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02-19-2017, 04:20 PM
hey all.
I am 47 5'8" 205lb and have just started TRT and decided to post a log. Dr prescribed test cyp 200mg once a week. Did first shot yesterday, in the quad. Went smooth enough, a little soreness today, but no big deal.
Started working out when I was around 30, never really made any decent progress. I have done one cycle about 10-12 years ago (don't remember exactly when I ran this cycle). 250mg test e and 250mg deca for 12 weeks with Dbol for first 4-6 weeks (don't remember exactly how long I ran it)
I loved that cycle, felt great, super horny all the time, adding more weight to the bar every week.
I plan on sticking with the 200mg per week for the first 3 months before adding anything else, just so I can get an idea of how I feel on it and so I know what/if any gains I make are from just the test.
I have some anavar that I will run with it and after that is used up I will wait a couple of months then I would like to run deca with the test for 3 months.
So this isn't exactly my first cycle, and it isn't even a cycle as I won't be coming off the test cyp, but I will be cycling diff compounds in and out over the next few years.

02-20-2017, 08:41 PM
ok, I know that I won't really feel anything for a couple of weeks but I woke up today feeling a lot less tired than normal. Wasn't yawning all day like I usually am. Also, been extremely hungry since lunch. Diet hasn't changed, ate same amount of calories.
wondering if this is really the test cyp or just placebo. Gonna be hitting the gym later, we'll so how that goes.

02-21-2017, 02:09 AM
well that was cool. did squats and felt great added a few pounds more than last week. next was bench and stuck on same weight as last week. same again on overhead press. felt like I could have done more but had to quit early. If I feel this good 2 days after the first shot I can't wait to see how I feel after 2 weeks!

02-21-2017, 03:22 PM
back to normal today. didn't sleep well last night and feeling tired and yawning a lot. going to do doing back later today, hoping to feel better by then.

02-22-2017, 01:10 AM
did back today. energy levels were ok, but strength was down. missed deadlift that I made twice last time. was frustating, but I pushed thru the whole workout which is something I haven't been able to do due to being tired and fatigue.

02-22-2017, 01:20 AM
keep up me too will start trt but will not had anything else i will do 200 mg like you but will take 100mg 2 time a week ans some HGH

02-24-2017, 01:12 PM
second shot today. went in ok, but could not push plunger. realized that I was pushing so hard the needle was moving. I pulled out and tried again this time holding the needle more firmly. Had to push the plunger really hard to get it moving. It was the same when aspirating. tried pulling back on the plunger to check for blood and it doesn't seem to move so pull harder and the it suddenly comes flying back filling syringe with air.

02-25-2017, 12:46 AM
well I just got back from the gym and it was disappointing. felt like a regular session. was hoping to see a little strength increase, but barely improved on last week and was feeling pretty wiped out by the end.
oh well, it's only been a week. gotta remember this is a marathon not a sprint.

02-26-2017, 12:48 PM
last night I noticed my nipples were sensitive to the touch. gave them a pinch and def a little pain. it's only been just over a week and I'm on a relatively low dose (200mg test cyp a week)
am I getting gyno already?

03-01-2017, 02:20 AM
yesterday I did squats, chest & shoulders. felt good, added a few pounds to my squats from last week. no real increase in strength on chest/shoulders, but was able to do more sets.
today was back and was feeling tired all day and didn't really feel like working out. once I got to the gym and started deadlifts I started feeling better. equaled my best deadlift using straps, but did it without straps. then was able to do pullups, normally I can do 2 or 3 sets before I lose strength, but got a 4th set with same reps. even had energy to do a set of lat pulldowns afterwards.
next was bent barbell row and didn't go heavy but again was able to do more sets and still get the reps. I was getting tired by this point but still wanted to do more. normally I would be feeling washed out and no energy and ready to leave.
I finished up with 3 sets of barbell shrugs, 2 sets of rear delt db flyes and a couple of sets of barbell curls.
I felt like I could have stayed and done more, but my hour was up (I try to limit myself to an hour workout). normally I end leaving early because of feeling tired/no energy.
taking 3rd shot on thursday. can't wait to workout next week. hoping to start seeing some strength gains now I have the energy to workout for an hour.

03-02-2017, 12:29 PM
3rd shot today. I warmed the oil in hot water today to see if that would help. The plunger was still rock hard to push, but pip was a little less. Injection site has normally been sore for a couple of days after, but doesn't feel so bad today.
Will be going out of town tomorrow, probably won't get to workout until Tuesday next week. Hoping to start feeling some pumps and seeing strength gains.

