View Full Version : First cycle

07-15-2016, 10:02 PM
Been a member of BOP for several days now and already posted a couple threads but it's saying I haven't posted anything? Oh well. I suppose I'll go ahead and ask for some gear advice!

I'm about to begin my first cycle in the next couple weeks. My coach wants me to do 12 weeks of test enanthate and EQ each at 500mgs a week with arimidex during cycle. Post cycle I will use hcg nolva and clomid for four weeks. With it being my first cycle I'm hoping to see some pretty good results!

If anyone has suggestions, comments, ideas, or recommendations they would be much appreciated.

07-27-2016, 07:21 PM
You have to stay active for that to go away.

Normally we suggest a Test only cycle for a first cycle.

EQ is typically ran longer. People claim to have the best results 16+ weeks.

I would also run the HCG during the cycle and drop it before PCT.

07-27-2016, 08:09 PM
Like Pain said "always test only" first cycle. You don't know how your going to react to the compounds, so don't use more than one! What are you stats? Age? How long have you been lifting ect? How's your diet?

07-27-2016, 09:28 PM
I agree. Test only at 500 a week divided into 2 shots. 1 gram for a first cycle is just plain dumb. Also, if you are younger than 25ish or have only been lifting for a year..do not run anything. Accomplish all you can with food and training. Once you reach your limit naturally, then run test e at 500 a week for 16 weeks. Have an AI on hand but you probably wont need it. Follow up with novla 1 week after last shot. Test only brother...dont learn the hard way

Amber Jones
08-09-2016, 07:53 AM
It is very popular idea to run test only for first cycle. There is few good reasons why:it's a fairly safe steroid, right in the middle of spectrum ,cost effective, dosage increase without running in to major trouble,very good gains for first cycle

08-09-2016, 10:31 AM

Your coach told you to take TEst E and EQ because he consider that only with Test E the results will not be so impressive.

This is the main reason why people choose to mix 2 steroids even from the first cycle.

The colleagues who writes before me are right, is better to start just with TEst E to see how your body act at steroids, but in the same time, Boldenone is not such a toxic steroid.

However, from my point of view 500mg of TEst E + 500mg of Boldenone per week seems a little too much for a beginner. It is a start, but a hard start. You better start with 250mg/week from each steroid and you rise the dosage in the next weeks.

In the end, every bodybuilder has its own model of administration...and all opinions are right, but in the same time all can be modified, including mine.

08-10-2016, 03:46 AM
Are you running a bulking cycle? EQ can stack with T E and also need Dbol for a bulking cycle, both cardarine and N2Guard is a must.

08-10-2016, 04:57 AM
You have to stay active for that to go away.

Normally we suggest a Test only cycle for a first cycle.

EQ is typically ran longer. People claim to have the best results 16+ weeks.

I would also run the HCG during the cycle and drop it before PCT.

this is the best advise. I would definitely do you research. Do not be one of those people that listen to their coach or "friends" on how to cycle and pct. props to you for seeking some advise on your own

09-23-2016, 03:14 AM
i ran for my first test e 500mg weekly. i used dbol as a jump start for the first 3/4 weeks. i also ran some 50mg winstrol for the last 5ish weeks. In all honesty just test would be great. I ran eq for my 2nd cycle but 16+ weeks for good results is a long time for first time. If i could do it again i would front load 1000mg first week of test e and then 2-12 weeks 500mg.

09-25-2016, 01:02 AM
Yea I definitely agree with the others,if your diet is setup and you run a solid 12 weeks of test only you can make some great gains off of that.And yes I think 12 weeks is too short for any gains out of the eq.

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09-25-2016, 09:49 AM
I agree with everyone else so ill give a different suggestion as well... I suggest you use aromasin as opposed to arimadex. Aromasin is far superior in my opinion and its a bit easier to work with than arimadex. Dex is ok and works well but if you dont know what youre doing you can annihilate your estrogen and that is not something you want either. Good luck brother!