View Full Version : Game changer (super charge your brain) PICS!

08-29-2016, 12:14 AM
Absolute Game Changer!
Lately there's been some discussion about people having loss of cognitive abilities/thought process while on HEAVY androgens such as TRENBOLONE,
at times hindering social skills/inability to speak to people, increased anxiety or panic attacks, or even inability concentrating with a simple task..

Can you relate,or do you possibly even sufferer from ADD/ADHD, Depression, or other neural impairments?

Well look no further...

PuritySourceLabs.com has a complete GAME-CHANGER for YOU, YOUR LIFE, and for YOUR FUTURE AAS protocols!

"A daily dose of happily better afters begins right here"

Noopept is one of the most effective and strongest of all the Nootropic supplements on the market today.It has been found to improve memory, learning capacity, focus, and concentration.
So put that zest back into your lifts, get back your confidence and your abilities..
Become the person you've always set out to be..Now it's your TIME to FOCUS on YOUR GOALS..

(Don't be fooled for fake Noopept floating around the market, JSC LEKKO "HOONET" is a large Pharmaceutical giant in Eastern Europe providing the surrounding areas with REAL, PURE, AUTHENTIC Noopept and WE HAVE IT HERE AT PSL)

Noopept (neurotransmitter) - 10mg/tab -50 tab/box ($25.00USD)

Supplier: Russia only
Comes In: 10mg tab
Dosage: 10-40mg/day
Active time: 10 hours
Class: neurotransmitter


(Click here to purchase TODAY) (http://puritysourcelabs.com/other-products/633-noopept-neurotransmitter-10mgtab-50-tabbox.html)

08-29-2016, 12:40 AM
HMM? Interesting? I must read up on it.

08-29-2016, 04:59 PM
i like the idea of it. It reads like a mix of adderal and *****. who doesn't want a drug to boost brain power?!?!?! i would love that.

Dont wanna be old
08-29-2016, 05:16 PM
I just need to know what it will show as on a 5 panel drug test .
My brain has cataracts now . Any clarity would be appreciated .

08-31-2016, 12:44 PM
Any idea if it can be sent to Australia ?

08-31-2016, 04:28 PM
I just need to know what it will show as on a 5 panel drug test .
My brain has cataracts now . Any clarity would be appreciated .
That's a great question. I wouldn't imagine it showing up as any of the substances on a 5 panel test. It has stimulating AND calming effects but is completely different in structure to say amphetamines, benzo's or opiates. It in a class of it's own. Very similar in structure to a class of drug called "racetams". Piracetam being the most well known of this class.

Any idea if it can be sent to Australia ?
​Yes it can. BUT read our shipping policies on the website as they are different for AUS.

08-31-2016, 06:02 PM
I will def be trying some

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