03-08-2017, 08:02 PM
been out of town since last friday. didn't work out, but did lots of walking. drove home yesterday and was throwing up before I even got in the car, I'm guessing food poisoning or some sort of stomach bug. spent all day yesterday sick and ate almost nothing. took today off just to make sure I'm totally recovered. still not really eating much. I hate missing this much gym time and being so far off the diet.
anyway, 3 weeks down and took fourth shot today. it was the easiest yet. no pain, but plunger is still unbelievably stiff. I guess I need to work on forearms and grip strength!
hoping to get to the gym tomorrow and fingers crossed haven't lost too much strength.

03-10-2017, 08:30 PM
Well I missed the gym last night. Pissed about that. Went to the pharmacy to refill prescription and they told me it was too soon. Will have to wait until 03/16 �� which is gonna put we 9 days since last shot. Oh well, hoping for a good workout today. Will have to do full body as I've missed a week of workouts so am thinking two sets each of squats, bench, oh press, pull-ups, rows and if any time left arms/abs

03-10-2017, 11:10 PM
well I made it almost all the way through the workout. had to stop after the pullups, no time (or energy) for bent over rows. strength was about 90% where I was so not too bad considering not working out for a week, being off diet for a week and then sick :(

03-15-2017, 10:48 AM
did legs/chest/shoulders monday. felt good, didn't move extra weight but did an extra set with same weight/reps. yesterday was back, struggled with same weight as last week on the deadlift. pullups and barbell rows were good though. energy levels were good and I felt like I could have done more, but I ran out of time.
would have taken a shot today, but cannot get prescription filled until friday so will have to wait until then.
not seeing any change in weight or waist measurement

03-16-2017, 11:24 PM
I have been consistent with my diet and training for a few weeks now and I am not losing weight or waist measurement so I figured I need to add some in cardio. I work in a tall building and at lunch I decided to walk the stairs to the top floor. I had to stop at 15th floor for 30 secs and again at 20 but made it to the top and then back down ok.
I can barely walk today my calves are so sore!! they don't even get this sore when I workout. Limping around today looking like I don't know what.

03-16-2017, 11:28 PM
got my prescription today. 4 1ml vials. they will only give me a 28 day supply and I get refill early so I have to wait until it's all gone before I can get a refill. easiest shot yet although I did hit a nerve it was no big deal, even the plunger which is normally so hard to push went in with no problem. it wasn't until I finished and was putting on a band aid that I realized how low on the thigh I had gone. It shouldn't be an issue, right? I mean it was still way above the knee. I normally aim for half down between the hip and knee and this is more 3/4 the way down.

03-18-2017, 01:27 AM
had a good work out today. started with squats and using same weight as last time I was able to get more reps. then I superset pushups and bodyweight rows. next up is shoulders and I did a giant set of bent over rear delt flyes, side raises and seated oh db press all with the same db. did that twice then did some pullups. was out of breath from all that but still felt like I had energy to do more so finished with some db shrugs 2 sets and then a farmers walk. felt pretty wiped out, but with a rest could do more except ran out of time.
can't believe how sore my calves are. I can barely walk, and now my legs are weak from the squats I am struggling to get off the couch!

03-19-2017, 07:48 PM
so I know my current calorie and training must be maintenance level as I'm not losing weight so I am going to start adding more cardio. I did the stairs on wed and my calves are still sore! unbelievable I know. today I went for a run around my neighborhood, and it was ok on the cardio side of things, but I had to stop and walk several times as my lower back was cramping up. it was just like when I take dbol on back day. this happen to anyone else? I'm only on 200mg to test a week and I normally don't have this issue when not on.

03-23-2017, 12:30 AM
monday I normally do squats/chest/shoulders but couldn't get to any of the normal equip that I use. I try to stick to the same exercies and equip for consistency so I can measure progress (or lack of)
so I ended skipping the squats and doing chest/shoulders/triceps.
tuesday I normally do deadlift/pullups/rows but as I skipped squats the day before I decided they were more important than deadlifts so I did them instead. did same amount of reps on pullups as last week, but felt a little easier. did same reps/sets with rows as last week, but with more weight. think it might be because I didn't do the deadlifts.
finished up with shrugs and rear delt db flyes. was sweating like crazy (had coffee before hitting gym) but felt like I could have done more if it wasn't for running out of time

03-23-2017, 12:32 AM
wed is my off day, but as I'm not losing weight I am trying to work in more cardio. I did the stairs at work today. I jogged up them this time as opposed to walking like last week. had to stop a few times to catch my breath, but wasn't super out of breath.
wonder if that was a good idea after doing squats yesterday! hope my calves aren't too sore tomorrow!

03-25-2017, 01:16 AM
started an ECA stack today. had a nice little buzz going all day. hoping that will help trim some of the fat.
did a full body workout today. because of time restraints I superset. started with squats, straight sets. then superset pushups(feet up on bench) with bodyweight rows. next was db oh press/chins superset. finished up with rear db flyes/side raises. man I was sweating buckets. had all the windows down in the car trying to cool off. whenever I was stopped in traffic or at a light I would start dripping with sweat again.

