View Full Version : Kind of a newb question regarding splitting HGH dose...

03-26-2017, 06:49 PM
Ok forgive my for this newb-ish question. I know it is more favorable to split hgh dosing 2-3 times throughout the day.

However, I pin my first dose of Gray Tops preWO in the am. Then I go to work and don't return home until 8pm. I would rather not pin again at 8pm because I want to take advantage of my natural GH pulse during sleep. I pin 5iu daily and until recently I've been able to split it due to a more favorable work schedule.

I know the half life is only a few hours but that doesn't mean it's completely out of your system in that time. That means it has been used up by 50% so I'd imagine the active time is much longer than that.

Has anyone noticed a difference pinning 2X a day vs all at once? Is there really any merit to this theory?

03-26-2017, 07:09 PM
Ok forgive my for this newb-ish question. I know it is more favorable to split hgh dosing 2-3 times throughout the day.

However, I pin my first dose of Gray Tops preWO in the am. Then I go to work and don't return home until 8pm. I would rather not pin again at 8pm because I want to take advantage of my natural GH pulse during sleep. I pin 5iu daily and until recently I've been able to split it due to a more favorable work schedule.

I know the half life is only a few hours but that doesn't mean it's completely out of your system in that time. That means it has been used up by 50% so I'd imagine the active time is much longer than that.

Has anyone noticed a difference pinning 2X a day vs all at once? Is there really any merit to this theory?
Im in pretty much the same situation bro. Hopefully some vets will chime in bout this...

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03-26-2017, 07:59 PM
Definitely split it. 5iu's all at once is a waste and I believe an 8PM pin wont effect natural pulse.

03-26-2017, 08:25 PM
Damn it, then i need to start splitting again. Been doing 5ius at once for about a month now...

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03-26-2017, 08:29 PM
Definitely split doses. That's just what yah gotta do. I was doing 3 splits now I'm on two. One am one pm(before bed) from what I've read and if I can remember correctly when you're on gh doesn't your natural shut down since you're getting an exogenous source?

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03-26-2017, 08:34 PM
Ok forgive my for this newb-ish question. I know it is more favorable to split hgh dosing 2-3 times throughout the day.

However, I pin my first dose of Gray Tops preWO in the am. Then I go to work and don't return home until 8pm. I would rather not pin again at 8pm because I want to take advantage of my natural GH pulse during sleep. I pin 5iu daily and until recently I've been able to split it due to a more favorable work schedule.

I know the half life is only a few hours but that doesn't mean it's completely out of your system in that time. That means it has been used up by 50% so I'd imagine the active time is much longer than that.

Has anyone noticed a difference pinning 2X a day vs all at once? Is there really any merit to this theory?
My feelings are the more you can split it, the better. I'm splitting my 6-8 ius/day 4 times.
Another big thing, what's your age? I'm almost 50 so my natural release is probably nothing. If you are young, you may want to get that later pin in late afternoon or very early evening. Jmho.

03-26-2017, 09:05 PM
in one of the sticky in the hgh section it recommend 30 min before breakfast in the morning and the other half post workout

03-28-2017, 03:22 AM
Definitely split doses. That's just what yah gotta do. I was doing 3 splits now I'm on two. One am one pm(before bed) from what I've read and if I can remember correctly when you're on gh doesn't your natural shut down since you're getting an exogenous source?

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General belief is that exogenous GH administration only blunts your natural pulses during it's short active life. So if that theory is correct then if you take your last GH dose early enough, it should wear off in time to still get your night time natural pulse. Again....it's just a theory as far as I know.

My feelings are the more you can split it, the better. I'm splitting my 6-8 ius/day 4 times.
Another big thing, what's your age? I'm almost 50 so my natural release is probably nothing. If you are young, you may want to get that later pin in late afternoon or very early evening. Jmho.
I'm not quite in my 30's yet but not far off. So my natural levels are probably still "decent". I'd love to be able to get one in late afternoon but I don't leave work until 7 and get home at 8 and I really hate the idea of bringing it to work every day.

in one of the sticky in the hgh section it recommend 30 min before breakfast in the morning and the other half post workout
Well breakfast is at 530 am and workout is at 7 am so it wouldn't be much better than pinning all at once. After that I'm at work until 8.

See my predicament fellas?