View Full Version : mini pct for improved boners?

03-27-2017, 04:18 AM
I'm doing a 10 day trip to thailand in about 4 weeks with a lady friend and want to be thrashing her box a good 5 times a day any chance i can like a madman. at the moment im good some days, bad some days, great some days, fucking useless some days. 100mg viagra i have on script is completely useless on my bad days, i dont think blood flow is an issue, it must be a libido thing.
So my question is. What do you guys think on me as of today smashing 10,000iu HCG over the next 10 days, then doing 50mg clomid/40mg nolva ED until maybe 3 days before i fly off, which i then would shoot/frontload 1ml of test E ED for 3 days and ofcourse when I touchdown in thailand, go to a pharmacy and stay on about 800mg test per week and proviron for added libido?
The useless mini pct isnt about fixing my hormones, its more or less me wanting to give my body a break from injectable test so when I get it back into me, I feel like a rabid dog ready to fuck a sack of potatoes.

been blast cruising for maybe 18 months. usually using around 600mg tren ace and around 800mg test e. its been about 2 weeks now of just test p at about 500mg after discontinuing the tren which was in the mix. always manage estro with arimidex, been using aromasin as of last few months, im liking it better. anyway. whenever ive had my bloods done, theyve came back fine, e2 in range etc.

Loose Cannon
03-27-2017, 05:44 AM
no way bro. i think it will be totally counterproductive. after blasting and cruising for 18 months, will some libidio problems already....if you try and do a quick pct all your going to accomplish is crashing your test completely. id be willing to bet youd be useless down there, and on top of that feeling like shit bc of your crashed levels. if i were you id jump on a steady dose of viagra or cialis EVERYDAY starting now and continuing thru your trip, and blast some test, and test only. other than that just hope for the best.

i have similar issues, as do most of us who fuck with our hormones. i dont blast and cruise, but the only time i was good to go all the time was blasting. pct will make it way worse. even if your hormones stabilized (which youd need way more time than 4 weeks anyways) i bet your dick will still be under the weather. trust me! try to start conditioning your dick/libido. start jerking off more and go fuck some sluts....the more you have sex the more you want to have sex usually.

03-27-2017, 06:06 AM
no way bro. i think it will be totally counterproductive. after blasting and cruising for 18 months, will some libidio problems already....if you try and do a quick pct all your going to accomplish is crashing your test completely. id be willing to bet youd be useless down there, and on top of that feeling like shit bc of your crashed levels. if i were you id jump on a steady dose of viagra or cialis EVERYDAY starting now and continuing thru your trip, and blast some test, and test only. other than that just hope for the best.

i have similar issues, as do most of us who fuck with our hormones. i dont blast and cruise, but the only time i was good to go all the time was blasting. pct will make it way worse. even if your hormones stabilized (which youd need way more time than 4 weeks anyways) i bet your dick will still be under the weather. trust me! try to start conditioning your dick/libido. start jerking off more and go fuck some sluts....the more you have sex the more you want to have sex usually.

haha fuck... i been on 10mg cialis ed for the last month. and 100mg viagra almost every night. Sleeping wit my girl nearly every night, she may as well start paying rent haha. But shes got the most insane sex drive. wants to fuck like 4 times every night, wants me to see her and fuck her at work on her breaks. we prob fuck a good 15 times a week with the fact i can go 3 times some nights. but then i have experience a day or 2 here and there where getting hard just once is practically impossible, and if i do, i go soft after a few mins and she gets all butthurt like we got issues on those days. I'l get my bloods taken again tomorrow. keep my test at 500mg with no further drugs in my system. and see how i go i guess

03-27-2017, 11:42 AM
Test C/E does it for me. I've never had problems getting it up, and I hate for the day when that comes. Y'all are fucking animals fucking 3-4 times a day. Guess that's what cialis/Viagra does for ya? My wife would be wore the fuck out...

Loose Cannon
03-27-2017, 11:35 PM
just my opinion and prior experience man go for whatever you think is right!

03-28-2017, 09:29 PM
You sure you find her attractive? Needing 100mg viagra (thats a huge dose btw) and thinking about going on proviron and 800mg of test per week is quite extreme. Why wouldn't 300mg of test a week do the trick? Its still a supraphysiological dose. Sounds to me like something else is going on. Is your estro under control? Prolactin? You got anxiety or depression?

03-29-2017, 02:33 AM
Sleeping wit my girl nearly every night, she may as well start paying rent haha. But shes got the most insane sex drive. wants to fuck like 4 times every night, wants me to see her and fuck her at work on her breaks. we prob fuck a good 15 times a week with the fact i can go 3 times some nights.

Oh God....You POOR, POOR F*CKING BASTARD! How can any man handle those adverse conditions??

03-29-2017, 03:03 AM
Completely pointless to blast HCG and use pct drugs if your just immediately gunna go back on test
Just continue with the test and use cialis if u need it
HCG usage should only be used when trying to come off a heavy cycle then pct protocol

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03-30-2017, 05:23 PM
Wheres your head at now A-Raff?

03-30-2017, 06:08 PM
Just get some viagra. Why pct?

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03-31-2017, 06:46 AM
haha yeah i'm definately attracted to her. I've been like this with my exes that at the time I was very attracted to aswell, also whilst being on cycle. I've never really had too much of a problem with any of my bloods in the past, apart from one time completely having crashed my prolactin/progesterone (cant remember which one) from using a low dose of caber on higher dosed tren cycles (100mg ED). i'm just not all that horny at times, but wanna fuck cos i luv da feelz