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01-18-2017, 10:18 PM
Starting my first cycle. Been training seriously for 4 years. Eating seriously for 2 years.

I couldn't train seriously (no bench, no shoulder) for the last 3 months due to a recurrent right shoulder rotator injury. Turns out the way I was sleeping had something to do with it. But that just gave me more time to cook and eat well.

Anyway, my stats are as follow:

Age - 26
Weight - 158 lb
Height - 177 (5'10")

Haven't benched properly in over 2.5 months (due to injury). Bench was 155@7reps, before I stopped (currently I'm doing 135 again). Squats are 200@7.


Weight + 12lb
Bench 165@7
Squat 230@7

My cycle is as follows:

Weeks 1-12:
a. Test E @ 500mg/Week (Split into two doses of 250 mg). IFBB
b. Adex @ 0.25mg/2 days (starting day 2, going on until week 14) IFBB
c. HCG @ 250 iu/ 3.5 days (starting week 2) IFBB

Weeks 3 - 7:
a. DBol ~ 30mg/day
(Nolva on hand for gyno)

Weeks 14-16 (PCT)
Nolva 40/20/20/20 GearPro
Clomid 75/50/50/50 IFBB

I'm dbol as a kind of mental booster, something that will make sure that the first 6 weeks are solid as hell (winters are depressing). Also, I've seen my good friend do it, and watching yourself lift like an animal in just 2 weeks time, is one hell of a stimulation.


Peanut butter, Oats (with cinnamon), Whole Milk, 3 eggs, One slice of toast: P45g/C85g/F30g

Chicken Thighs, Brown Rice, Broccoli: P60g/C85g/F25g

Tilapia/Chicken Breast, Brown Rice, Broccoli: P60g/C85g/F15g

Same as lunch or dinner

Optional Meals:
Beef Curry, Panfried Salmon, Butter Chicken, Beef Rump Pot Roast, Ham and Cheese Omlette, Panda Express (for those days)

Total ~ P:200g/C:350/F:100g = 3100 - 3500 KCals.

Not going to be taking any protein shakes, cause I can't stand the artificial sweetener anymore. But got a tub lying around if I change my mind.

Just happy to be finally able to do this. Also big shoutout to IFBB and GearPro for good service.

Appreciate the support!

01-19-2017, 02:40 AM
Welcome aboard man. Looks like you've done your research and I commend you for that.

Just a few things if you're looking for unsolicited advice ;)

You're pretty young. I'm not going to try talking you out of running the cycle as you have made up your mind, but did you get pre-cycle bloods done? These are important for anyone, but the guys in their early-mid 20's it might even be moreso as you'll want to have an idea of where you should be to get an idea of how successful your pct is.

If you're set on the dbol, why not start it from the beginning? On the other hand, I understand wanting to run it, but having an idea of where your test and, more importantly, estrogen numbers land with just your test base is great information to have. Something to consider.

Just for clarification-you're increasing the Adex up until week 14 or you're simply running it at that dose through week 14? It's best to get your uncapped mid-cycle bloods and then adjust your AI as needed. I do think you have a pretty good starting point though. Also, you may already know this, but a small portion of the population are very sensitive to Adex. You don't know until you run it, but if you start getting signs of low estrogen you just might be one of the unlucky (?) few.

You probably meant 250iu on the HCG, but that's just a typo. I feel it's a good call to run this throughout your cycle as it should help your pct be successful.

All in all everything looks good man! Looking forward to seeing the results!

01-19-2017, 02:57 AM
Thanks for the unsolicited advice :beguiled:.

Adex, I'm planning to keep constant up until week 14.

I have two weeks before my 1st pin, so hopefully I'll get my pre-cycle bloods done in that period (else I'll have to delay my 1st pin).

I appreciate you taking the time to give a detailed response, I'll definitely get mid-cycle bloods done and adjust the AI.

As for Dbol, I really really want to do it, but common sense is telling me to do otherwise.

Will post updates soon.


01-19-2017, 05:35 AM
Based on your user name, I gotta ask-are you a Bill Watterson fan?

01-19-2017, 02:27 PM
Yeah, I grew up reading Calvin & Hobbes. ;)

01-20-2017, 08:15 PM
Looking forward to following along bro!

What's on the menu today?

01-21-2017, 04:33 AM
Workout and menu looks good to go bro

02-19-2017, 01:47 AM
how about an update?

03-04-2017, 04:20 AM
I got the gear, did my bloods, purchased accessories, all was going well and then I injured my rotator cuff again (by sleeping awkwardly on it), then I got the flu, and now my mom will visit and stay for a month and a half.

I'm pretty sure she will find my gear, and its going to be a task to explain that this is years of research and not the same as popping random pills and shooting up.

I've already saturated my patience in convincing the gf, so just going to wait till mom leaves before I start. Unless someone can share your diplomatic skills (although im pretty sure it is something that can be learned).

Hopefully i'll start on May 15.


03-04-2017, 05:02 AM
Nice stack...U did do your homework... Hopefully this is not your first stack, I would not do dbol until you know how estrogen sensitive you are...

05-22-2017, 04:43 AM
Can proudly say that tonight is inauguration day!

Sunday, May 22, 12:00AM (on a quiet midwestern night)

Pin 1 @ 260mg Test E

Starting weight 158 lbs

Comments: I used a 23G needle to inject. Aspirated clean. Injecting the liquid was very easy. Pulling the needle out was super weird. Nicked my skin a little on the way out.

I remember now that I ordered a bunch of insulin needles as well. Not sure what to do with them since Im not confident of injecting anywhere else.

Anyhoo, what a relief. Phew!

06-03-2017, 02:05 AM
2 weeks down, 4 pins completed.

Pip is creeping up. Tried warming the oil to body temp, injecting slowly, worked a little bit, but still have considerable pip.

Going to switch to the Insulin needles and try the delts instead of quads.

I felt like a f**** beast in the gym today though. Don't know if it was the gear or the pip which was causing it.

Body weight 162 lbs.

Nuts have shrunk a little, but looking sexy as always.