View Full Version : Low Dose Dyazide (HCTZ) or Spironolactone for hgh water retention and mild hypertension?

09-02-2016, 12:33 AM
So I posted a while back I was having some water retention with Hgh but then figured it was due to my estrogen being high. Estrogen went from 163 to 3 and I still get randomly swollen ankles and water Retention in abdomen and groin. My water and sodium intake is identical every single day. I am in contest prep so everything is the same every day. I am starting to believe I am just one of those people who will hold water with hgh no matter what. I also supplement potassium to try to help being that I know hgh causes ADH to be high but it hasn't seemed to help. My Bp has been mildly elevated 140s over 90s which I'm sure is due to extra fluid. I have taken 12.5 of Dyazide on 2 occasions and lost 5-10 lbs each time and water gone. I'm wondering if anyone takes a low dose potassium sparing diuretic such as HCTZ or Spironolactone to combat the water retention and hypertension. I know it can be used safely in those with Hypertentsion or chronic swelling as I see patients all the time that take for that reason. My father also takes it daily. I'm just curious if anyone here takes it will on hgh?

09-02-2016, 01:42 AM

09-02-2016, 06:16 AM
I am prescribed 25 mg a day hctz and since starting it my hgh sides water retention and CTS are gone. I don't know how safe it is for someone who doesn't have high bp off cycle though.

09-02-2016, 11:07 AM
My blood pressure is mildly elevated even when I'm cruising. I never come off. I'm thinking about giving just 12.5 a day a try and see how it works. I will definitely be monitoring Bp daily and get bloods within the first month to make sure kidneys are not taking a hit.