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10-05-2016, 03:52 AM
Running ifbb test cyp at 600mg a week.
12 weeks.

Today was my first pin. It was so much easier than I thought it would be. Literally no pain as I slid the the needle into my quad. 30 Minutes later I'm meeting my buddy at the gym. It's leg day. We smashed through our workout. I loved every minute of it. Going to be upping my calories by about 500 or so and see how my gains are this first month. Next pin is friday.

10-05-2016, 05:31 AM
Congrats bro! You'll really love it in another 3-4 weeks!!! What are you doing for an AI?

10-05-2016, 01:08 PM
I've got adex. Just gonna start out with a .5mg every 3. And just adjust. But I'll be getting bloods week 5 or week 6 so I'll know my levels.

10-05-2016, 01:14 PM
Woke up today and my leg is a little sore but no injection marks or anything strange. Actually pretty proud of myself for my first time injecting. I think I did a good job. Stretching and walking the dog helped. Now it's time to hit the gym.

10-05-2016, 08:17 PM
Good to hear. The gym is where You need to preform best!

Kind regards,
Your OffshorePharma (http://www.offshorepharmashop.com) Team

Gym and kitchen!

10-06-2016, 06:49 AM
AGREE brother.

Thanks for the add on!

Kind regards,
Your OffshorePharma (http://www.offshorepharmashop.com) Team

No problem brother. Too many guys out there that think all they need is gear and gym and they'll make mad gains.

10-07-2016, 01:26 PM
For sure brothers. Luckily I'm a sous chef at a pretty amazing local restaurant. Counting macros and eating clean are like second nature to me.

10-07-2016, 01:48 PM
Morning bro, get after it!!!

10-07-2016, 01:51 PM
Second pin this am. Hitting chest then eating and work for the rest of the day.

10-19-2016, 02:24 AM
Alright been busy but it's week 3. Slamming plates around. Feeling great. No bloating or any acne. Eating like a champ. Body temperature seems elevated a little. I'm getting hot easily but not too bad where I'm sweating like crazy. Dick game strong.

10-23-2016, 01:54 PM
Week 3 in the books. My recovery seems enhanced. Intensity in the gym has increased. I feel like I'm getting more intense pumps. Diet has been reallyy good but I'm going to eat more calories starting next week. Just going to see how jumping up 200-400 works out for me. Also I'm up 7 lbs but my girlfriend said I look leaner.

10-23-2016, 05:40 PM
Week 3 in the books. My recovery seems enhanced. Intensity in the gym has increased. I feel like I'm getting more intense pumps. Diet has been reallyy good but I'm going to eat more calories starting next week. Just going to see how jumping up 200-400 works out for me. Also I'm up 7 lbs but my girlfriend said I look leaner.

Awesome! You should really start seeing and feeling it even more in the next couple weeks coming up.

Good plan on the calories too. Personally I'm a fan of the lean bulk as I'd rather not put on a ton of fat for my gains. If you put on 10 pounds of muscle and 3 pounds of fat, great! But I don't see the point of putting on 10 pounds of muscle and 10-20 pounds of fat in the same amount of time. Seems like a waste to me.

Keep it up!

10-24-2016, 01:07 PM
Morning bro, new week new gainz!!

10-26-2016, 05:07 PM
Ok here is a little update brothers.

We are midway thru week 4. My body temp has seemed to chill out a bit. No longer sweating my balls off at work. Got a little bit of acne starting up in the pits. No biggie it cleared up in few days. Nipples seem regular to me. Libido is pretty much uncontrollable. Erections are frequent and hard. I'm a god damn animal. Workouts are intense. Pumps are splitting. Muscles are hard. Body composition is improved with most noticeable differences in my traps and quads. Feeling great. My chest is sore as shit. Haven't really tried to go super heavy and break prs yet but im increasing volume almost every workout and hitting rep prs. Bloods in 1.5 weeks to see where my estrogen really is right now. I feel super good every single day. No bloating. Energy is high. Alert as shit. Does this sound like my estrogen is in check? I mean is it possible to have too high of estro yet experience none of the symptoms?

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10-26-2016, 05:28 PM
Yea, some people are sensitive to estro and get swollen nipples and the whole bit from slightly elevated levels. Other people are the opposite and can have quite high levels and show no adverse effects. Most people fall somewhere in the middle but I have seen extremes either way.

