View Full Version : BPC 157

09-02-2016, 02:13 PM
Sup BOP, I had a second surgery on my right shoulder to include (rot cuff,supraspinatus,slap-anterior/posterior labrum, and biceps tendon) all have been anchored and I'm now 12 weeks post op... Just got the go ahead for Thera band therapy. Today I will start BPC 157 at 250mcg twice daily site injection...
There was no complications and healing to this point has been on target, but now that I'm starting to fire up those tendons and muscles I feel the BPC 157 should provide the needed protection and healing to allow me to push thru the movements. I will keep you posted...
anyone with similar experience please feel free to add..

09-03-2016, 03:07 PM
Morning BOP, this is the start of day two, last night was the first night in two years since being able to lay on my right side... I was somewhat able to sleep in my right side,not 100% nor all night long... Certainly a step in the right direction. When actively doing my band therapy for the past two days, the shoulder was a bit sore so hopefully that all changes pretty soon... Now I'm jumping PT protocol and doing 3X12 per exercise (6) total which includes scapula,bicep and tricep since none has been fired a such a lengthy time.

09-05-2016, 04:56 PM
Happy Labor Day BOP, yesterday was the day of rest for my family to study the word of Jesus!!! So this the third day on BPC 157 and I can only report that internally I can feel a difference in my shoulder (more sound, not that micro instability like just after the surgery)... I using the lightest theraband available from my PT and I can see the delta filling in a bit... Before it looked like they were nonexistent. Complete atrophy!

09-06-2016, 08:02 AM
Good to hear brother man
Happy Labor Day BOP, yesterday was the day of rest for my family to study the word of Jesus!!! So this the third day on BPC 157 and I can only report that internally I can feel a difference in my shoulder (more sound, not that micro instability like just after the surgery)... I using the lightest theraband available from my PT and I can see the delta filling in a bit... Before it looked like they were nonexistent. Complete atrophy!

09-06-2016, 10:02 AM
using bpc for testing myself for my knee. To soon to notice any results yet for me! good luck brother

09-07-2016, 04:17 PM
Ok, so I'm hitting all three delts and just above the biceps tendon (it was anchored to the humerous) alternating sites. I will try to add before and current pics here this week. The front delt has the most pronounced change in size. And Dorianyates thank you and good luck with ur project.... So far I'm extremely impressed. One thing I ment to mention is that for 1month I've been taking 3/4iu blacks gh 5 days a week in my upper legs to try and keep the bloat out of my gut (still taking). Since application of BPC I can see a difference in the shoulder unlike when on gh by itself.

09-09-2016, 01:00 PM
So nothing much to report other than I need to re-up on the BPC 157, certainly don't want to run out... I am noticing my delt heads filling in and to the touch they are much more solid.... I will post pics today post surgery and present

09-14-2016, 02:32 AM
Let me start with an apology for the delay in posts. Last week I was sent an email stating the need for some continued education classes online and they've taken up all of my time (80 hrs worth), let me tell you I can't stand to sit behind a computer that long... Nevertheless I've continued the BPC 157 twice a day at 250mcg and still seeing new fullness but also over the weekend I started to feel some deep tenderness almost in the shoulder.. Not sure if it's from the pep or from the band therapy twice a day (bands are 3.3lbs) so I'm hoping that's just the healing process that I feel... It's not painful, dull to be exact but Something new that I noticed.
Dorianyates, brother I hope you gain positive results from your testing as well.

09-16-2016, 04:16 AM
That's what I'm shooting for man, thank you for the positive words Andro! At 3 months post surgery, my PT said that's where I should end up at 1 year post op!!! So I'm ramped up, but I can only blast legs,calves,abs,lower back(hypers) and some lite bent over rows for my scapula... I've been smashing legs for size and density 3 on 1 off and love it... Between my work ethic,bpc157 healing and strengthening my tendons, I should have a amped come back once I can grab the weights again... I'll tell you what tho, I'm in not rush, this was the second surgery on this shoulder. First was plain MRI scan and they couldn't see past the scare tissue that formed. Second was Dye contrast and the ink didn't stay in the joint, God helped me find the very Best Ortho (shoulder specialist) in ND. Bam, now I'm looking forward to a near to full recovery brothers.... Initially said I might only gain 60% ROM.... I surpassed that on week 3 post op with my PT.... Well I got off topic a bit but know you have more of the logistics..
i am a firm believer in the BPC157, I can't say it enough that the muscle heads in my delts are actually visible now... Just two weeks ago, they were still completely atrophied...

