View Full Version : BD Dbol 50mg

12-24-2016, 03:24 PM
Has anyone cycled BD Dbol 50mg tabs. Any success with it? And how often did you break up the tabs?

12-24-2016, 03:53 PM
I have not had bd dbol in particular. But, I usually split my doses of dbol 25mg am & 25mg pm. I believe dbol has a half life of 8 hours or so.

12-24-2016, 04:37 PM
I never tried bd dbol but I take my dbol or tbol all at once it is hard to keep your blood level the same unless your waking up in the middle of the night taking 1 tab. I take mine about an hour before I work out crazy pumps

12-24-2016, 05:08 PM
Thanks bro, I thought I got the 10mg but I ordered 50mg instead. So I was just curious if that would be too much to take all at once

12-24-2016, 06:20 PM
nope your good I usually stay around 60 no more than 75 just wasting it a lot of people take it at once

12-25-2016, 08:23 PM
I did 50mg pre workout, Didn't bother splitting it up. Most people wil tell you they noticed no increased effects from breaking up the dose but if it gives you peace of mind, then go right ahead. It wont hurt.