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View Full Version : What's your views on 5/3/1...?

03-27-2017, 08:21 PM
Just hit 49 a few months ago and just getting back into the swing of things in the gym these last 2wks after a long and hellacious layoff. One of my best routines was Wendler's 5/3/1...nothing gave me strength gains like this routine, not even Max-Ot.

I've still got some basic routine going just to get the rust off the old bones and not even sure if I'm even wanting to ever go that heavy again, my all time pr on flat bench was 447x1 at about 44yrs old and only 215lbs.
I'm really looking to go for size now that I'm getting older...so which routines are some of my older brethren running?

03-27-2017, 09:26 PM
I'm interested in hearing feedback on this topic too.

I'm personally doing some old Bill Star 5x5 spreadsheet I dug up that seems to be doing well for getting my strength back, but at some point I presume it will get too heavy for me and something more focused on size than strength may be appropriate for my age (40) - but who knows, its working for me now so probably wont mess with it for a while.

03-27-2017, 09:40 PM
Dude I'm not even old and whenever I try doing heavy ass lifts for more than I few weeks I mess myself up even when concentrating on having perfect form

03-28-2017, 03:39 PM
I've got 30 plus years under the bar. I've used 5/3/1 and its variations many times and I keep coming back, mainly because of the simplicity. It can be adjusted to the user's goals, strength levels, time, etc. Not the case with many other programs. I just pre-ordered a copy of 5/3/1 Forever. It's the culmination of Wendler's work over the years( if you've never heard of it). Plenty of programs to choose from as well as other topics. I'm not a Wendler worshiper, or anyone else for that matter, but 5/3/1 works well for me. Training shouldn't be complicated.

05-16-2017, 09:11 AM
I like the 531. Going to start Greyskull LP this week.......looking forward to it.

06-26-2017, 02:21 AM
I've never tried a 531 program but did a 5x5 that built strength like crazy. I know you're looking for size and if you research it you'll find many different opinions which only adds to the confusion.... I think you'll find that you'll have to play around with different rep ranges and work loads which in itself can keep your body guessing and growing bro