Glad to see your cycle is going well. If everything is going this good you may want to consider going 15 weeks. Remember to get plenty of rest as many people end up a bit overworked and catch a cold mid cycle.

I'll be following along. If you get a chance post up some pics.

10-31-2016, 06:55 PM
It's week 5 now brothers.

Saturday was probably when I first felt the test really kicking in my system. I had a great workout. It was a push day and my first working set felt like a warmup. My buddy who I train with was surprised by my seemingly sudden strength gains. He has been great about amping up intensity. I will say when I hit strict presses my delts are on fire (in a good way) and that makes me happy cuz who doesn't want boulder shoulders.

Then we get to the rest of the day. Work was super busy and I definitely lost my cool a few times over trivial things. I managed to contain my lack of patience to just grumbling to myself though. So not major outbursts yet.

That night was a stupid halloween party. I don't drink anymore so going out to social events like that definately isn't my thing. Yet my girl forces me to go so here we are. It's hot as shit in the party. Well I was hot, no one else seemed to be. My face was flushed and it was just uncomfortable to be there. Not to mention not a single other motherfucker there even lifts. I had a relatively short fuse before I was on aas, but now it seems exceptionally short. I ended up walking home by myself after arguing with my girlfriend. I told her that no party is going to fuck with my eating or sleeping. Probably a little bit harsh but to me I'm keeping true to myself.

I'll wrap this up before it gets any longer. I truly feel like I'm on top of my game right now. I'm just a better version of myself. Looking forward to these next 2 months.

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10-31-2016, 07:34 PM
Good stuff man. You should definitely be feeling that test now.

Keep those workouts strong. Having a set time and routine really helps out.

Good luck with your girl. I dated a chick that loved the party/social life. It really isn't my thing so we eventually split. My wife now is awesome, we usually plan a set time to leave. Usually about 2 hours in unless we both want to stay. I usually make sure I lifted the day of and hit close to my macros. We don't really go out on week nights so I'm not too worried about the sleep.

You got it bro. Keep up the good lifting sessions! :a8e7b4c2:

10-31-2016, 09:38 PM
Ya me and the girl have been with each other for a long time. Always find a way to figure things out together so far.

Tomorrow is leg day. It's going to be a great day. Also going grocery shopping which is fun for me cuz well i love food. Lately, when I'm about to eat a meal, I've noticed I almost feel giggly high. My inner monologue...."fuck ya gonna smash this chicken." It's like I get a rush of euphoria before I eat. A happy feeling.

I guess ive been accidently over drawing my doses and probably pinning closer to 1.2ml each time. My first vial was done after my 8th shot. Opps. I don't really care though, I feel beyond good.

I'm going to be ordering my mid cycle bloods this week. Female hormone panel from privatemdlabs is the best bang for buck option I believe. Not sure if an uncapped test is worth the extra money.

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10-31-2016, 09:58 PM
First one You never forget and it sure does give You that mental power as well. Use it. And keep us posted.

True story: I never thought I would be able to inject my self my ex-wife did it for me in the past. But first time I did it on my own and was successful I never looked back. and by the way I wouldn't ask her to do it now. Haha

10-31-2016, 10:03 PM
Definitely get the uncapped results If we know your dose and time since last pin we can calculate how well the gear is dosed.

11-02-2016, 02:32 PM
Why the fuck is there a female personal trainer st my gym who is 45% body fat...?

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11-07-2016, 02:52 PM
Arm day
Biceps, triceps and forearms

I like to hit the bigger movements with the 6 to 8 rep range(barbell curls, close grip bench) then move to 12 to 15 rep range for the more isolated. (Concentration curls, pressdowns)

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11-07-2016, 02:54 PM
Also on another note been with my girl for almost 10 years and we had some crazy fucking sex. Like that bitch went nuts. Lololol.

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11-27-2016, 02:33 PM
Still alive over here just been busy.

So week 8 is ending now. I'll be updating soon. Gonna try to condense my thoughts and put everything in a format that is easier to follow.

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11-27-2016, 03:03 PM
i agree the kitchen is the hardest part for me, mainly because i work 80 to 90 hours a week. hard to prepare my meals, i live off a lot of chicken breast and protein shakes.

11-27-2016, 03:22 PM
Definitely get the uncapped results If we know your dose and time since last pin we can calculate how well the gear is dosed.

+1 on this. It's worth the extra money.

12-16-2016, 08:02 PM
Gonna try to not be so lazy on the last part of this log.

