View Full Version : Temperature - Is 34.2 c and lower normal?

09-06-2016, 08:14 AM
hey guys, any one know what gives with low temperature readings?
Our thermometer is a quality one and reads fine for the rest of the family but my temperature readings are so low they are off the scale.
Got a reading of 34.2, then next reading was so low it wouldn't even register.. Thermometer keeps saying LOW, yet it works fine for the rest of the family..

Ok, wondering what gives I rang our local nurse.. She says you arent using your thermometer properly. I explained I was and that it reads fine for every one else.. Nurse says just some silly glitch, ignore it as its impossible ot be reading that low..

Seems rather a silly question to ask about temp, but when the nurse said it cant read that low and I know it is.. Just wondering. Any one else ever experienced this? I did a quick google on it and according to google if some ones temperature is below 97.8 f / 36.5 c then "the cause of the low body temperature is a low metabolism"

Which if true would explain a lot a things about my struggle to lose weight and my lethargy..
Any thoughts on this guys? Wanting advice from anyone that actually knows something about this..
