, 03:03 PM
Great plan !!
I will test the Plan THX

Fast Willie from Philly
01-29-2017, 03:35 PM
Im 43 years old and its definetaly getting harder. A couple of months ago I was doing 2-a-days. I would do chest and tris heavy in the morning and light with ropes and machines at night. next day back and bis, next day shoulders and traps, then legs and lower back/abs. I would take days off when my body and mind said I needed it. I only lasted a month and a half but had the best defined look with size I have ever had

01-29-2017, 06:18 PM
I do the same thing pretty much one body part a day hitting it hard and quick goes fast also do 3 days on 1 off. Do legs here and there but mainly I get my leg workout in my cardio, but luckly I have always had big and toned legs from racing BMX over the years started in 1978, damn that's long ago. Done all that split day routines, but now it just works for me to do a late evening workout and cardio helps me rest better and your muscles get good rest after workout. I still change up here and there, but I always stay 3-on 1-off
have you considered doing a body part per day routine? Im over 50 and i find doing a individual body part per day(like mon-back,tue-chest) gives me more focus on the muscle and Its less time in the gym than combining multi body part routines.Ive done the split in the past but that was lifting in the morning and cardio in the evening.Changing up programs from time to time is good to do.Keeps the muscles guessing,lol Good luck bro

01-29-2017, 07:14 PM
I'm 47 and I try to do a modified 5/3/1. Legs, shoulders, back, chest, repeat. Main lift first then 2-4 accessory after that. It seems to work pretty good for me. My main lifts are getting stronger. And I'm usually spent afterwards

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02-15-2017, 10:01 AM
I'm 48 and have come to the conclusion all I need is the compound lifts both heavy low reps and light high reps.

Basically I run it like this.

squats 5x5
bench 5 x10
rows 5x5

heavy work up to 1x3
Following wed light 3x10
OHP 5x5

squats 5x10
bench 5x5
rows 5x10

All the above progressive overload in motion.

I may do another day during the week and muck around with arms, traps and calves, but it's more like a recoup session if you know what I mean.

Works wonders. Hits cns hard, arvo naps regular lol, but strength and physique never better.

02-19-2017, 06:22 AM
I still train everyday at 65...
Major body parts 2x a week.
Deads 2x a week. (Usually stay at 405 or less.)
Sleep is #1 for my recovery and massages as I feel I need them.
Still having a blast.

06-16-2017, 07:23 AM
I'm 45 , better to try this great plan.