View Full Version : Documentary on Eddie Hall

01-22-2017, 03:26 AM
I've actually just changed from bodybuilding to strongman/powerlifting style routine and I absolutely love it. Focusing on very specific but translatable exercises. I grapple and so a big strong back is important so i can suplex mofos. I'm focusing on deadlifts and log press and grip strength and not wasting my time with four thousand little accessory exercises like I used to. I'm finding it extremely fun and rewarding. And then on my off days I'll bust out a few hundred pushups and bench dips just to get the blood flowing and make me feel like I'm hitting some of the smaller stuff. Love it.

Everyone should watch the documentary on Eddie Hall. Here's the trailer:


Its on netflix here in Canada, not sure about the US but god damn, I was riveted. When Arnold shows up at the deadlift, I got chills. Seriously, watch this movie ya'll.

01-22-2017, 10:39 PM
Copied this in here as well so I remember to watch it. Thanks for this bro!

01-23-2017, 04:24 PM
Its a great watch!!! Pulling that wieght after 17 hour plane...and a previous comp that week...hes THE BEAST