03-27-2017, 11:56 PM
had a really good workout today. it was suprising as I ddin't sleep well last night and was feeling tired. wasn't expecting anything in the gym. but onve I got started I just felt strong. did squats and managed more reps with same weight as last week. added 5lbs to bench and did one less rep over all sets. shoulder press was strong as well. added 10lbs and again only one less rep per set than last time. was the same with dips and overhead tricep extensions. more reps with same weight. and felt like I could have done more if my time wasn't up.
maybe it's the ECA?

03-29-2017, 11:18 PM
did back yesterday and feeling good again. able to do more reps/weight and energy was up all the way to the end of my workout. normally I would have stopped early to exhausted to go on.

03-31-2017, 12:03 AM
checked my weight this morning. no change :(
my wife didn't believe me, she says she can see the change. I measured my waist and was surprised to see it down an inch :)
maybe losing fat/gaining muscle so weight stays the same. I do think I look a little fuller around the shoulders/collarbone area. maybe it's just bloat?

04-01-2017, 12:22 AM
changing up my routine a little. for the last few weeks I've been doing
mon - legs/chest/shoulders
tue - back
wed - off
thu - cardio/calves/abs
fri - legs/superset chest/rows shoulders/chins

trying to do all this in an hour means I only get 3 working sets so for example mon would be
3 sets squats
3 sets bench
3 sets oh press
time permitting 3 sets tri's

I decided to ditch the cardio on thu and make it a leg day. this will give me time for more accessory work on fri
what do you think? comments/suggestions?

04-03-2017, 06:01 PM
didn't get any exercise over the weekend, my plan was to go for a run on Sunday mornings so kinda feeling bummed about that. didn't stray off the diet to much so no real damage done.

04-03-2017, 06:04 PM
today I'm doing squats/bench/shoulders but I am so tired. I'm struggling to stay awake at work.

04-04-2017, 12:35 AM
well I made it to the gym. started out with squats, 5lbs more on the bar than last week. 3 sets, one rep less on each set than last week. knee is starting to hurt a little, but overall didn't feel too bad. was heavy but pushed thru.
incline bench next and 5lbs more on the bar than last week and again 3 sets with one less rep.
seated military press next and again 5lbs more on the bar than last week, but this time 3 sets equal reps as last week. feeling good now, feeling strong.
dropped the weight and did a set behind neck and got 2 more reps than last week with same weight. I only take 1-2 mins rest between sets/exercises so getting a little out of breath, but still feel like I have energy. normally would be fatigued by now and thinking of going home.
finished with dips/front raise/side raise and triceps and got more weight/reps on all.
overall a good workout :)
doing back tomorrow, hope this continues.

04-06-2017, 12:19 AM
did back on tuesday. started with deadlifts and was struggling to get 3 reps with what should have been an easy 5. I switched to a mixed grip and got another 3 reps, but was disappointed. I felt like I should have been able to pull at least 5.
rest of the workout was good. managed 1 more rep per set on pullups and bent rows same reps/sets as last week but 5lbs more on the bar.
still bummed about missing the deadlifts, I'm wondering if doing heavy squats the day before is weakening me for deads.

04-06-2017, 12:21 AM
wed is an off day for me. just ate clean all day. did the stairs at lunch. was sweating like a madman back at my desk. shirt was soaked.

04-07-2017, 12:08 AM
did legs today. started with squats, got one more rep per set then dropped the weight a little and did a set for 15 reps to add some volume. I finished with a couple sets of leg ext and hamstring curls with more weight than last week. I am making slow but steady improvements each time I go to the gym. I wonder how long I can keep doing that. I know I need to be patient, but I'm dying to start adding other stuff to my cycle. I have some anavar that I am looking forward to taking and after that I am going do do a test/deca cycle.

04-11-2017, 12:54 AM
made a tweak to the diet today. dropped a few carbs from one of my meals and did the math. today I was under 100g of carbs. now my only carbs are pre/during/post workout. all other meals are protein/fats. well, I don't count fruit and veg as they are negligible.

04-11-2017, 12:58 AM
was feeling really tired today. was not looking forward to the gym as it is heavy leg day then chest/shoulders. I was considering not going, but I went and I'm glad I did. got either more weight or more reps. felt good and plenty of energy, could have done more but time ran out. this is becoming the norm now for my workouts. if my waistline doesn't start coming down soon I may just start on the anavar that I have sitting here. will probabaly up the test a little as well.

04-12-2017, 11:23 PM
did back yesterday. got the deadlifts that I missed last week, 2 sets of 5 reps. pullups I did with 10lb db and did 3 sets of 4 reps then a set just bodyweight to failure with a couple of negatives at the end. bent rows did 4 sets of 8 reps with 5lbs more than last week. finished with shrugs and same weight but did an extra set. back is sore as heck today.

