View Full Version : weight loss advice

10-14-2016, 07:00 PM
I have a really hard time trying to loss weight. I have tried so much to try to loss weight and keep it off but it always comes back but is even harder to get it off again. I will admit i dont excerise or eat like i should but trying to get back to eating right and working out. I work in a call center dispatching road aide assistance so you can imagine i dont get a lot of movement at work. All advice is appreciated i need all i can get. Thanks guys

10-14-2016, 08:35 PM
I sit at a desk all day as well brotha. Just have to track your cals and see for yourself.

Start out slowly dude. Get up early a cpl days a week and go for a walk before breakfast. It will become routine after awhile.

Download an app like myfitnesspal and figure out how many calories your normally eat in a day.

Find end healthy foods you don't mind eating, switch to low fat versions of things to start.

They have to be long term changes my man. It's a struggle for us all to make healthy choices but in the long run you'll be much happier!

10-14-2016, 08:37 PM
And stay away from fast food! Once your figure out how many cals you burn in a day you'll be surprised when you learn you just wasted them all for day over 1 extra value meal from McD's

10-14-2016, 10:05 PM
Age unfortunately plays a role to. Metabolisms slow as we get older. Have you ever looked at your thyroid? If you rule that out then you know its diet and exercise.
One thing to keep in mind when trying to loose weight is insulin. The min you spike insulin, your body will store calories as fat. The only time this doesn't apply is after a workout. High glycemic carbs spike insulin, like sugar, white flour(white pasta, white bread). Low glycemic carbs don't give us a big spike in insulin, but rather a slow, small, increase. Carbs like oats, brown rice, yams.
Even though you sit at work all day, you could prep your meals ahead of time so you eat healthy at least. Eating fast food or snacks will cause you to be hungry again few hrs later. Plus will raise insulin, causeing a vicious circle. What I do is cook off 3lbs chix, 1lb brown rice, 2lbs broc for example. You can portion out a bunch in those glad Tupperware, grab 2 ED for work. Buy some almonds and greek yogurts for snacks.
On your days off from work, wake up and do fasted cardio. Start there and slowly add in some extra cardio and some training. Just doing though those first 2, which is minimal, should give you results. If you overwhelm yourself in the beginning, it will be to much. Start small.
Also eat 4-5 times a day. Breakfast, lunch at work, a snack mid day, dinner, 2-3 hrs before bed snack(with casein like cottage cheese/greek yougurt. The reason is if you try and deprive yourself of calories too much, your metabolism will slow and will result in no fatloss. Its ok to have days where you have fewer carbs/cals. keeps body guessing.
I feel you pain though. Its easy to get in a rut once you get off diet and gained weight. Just get that first day under your belt and before you know it a month will have gone by. Otherwise another month will go by that you could have made those changes. Hope this helps....Ty

10-14-2016, 10:27 PM
Cut absolutely all sugars from your diet. Period. If u can control blood sugar and insulin levels, you can control weight gain/loss. Sugars include...sucrose, fructose, glucose, high fructose corn syrup, monosodium glutamine (MSG, this is almost everything we buy at grocery stores) hydrolyzed proteins, trans fat and milk sugars like lactose and maltose. Dont eat anything that comes out of a window, in a box or package...no frozen crap foods either. Sports drinks, full of sugar. There is no need for diets...eat healthy and you are good to go. Any low calorie or low fat foods are loaded with sugar or sugar mimics. When u load up with sugars, the pancreas releases LOTS of insulin which tells the body to store fat and use glucose for fuel (energy). That process cripples fat metabolism. Fat loss is simply being blocked by excess insulin. Beer...no no. Eat healthy fats!!!! Avacados, walnuts, coconut oil, etc etc.
All this junk scrambles your hormones,,,diets and exercise will help temporarily but as you have discovered, it comes right back.

10-14-2016, 10:30 PM
Just read sledgehammers response.....exactly!!! Not many peeps realize this or believe it, but thats whats happening to you. Screw diets, doctors, lots of beer and fast food....eat healthy and you will be good to go. If you can buy real grass fed beef and poultry,,,all the better. The human body just wasnt made to process all this greedy ass crap thats in our food and drink. And when we feed it this crap, hormones go haywire.

10-14-2016, 10:46 PM
I am only 20 and sledge i have high blood pressure as well and i have it under control with meds but i just had labs done to see if my thyroid and some other things have been effected by the blood pressure issue i am just waiting on a call for the doc to see what the results are. Also i am really bad about fast food and snacking it just seems like thats all i have time for but going to try the prep pros premade meals to try and get in healthier food and find healthier snacks the chips and soda. Thanks BOP

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10-14-2016, 11:03 PM
Also thanks all for your advice its greatly appreciated

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10-14-2016, 11:09 PM
Theres your culprit right there, fast food and snacks. Not sure what the prep pros premades are...but if they have sugars and other chemicals, it wont work. Also, the more u can find out the "whys" to your BP and other health conditions, youll be way better off. Find out whats causing your problems and fix....medicine does not heal anything, it relieves a symptom. People should not take meds for maintenance, period. They are not vitamins.
Good luck to you, greed is a terrible thing and thats why we are being diseased from food and drink. Its not hard to realize, our body just doesnt deal well with ... read the ingredients in everything in your food cabinet, fridge. Frozen foods, throw away. You can do it, just eat healthy, kinda intimidating at first but research and find healthy food and drink. The front label loopholes food companies jump thru are unbelievable, but spin that product around read the INGREDIENTS.
Good luck, you can do it!!

