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View Full Version : How can someone keep up with the BBing lifestyle? (Your struggles and suggestions)

11-30-2016, 05:01 PM
"What's YOUR routine, and how do you hold yourself accountable?!?!"

Many of us have busy hectic schedules, whether it's work, family, multi jobs, or even school..With this said how do you make the time to keep your promise to the grind, how do you juggle meal preps (do you even meal prep or eat on the lamb),do you have a partner that helps you with your goals, prepping, training, eating?

What's your biggest struggle in this lifestyle? What motivates you,how do you keep the passion and dedication on fire?

Share your stories with the brotherhood.. Give some tips if you have any, or suggestions on how to simplify things in order to save time that creates more time for the grind!

Are you a college student and train religiously tell us how you keep up with the lifestyle? Do you walk away from parting and is it difficult for you? Give some of the other young guys some of your great ideas for improved nutrition, supplementation, time management...

(Share meal ideas too) meals on the go, or cheap eats that meet your daily macro's!

11-30-2016, 05:08 PM
My biggest struggle was finding a steady gym time. I have a wife and 3yr old so I want to go home and spend time with them after work. On most nights I get home around 5pm and my daughter is asleep by 9 so I only get to spend a few hours with her. Working out in the morning before work is my best option. They are still asleep when I leave in the morning so I don't miss any time with the family. I don't feel rushed and I can get in a great AM session 5 days a week without feeling rushed. It was hard as hell getting up the first few months and if I take any time off (usually from catching a cold) it is really tough to get back to waking up at 4:30 but thats life. My wife helps with diet big time. She is awesome at food prepping. Drugs are easy (thanks to BOP) and rest seems to sort itself out. There are days I just can't get up and end up taking the day off. Not too much lately though.

11-30-2016, 05:17 PM
I work 6am till afternoon as well. I'm married and have son that is 6 now. When he was younger I just would go to gym myself but by time I got home everyone was going to bed. Here recently wife has started lifting with me and my son likes to come to gym as well Which works out since we don't have a baby sitter so we just ALL head to gym together in evenings lol

That's been working out nicely!! And son will actually try to lift some and even get on treadmill often. And he asks about calories and what's protein etc. he's actually learning and picking up on our lifestyle.

So ya what used to be a solo thing for me is now a family thing pretty cool.

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11-30-2016, 05:22 PM
^ Hell yea man thats badass! We joined a gym that had a child care section and went as a family once. It was pretty cool. The kiddo loved the play area and we got to work out but it didn't seem to catch on. My wife is big into diet and lifts occasionally but I am much more dedicated to gym time. I'm glad that is working for you. Juggling family/gym was the toughest for me.

11-30-2016, 05:25 PM
The hardest part was when I was natural. I would train hard and continually get up to 220 lean and then exams would hit and i would regress/get sick. Due to years of this process repeating itself, I finally got diagnosed and placed on TRT. TRT gave me the energy to move forward through anything.

11-30-2016, 05:37 PM
I'm with you guys. I wake up early on some days. 330am! Other days I bring my daughter to the gym with me.
When I'm feeling less than motivated I usually just tell myself or actually remind myself to just get into the gym and start doing some thing and I will start to feel better.
Basic food preparation is about 30 to 45 min of my day

11-30-2016, 05:55 PM
Cheap eats?? what do you guys have for cheap eat ideas??

I'm a chop meat,egg and top roman mix kinda guy on cheap eat days.. I mix it all with some cheese..

Now and then I blend my chicken dry (shred it) and add it to rice, its a fast on the go meal, I can literally shovel it and wash it down with a mouth full of water, no chewing involved.. Or I blend my oats drys, make a powder and add to protein shakes or pre-workout.. It mixes great like any other power (basically its flower)..

Try blending your oast dry, it works great as a on the go powder mix!

11-30-2016, 07:21 PM
For me I use a 6 pack bag to hold all my containers of food for when I'm at work.
We still live in a world where if an employee stops for a cigarette it's ok but if you go eat a quick meal your goofing off! So like you said vision anything where you can slam it down is good.

Oatmeal with vanilla protein powder can sit in a container all day. And u don't have to heat it. Just eat it. But you need a spoon ! I carry around a camping Spoon /fork/knife in my 6 pack bag

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11-30-2016, 07:35 PM
For me I use a 6 pack bag to hold all my containers of food for when I'm at work.
We still live in a world where if an employee stops for a cigarette it's ok but if you go eat a quick meal your goofing off! So like you said vision anything where you can slam it down is good.

Oatmeal with vanilla protein powder can sit in a container all day. And u don't have to heat it. Just eat it. But you need a spoon ! I carry around a camping Spoon /fork/knife in my 6 pack bag

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Brother you are 100% spot-on about the cigarette comparison.... so many of the guys under me what make remarks about my position in the company saying that I have a pampered position because it was seen me eat often, but they forget the fact that I give them two 15-minute breaks and a lunch break at the same time they break in between for cigarettes... not including the over usage and abuse of cell phone usage...

Whenever I'm on the go if I cannot eat my meal I will drink my meal, and if that includes blending up certain foods so I can slam it down so be it long as I need my daily macros...

I have been in the habit of packing my meals for work for as long as I can remember... and whatever I don't finish goes right in the refrigerator for the next day... I have a really unique system with my meals I have a separate compartment for heated meals and a different compartment for my Beverages and protein drinks.... I have very bad OCD but it works well for me..

11-30-2016, 07:51 PM
OCD is your friend in the case of meal prep.!

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11-30-2016, 08:01 PM
When I first started really dialing on my macros a very very long time ago my biggest difficulty was dealing with texture.... certain foods I just could not deal especially canned tuna fish... I hate yams or sweet potatoes the texture would make me vomit but anymore I got over all of that silly shit I just open my mouth and swallow....

11-30-2016, 08:04 PM
Like a shark! One day you may shit out a license plate or a boot!

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11-30-2016, 10:10 PM
Like a shark! One day you may shit out a license plate or a boot!

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I just laughed my ass off!! that was funny

12-01-2016, 12:12 AM
I have a wife and 4 kids. I work full time. I have 3 dedicated gym days at specific times. The other days of the week I try to fit cardio in at home on a treadmill or upright bike.

My wife does most of my meal prepping and for that I'm thankful.

12-01-2016, 12:49 AM
Ive been rolling some of my meals in these rice sheets that i but at a chinese market,they look like flour tortillas,..i can just pull them out and eat them while im working