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View Full Version : Low dose Deca with trt dose.

09-27-2016, 12:06 AM
Quick question for anyone who might know/or just speculate... Been prescribed trt
from family doctor for about 2 years now, just wondering if there would be any benefit
to adding a small dose of deca for theraputic results with trt dose? Would bloodwork
alter enough to raise flags(get checked every 6months)? Just for reference, 200mg/wk puts my bloodwork/test E2 lvs
perfectly. Thanks in advanced brothers!

09-27-2016, 12:14 AM
In the past I've added a low dose of deca ( 250 mg ) to my trt and my joints loved it. My last cruise I ran a low dose of primo. I always give time for the said compound to clear my system before going to my trt doctor just because I don't want to screw my blood work up.

09-27-2016, 06:30 AM
It's very popular yea, I might be doing it as well soon.


09-27-2016, 03:33 PM
Have some caber on hand...in case the dreaded deca dick come around.

09-30-2016, 11:53 PM
i have not ever felt anything from 250mg of deca.

10-01-2016, 09:48 PM
I've ran it at 200mg on TRT just to keep the joints lubed up.

10-14-2016, 09:05 PM
As little as 100mgs a week of deca will help for joint support i am do this.

10-14-2016, 09:30 PM
Running 500MG/week (not related to your TRT doses)... but have the damn opposite of the dreaded Deca Donkey... May be the 600 Test or GH.. not sure... but shittttttt

11-19-2016, 10:57 AM
I want to run 200mg of Deca with my TRT which is 200mg of Test C more to help with my joints. Just have a couple of questions about it.
Do i do a half of a CC for each twice a week?
Do I start it the week following the end of my cycle?
And does the doesage seem right?