I promise I have no been lazy in the gym or in the kitchen.

My starting stats.
27 years old
6ft 1
16-18% bf
Im nervous to post pics cuz my whole damn body is tattooed so it's hard keep anonymity. I store most of my fat in my lower belly.

Weeks 1-12 600mg test cyp
Experimented with adex dosing for the first 7 weeks or so. No estrogen sides whatsoever.
Won some pharmacom dbol from a contest and me not being able to resist started off with 40mg. No sides after 7 days so I upped my dose to 50mg a day. I know this was probably an ill-advised move but I figured I could stop the dbol at anytime and it does have a short half life and I have plenty of ancilleries to combat any symptoms.

Fast forward to now. Been on dbol for about a month. No issues. I am breaking prs just about every week it feels great. Not to mention I am noticebly leaner. I got called skinny the other day which hasn't happened to me since I was 14. I just laughed. I'm 15 lbs heavier than I was 2 and half months ago and I can see some upper abs trying to show.

My libido has been annoyingly strong. I see a girl smile and I can't control my little man down there. He's a damn savage. I've been doing my best to try to think about other things.

As far as sides go I have experienced some androgenic activity. Just a few bumpy patches under my armpits and my back hair seemed to be growing in thicker and darker. Shaved it off and I feel so much better. I cannot say I have experienced any bloating or extreme water retention. My girlfriend is a nurse so I've been having her check my blood pressure and it's been within normal range just a little bit high. What is strange is that tudca gave me the worst migraines headache I've ever had. I stopped taking it and I've been feeling great since.

For me the best part is knowing that I've been taking two aromatizing steroids and knowing my estrogen is in control. And I'm getting the type of gains that I've been after.

I'm going to be finishing this month strong and continue ing with updates for how my pct is going.

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12-17-2016, 04:39 PM
Leg day today.

80grams Oats
2 scoops protein
4 oz fairlife chocolate milk
1 scoop animal fury pre workout
Now adam Multivitamin
1.2g Fish oil
50mg dbol pre

5 sets of squats 12 5 5 5 5
Leg Extensions 4 sets of 12
Hamstring machine 3 sets of 12 to 15
Calf raises 3 sets of 12
Abducter thing 3 sets each way 12 reps
Leg press finisher 3 sets of 10

Feeling really good. Just wish I didn't have to work the rest of the day.

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12-17-2016, 09:27 PM
Enjoy the weekend bro!
Thanks man. The weather tomorrow is supposed to be -16 degrees with a -35 wind chill. Gonna make some special gains chili to keep me warm.

12-20-2016, 02:49 AM
Took a rest day today.

Meals went down easy. Feeling big and strong so going to do a light workout tonight at home and some cardio. Can't believe I only have 2 pins to go.

This first cycle has gone by so fast.
Definitely nervous heading into pct but I know I've got the brotherhood to help if I have any questions.

12-20-2016, 03:30 AM
You gunna post before and afters?

12-20-2016, 03:55 AM
Thanks man. The weather tomorrow is supposed to be -16 degrees with a -35 wind chill. Gonna make some special gains chili to keep me warm.

That's sounds pretty damn awful. Don't miss that shit.

12-28-2016, 10:42 PM
This ride is coming to an end. Pct will begin next week.

Staying positive here. Going to push myself and give it my all so that I can keep these gains.

Actually looking forward to getting back to natty. Going to start planning what I want to run this summer.

My first cycle experience was a good one thanks to the brothers here. Glad I found such a great place to learn and share.

12-28-2016, 11:09 PM
How long are you taking between last pin and PCT?

12-28-2016, 11:14 PM
This ride is coming to an end. Pct will begin next week.

Staying positive here. Going to push myself and give it my all so that I can keep these gains.

Actually looking forward to getting back to natty. Going to start planning what I want to run this summer.

My first cycle experience was a good one thanks to the brothers here. Glad I found such a great place to learn and share.

Awesome to hear man. Glad all went well and you enjoyed it. Make sure not to lower your food too fast if you are planning on it. Wanna make sure you keep those muscles fed and keep all your hard work!! Good luck in PcT!

12-29-2016, 02:31 AM
Awesome to hear man. Glad all went well and you enjoyed it. Make sure not to lower your food too fast if you are planning on it. Wanna make sure you keep those muscles fed and keep all your hard work!! Good luck in PcT!
Thanks brother.