10-14-2016, 11:17 PM
Prep pros are a sponsor on here and from the menu they are super healthy. I wish it was that simple not to but we are in the process of finding what the cause is and fixing it. Thank you for the advice defiantly going to try everything

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Loose Cannon
10-15-2016, 12:22 AM
fasted cardio in the am, download myfitness pal and track your food for a defecit. shoot for high volume low calorie foods.

10-15-2016, 04:40 AM
I am only 20 and sledge i have high blood pressure as well and i have it under control with meds but i just had labs done to see if my thyroid and some other things have been effected by the blood pressure issue i am just waiting on a call for the doc to see what the results are. Also i am really bad about fast food and snacking it just seems like thats all i have time for but going to try the prep pros premade meals to try and get in healthier food and find healthier snacks the chips and soda. Thanks BOP

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Hi. Having hypothyroidism(low thyroid) can cause hypertension, or increased blood pressure. Other signs are fatigue, dry skin, gaining weight, or inability to loose weight, depressed mood, sensitivity to cold. Having gone through testing myself, I can tell you Dr.s are poorly educated on the subject.
Let me know the results of your test when you get them. The Dr. should have tested TSH, Free T4, FreeT3. Its the free or unbound hormone that matters, not the totals. If your TSH is over 3.0, you are hypothyroid. It used to be 4.0 but it changed in 2002. Although many Dr.s don't know this. Its really Free T3 levels though that are most important. This is what body uses for energy. T4 needs to be converted to T3 in the body, before its useful. Anyway we are getting ahead of ourselves. It might not even be an issue.
Like I said, don't overwhelm yourself. If you drink soda, switch to diet soda. Ideally you should be drinking 8-10 glasses of water/day. Its important to change your mindset first. Fastfood is toxic, addicting, has little nutrition, and is loaded with calories. Its designed to leave you wanting more. When you eat it, blood sugar levels spike fast and when they fall, you will be hungry again. Its the bodys way of trying to normalize blood sugar levels. Its a nasty cycle.
Give prep pros a shot. If you find yourself in a fastfood joint, order a grilled chicken salad. But use half the dressing. You will find as you eat healthier, you will feel so much better and energy levels will go up. Allow yourself a treat once a week, for one meal. Be careful though it will get away from u. I speak from experience on that one, lol. I have a killer sweet tooth.

10-15-2016, 04:48 AM
Also please get a copy of your labs. You can get them online when there ready or pick them up in person. Don't rely on the Dr.s, they will only tell you if there out of range. But you can have low levels, that fall within range, therefore don't flag, but do tell a story.

10-15-2016, 07:26 PM
What's your current weight and bodyfat?

10-15-2016, 09:14 PM
Current weight is about 150 and not sure body fat but most my weight is fat

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10-15-2016, 11:18 PM
That's lightweight, I would just focus on building muscle.

01-09-2017, 12:20 PM
Sledgehammer has some good advice. You need to rule out hypothyroidism, and if you have it, get it managed. That will help IMMENSELY. Once you start losing weight, the hypertension will most likely come under control.

There are a number of approaches you can follow to lose bodyfat, but they ALL come down to: Calories in < Calories out. Concentrate on eating enough protein & fiber (veggies), minimize your carbohydrates (especially simple carbs). You could try a LOW carb approach (concentrating on protein & fat) or more moderate carb. Just realize that the things that will keep you full & satisfied are protein & fiber. Eliminate liquid calories as much as possible. They don't do jack to keep you satisfied throughout the day.

Conversely to Sledgehammer's suggestion, I employ Intermittent Fasting (IF). I actually eat TWO larger meals at the end of the day as opposed to 5-6 small ones. I use a 16/8 protocol, where I fast for 16 hrs & have an 8 hr eating window. Most authorities recommend 14/10 for females due to your hormones. Considering your daily calories will probably be around 1500ish, 5 meals of 300 Cal MAY not be satisfying. Personally, those meals would be just large enough to piss me off. IF makes my meals larger & more satisfying, and meal prep is a lot simpler. Check out Joy Victoria - (http://fitnessbaddies.com/). Joy Victoria is pretty awesome. I like her writing.

Another IF guide: The Leangains Guide | Intermittent fasting diet for fat loss, muscle gain and health (http://www.leangains.com/2010/04/leangains-guide.html)

That's lightweight, I would just focus on building muscle.

I couldn't agree MORE! Hopefully, she won't be afraid she'll turn into she-hulk if she touches a barbell and starts to lift semi-heavy. Eating at/just below maintenance, her body would still respond by adding muscle for a while, thus speeding her metabolism up. If you're lifting, don't be discouraged if the scale doesn't move! Muscle is far denser than fat! Learn the basic compound barbell movements & do a program based around them. Your body WILL respond, and I PROMISE you that you won't be disappointed!