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View Full Version : First Blast to TRT

11-04-2016, 08:15 PM
I posted this in the AAS section but was new and realized it may be best to ask here. *MOD please delete my previous post if necessary* I'll keep it much shorter and to the point in this post.

I'm currently 165lbs, about 12% bf, 27, and on 200mg/wk for my trt.

I'm looking to gain some solid mass staying as lean as possible.

I'd like to keep my test at its trt dose if possible and looking for suggestions on what other options I could add to it for a solid run

Some I've seen suggested are:
- Mast E at 400mg
- Tren A at 175mg

What are some cycles you guys would suggest based on my goal to add lean mass (obviously I know diet will be key, but let's assume that's on par and all other things equal).

This would only be my third "cycle".

The "smarter" part of me says I should just up my test this time around again, to say 5-600, figure out how much adex I need at that dose so I'll know in the future and not have to find that out the hard way with other compounds. Guess that's an option too, maybe the wisest :/