09-18-2016, 11:08 PM
https://brotherhoodofpain.com/webkit-fake-url://88ed4477-d0fd-4d0b-b112-0e41b21caf91/imagejpegI'm trying to add pics. iPhone 6 and I can't seem to get anything to upload

09-18-2016, 11:19 PM
loving that tb-500 and bpc-157 stack

09-21-2016, 07:53 PM
It seems to be working great for me as well, I'm 16 weeks post op and my PT told me the after his mechanical tests. That my rotator cuff is extremely strong. Internal/external rotation is strong as well... Holding off on weights till Nov, theraband at 3.3lbs twice a day all ROM but pressing overhead. Glad to hear you like the combo Dorianyates. Mine is slightly different with 3iuX5days and 250mcgX7-2Xs daily

09-22-2016, 08:17 PM
Well after a short consult, I'm going to up my dose to 500mcg twice a day on the BPC157.

09-22-2016, 08:38 PM
Cool log. Appreciate you taking the time to do it. I have been looking at healing peptides myself. Running tb500 now for my knees. So far I'm able to run again with no pain at all. On 5 ius of hgh as well as my trt dose of test. Feel pretty damn good for 42. Wish you all the luck with your recovery.

09-23-2016, 07:40 PM
For sure benlash! It's been interesting to learn and see improvement as I go...

09-23-2016, 07:49 PM

09-23-2016, 07:50 PM
4 days post op and the first time seeing my shoulder after surgery!!!

09-25-2016, 03:19 AM
So far the only negative side that I've noticed after injections throughout the day is my shoulder becomes sore/tender even a bit but nothing more than a hard workout would do to the area. I like it better at 500mcg/2 daily and will stay on that schedule for another month. I need to take a current pic of the shoulder and will soon.

09-30-2016, 07:47 PM
As of 9/27/16 I was able to move up on the weight with Theradands(4.5lbs) now.... I'm waited for my order to come in tomorrow to continue with 500mcgX2 daily...

10-05-2016, 01:36 PM
Injections everyday still, and like I noted before that the shoulder is sore after inj. I can tell a significant difference between 500mcg daily to 1mg daily. This BPC has been a game changer for me. I ahead of my foreseen recovery phase.

10-10-2016, 02:05 PM
Just to add my experienc with Bpc-157,

had both elbow and ulnar wrist tendonitis, 250-300mg shot daily into each and after 3 weeks all pain gone. It wasnt a gradual thing for me though. It was like 1 day, i woke up and boom, no pain. I was lifting all that time too.

10-10-2016, 05:02 PM
I have to agree after the 1 or second shot I could tell a huge difference... but with the massive surgery that was performed on my shoulder I want to make sure all is healed prior to going after it.. I'm also under Ortho care and haven't been released to train chest/shoulder/tri....
however I do train lower biceps I just started last week with baby dumbbells20#.... I do bent over rows to help tuck my scap back in. And band work all at which isn't painful...
for the first time in three months I've been able to grab the bar with both hands for squats, been doing it left holding and right hanging at my size(squat rack with 225-315) so I'm happy to say that I'm gaining even more ROM as it heals....

10-14-2016, 02:21 AM
BOP now being a month in with this BPC157, I have to say if you have tendons that need minor repair this is g2g.. btw I had to stop my Gh regiment over two weeks ago as the stuff is too strong.. hands hurt so bad it would and has kept me awake most night.. 13 days off and fingers still have the burning sensation.