04-18-2017, 07:46 PM
had my bloodwork done.
just to recap, I'm on 200mg test cyp a week and I've been on it 9 weeks. blood was taken 4 days after last shot.
total test was greater than 1500 and eastradiol was 80, ref range is 7.6-42.6 pg/ml.
what do you think is the best thing to do about the high estrogen?

04-18-2017, 11:48 PM
had my bloodwork done.
just to recap, I'm on 200mg test cyp a week and I've been on it 9 weeks. blood was taken 4 days after last shot.
total test was greater than 1500 and eastradiol was 80, ref range is 7.6-42.6 pg/ml.
what do you think is the best thing to do about the high estrogen?

I was thinking of doing arimidex at .5 once a week.
anyone have any thoughts?

05-21-2017, 03:15 PM
HEy brkther i would start at .25mg every third day see where that puts your levels

how's your training coming ?

I was thinking of doing arimidex at .5 once a week.
anyone have any thoughts?

05-21-2017, 07:30 PM
I am doing .5mg arimidex one day after pinning. haven't had blood tested yet to check levels.
I train heavy (less than 5 reps) barbell most of the time. just the basic exercises, bench, squat, deadlift, bent row, pull ups, over head press etc.
I took a couple of weeks off from that and did just machines/cables/dbs and went for higher reps (over 10 reps). just wanted to give my body a break from all the heavy lifting and try something new. will be taking a week vacation and then going to get back to heavy barbell.
oh, and gonna start on the anavar :)

05-21-2017, 09:44 PM
I was trying to drop some body fat before hitting the beach, but I waited to long to start cutting and nailed the diet/training too late. only ended up dropping 5lbs and 2 inches off my waist. will start trying to gain muscle after the vacation, but without add inches on my waist.

06-21-2017, 01:13 AM
been taking anavar for 3 weeks now. 40mg ed split into 20mg am and 20mg a couple of hours before I hit the gym around 5pm. started getting painful lower back in the 2nd week. did chest/shoulders/tri yesterday and had first really good workout where pushing heavier weights felt easy. felt really good, tons of energy, workouts are going 90mins with no problem. also noticing muscles feel firmer. getting great pump on legs.
have upped protein and overall calories, not by a lot as I have done the eat big to get big bulk before and don't want to get that fat again. this is going to be a slow, clean bulk. as I'm on trt and technically never coming off cycle I don't have to worry about trying do it all in the usual 12wks.

06-21-2017, 05:05 PM
did back yesterday. didn't have the same great workout as monday. to be fair, I didn't sleep well last 2 nights and have been struggling to stay awake at work (it's ok, I'm not a truck driver or pilot)
still, am seeing some progress on upper back. traps are starting to show. chest as well is seeing some progress, however upper chest is noticeably bigger on side compared to the other. I do incline db and have started to do incline flyes to help balance it out.
anyone else ever have that issue?

06-22-2017, 12:50 AM
gained back the 5lbs I lost during my "cut" (sarcastic) :rolleyes: but waist size isn't going up :1yV6Nvx5YaqVTVy.jpg so hopefully that is a good sign

06-23-2017, 01:06 AM
haven't been sleeping well the last few nights. last night was really bad, laid awake all night with a thumping headache. went to work today and it was getting worse, felt really crappy. was seriously gonna skip the gym today. finally caved and popped a couple of ibuprofen. took a few hours to work, but it helped enough for me to get to the gym.
can't say I had a good workout, but I went and pushed thru the best I could. started with a 20rep squat, but stopped at 17 as I could feel the blood pressure in my head building up. did bss next and did 15 reps on right leg, but only 12 on the left leg. what's weird is that last week I did left leg first and got more reps than the right.

06-25-2017, 11:39 PM
I kinda messed up last weeks injection. when I pulled the needle out, blood starting gushing down my leg. I always aspirate so was a bit surprised when it happened.
then I started thinking that maybe the test I just injected was comiing out as well. is that a thing? does anyone know if the test can leak out with the blood?

06-25-2017, 11:41 PM
todays pin went even worse! I aspirate and see blood so I pull out and hit a new spot aspirate again and inject. pull out and blood gushing down my leg like last week. am I losing the test that I inject when this happens?

06-28-2017, 01:00 AM
had blood work done. been on test cyp 250mg once a week for 9 weeks and anavar 40mg ed for 4 weeks.
blood was drawn 5 days after injecting.


06-28-2017, 01:21 AM
The sore back doesn't sound good.
Are you using proper lifting techniques?

06-28-2017, 02:06 AM
while I'm sure my form isn't 100% perfect, the back pain is from the anavar.