View Full Version : a couple more questions on test suspension

11-18-2016, 02:45 AM
so i received some aqua test. 100mg/ml. i heard this stuff is supposed to give u maaaad pip. i injected my delts with a 29gauge half inch slin pin yesterday and got absolutely no pip. i felt a little different at the gym but nothing insane. pinned another 100mg pre workout today and yea i probably had a sense of well being, did push myself a bit harder but is this how its supposed to be? im really wondering about the pip. i injected 250mg of test e today and still have pip from that this morning. but nothing from the test suspension i pinned a few hours ago. also its normal for it to be milky/cloudy right? thanks boys

11-18-2016, 02:54 AM
Milky cloudy is from it being water solution so yes that's normal for most part , water suspensions aren't as clear and pretty as oil preps were the compound is fully disolved its literally suspended in a water solution,,,most base esters especially water can cause some pip however the lack of pip isn't necessarily a bad thing ,,you should be prepared for it however dont completely rely on it let u know what's up with your gear there are some pretty good cooks out there making painless stuff. Keep us posted dude

11-18-2016, 02:58 AM
Test suspension is usually cloudy. Try using TNE (test no ester) instead. It gets in and out of your system quicker than suspension. When I use TNE at anywhere from 50mg-70mg I get a big boost of energy, become a super alpha male and can workout longer and harder than normal within about an hour. Usually suspension hurts because the test crystals stay after the oil/water gets absorbed by your body.

11-18-2016, 03:06 AM
thanks guys, i think i should shake the vial before using it. maybe that could have been a reason i didnt feel as if i was getting the most out of it. just shook the vial and there was deff a difference in appearance. and wow i didnt even know there was a difference between tne and test suspenion lol. figured both of them did not have esters

11-18-2016, 04:01 AM
For some reason any water solutions I've used I've never gotten pip. I heard before I used it that it was going to hurt but nothing for me. We are all just different.

11-18-2016, 04:29 PM
I have used good suspension and gotten little/no pip. Try pinning more mg and see if that helps. Some cooks will go conservative on the suspension to prevent pip and it being too chunky/thick.

11-19-2016, 01:22 AM
I warm it up every time before I pin it,helps it draw and shoot a lot easier.
Warm up the vial and then warm up the pin with some warm water to help. I rarely get pip from it though,occasionally a day or two after but nothing too bad.

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