Yup I'm going to just continue on with my same diet and training and pretend like nothings changing.

12-30-2016, 12:33 AM
Bro split today
Biceps and triceps
Supersets and dropset

Followed my buddies workout so it wasn't the most intense session, but I got a good pump and hit some volume.

Lots of hotties Mirin at the gym tonight too.

12-30-2016, 01:35 AM
Awesome! One thing is for sure, the mirin never gets old. I stopped by my wife's work and after I left apparently I was the talk of all the nurses. Fuck yeah.

12-30-2016, 10:12 PM
Awesome! One thing is for sure, the mirin never gets old. I stopped by my wife's work and after I left apparently I was the talk of all the nurses. Fuck yeah.
My girl is a nurse too! Shes right out of school though so I don't wanna show up and throw her off her game with my sexiness since she's so new and still learning. One day, though.

12-31-2016, 02:18 AM
My girl is a nurse too! Shes right out of school though so I don't wanna show up and throw her off her game with my sexiness since she's so new and still learning. One day, though.

Haha!!!!!! Gotta keep her focused on those sick people. Good call bro, good call.

12-31-2016, 06:28 PM
So woke today and my shoulder was killing me. I had a rest day yesterday and it was a easy arm day on thursday too!....whatever. just gonna go light on chest and get a nice stretch and all that today.

Well workout was really good. Didn't have any shoulder pain while working out at my normal intensity. So doesn't seem to be a very serious injury. Just gonna pay attention to it and go from there.

I could not resist checking the scale today. Well weighed in at 203 lbs today so looks like I'm dropped a shitt on of water since dropping the dbol. God damn I was 220 like 3 weeks ago.
Been I'm liking the way I look now and the best part is bros. I feel fucking great.

12-31-2016, 06:43 PM
BTW diet has been the same. I was coming out of a deficit at the beginning of the cycle weighing 198lbs eating 2200 calories a day. Bumped up to 3100 calories while on cycle and have had 5000 calroies refeed days once a week to really try to feed my muscles.
Now I'm 9 days post last injection and have maintained my diet as well.

01-02-2017, 06:52 PM
New years party was fun. Got off work and got to the party with my fairlife milk and food in hand. Ate in front of everyone and definately caught some strange looks. It was great. Had people coming up to me asking about lifting and diet. I might have inspired a few buddies to start taking their health more seriously. Only time will tell if they actually follow through.

On a side note my libido is through the roof still. I am almost perma-hard. My girl danced on me for a second and I had to make her stop cuz I was getting a raging boner. I was expecting a drop-off by now but feeling good that I haven't had one.

Woke up new years day made breakfast for myself. Drove to gym. Smashed arms. Drove home. Ate again and drove back to the house party to pick up my girl who was still sleeping. Had a great afternoon with her involving tons of sex and more food. I also got some amazing sleep last night. Passed out early and got about 11 hours.

Woke up this morning and went to gym for chest day. My God was it busy. So many people fucking up my safe place. Can't wait for them to give up on themselves.

01-02-2017, 06:53 PM
Also my shoulder is good to go now. Rubbed in some biofreeze and it worked wonders.

01-02-2017, 06:56 PM
Also my shoulder is good to go now. Rubbed in some biofreeze and it worked wonders.

My grandma loves that shit hahaha

01-03-2017, 09:14 PM
Leg day
10 sets of 10 skwaats
4 sets leg extention
4 sets leg press
4 sets seated Calf raise
4 sets superset leg raises
2 sets of conventional deadlifts
1 set sumo dl

Leg pump was delicious. One of the best I've had. Felt fucking strong today.

01-07-2017, 05:21 PM
Well 3 days in on pct.

Feeling great. Scheduled some bloods in like 4 days. Just wanna see where I'm at. Then I'll get again after pct.

01-11-2017, 04:40 PM
Just chilling through this pct.
Libido is still high.

01-25-2017, 01:16 PM
Proud to announce pct has been completed. My penis works like a champ. All my levels are within range and feeling healthy as can be.

01-25-2017, 01:18 PM
Proud to announce pct has been completed. My penis works like a champ. All my levels are within range and feeling healthy as can be.

Awesome news. Congrats on a successful first cycle bro.

01-25-2017, 01:35 PM
Thanks fitraver.

I learned a lot about myself during this time. Definitely stoked to see how I progress going forward. This is truly just the beginning.

01-25-2017, 05:48 PM