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05-25-2017, 09:07 PM
Ok so i did a log for roids 24 and enjoyed it so im going to continue it here. I just switched compounds for thss cycle and im sitting at 215 at 5'10" right now and im looking to still put on some size. Im leaner than ive ever been before also.
test e 250mg ew
Eq 500mgs ew
Tren 100mgs ed
Mast 100mgs ed
HGH 5iu ed
slin 5ius 2x a day (thinking about increasing but not sure)
I haven't decided but I'm thinking of raising my test dosage also. I train probably 5 out of 7 days sometimes I'll go every day it all depends on how my body feels and is telling me. I'm eating roughly 4000 calories a day right now I may up that to 5000 I eat somewhat clean no junk or anything like that I make sure I enjoy my food. I don't add salt or spices to really anything. I'll get pictures up tomorrow. If you are curious about anything just ask or if I left anything out just let me know I'll add it.

05-25-2017, 09:12 PM
So today i went to the gym at 3:20am before work and did
bent over bb rows reverse grip 6 sets of 8-12
Hammer strength machine lat pulldowns 4 sets of 12-15
Rack pulls started just below the knee 4 sets of 7-10
Bicep db curls 4 sets of 10
Felt strong and had some good strength also and I've been hungry as he'll I eat before I go to the gym in the morning and when I get back before I leave for work.

05-25-2017, 09:26 PM
Nice will be following

Atlas Labs

[email protected]

05-25-2017, 10:01 PM
Very nice Bro. The morning really is the bet time to train.

05-25-2017, 10:19 PM
Morning is the best time I'm strong and full since I've gotten use to it. I'm glad you like it. Here is a picture I'll get better ones tomorrow but here is what I could get by myself

05-26-2017, 05:14 PM
Hellz yea Bro! Looking full and lean!

05-26-2017, 06:44 PM
Looking good man!

05-27-2017, 05:03 PM
Went to the gym i pinned 2iu's hgh and 40mcgs igf lr3 into each quad and did
squats 6 sets of 8-10
Leg extension 5 sets 12-18
Calves 4 sets 15

I split my quads and hamstrings on different days the gym I went to today didn't have leg press machine so I couldn't do those but I was wobbly after hitting my legs heavier so it was really good. I belong to two gyms. Came home and ate a good post workout meal.

05-27-2017, 05:14 PM
A little better pictures I don't know the exact techniques of the poses I've never competed but that's what I have so far. I'm looking to gain so lean mass and just an overall improvement.

05-27-2017, 05:20 PM
You look great bro. Wide, nice taper, good size legs, and shit...them boulder shoulders!

05-28-2017, 11:24 AM
Went to the gym i pinned 2iu's hgh and 40mcgs igf lr3 into each quad and did
squats 6 sets of 8-10
Leg extension 5 sets 12-18
Calves 4 sets 15

I split my quads and hamstrings on different days the gym I went to today didn't have leg press machine so I couldn't do those but I was wobbly after hitting my legs heavier so it was really good. I belong to two gyms. Came home and ate a good post workout meal.
Nice workout brother!

Atlas Labs

[email protected]

05-28-2017, 05:50 PM
Thank you everyone and I hope everyone has a great Sunday. Today I went and did shoulders had a massive pump to the point it hurt felt good though i took my HGH and lr3 before I went
-db military press 6 sets 8-15
-side lateral in between each set 6 sets 10-12

Rear delts db 5 sets 10
upright rows bb 4 sets 10
db shrugs 4 sets 8-15

Shoulders are the one muscle group I have that doesn't fatigue like the other ones I don't know why that is but I feel like I could go forever if the pump didn't stop me. I also starting to see the tren work it's strange since I haven't had any side effects besides heart burn and I sweat a little more at the gym but besides that nothing I can tell with the mirror though.

05-29-2017, 10:56 AM
Thank you everyone and I hope everyone has a great Sunday. Today I went and did shoulders had a massive pump to the point it hurt felt good though i took my HGH and lr3 before I went
-db military press 6 sets 8-15
-side lateral in between each set 6 sets 10-12

Rear delts db 5 sets 10
upright rows bb 4 sets 10
db shrugs 4 sets 8-15

Shoulders are the one muscle group I have that doesn't fatigue like the other ones I don't know why that is but I feel like I could go forever if the pump didn't stop me. I also starting to see the tren work it's strange since I haven't had any side effects besides heart burn and I sweat a little more at the gym but besides that nothing I can tell with the mirror though.
Good morning Stephen. Happy Memorial day brother! Good workout. So when did you start taking the Tren? I take it is ace or hex?

Atlas Labs

[email protected]

05-29-2017, 11:02 AM
I've been on tren ace a week and a half already at 100mgs ed

05-30-2017, 07:00 AM
I hit the gym last night normally always go in the morning but I had a good workout
Bb bench 6 sets 8-12
Db incline bench 5 sets 10
db flat flies 5 sets 10
db incline 3 sets 10
hammer strength machine flat bench 4 sets 12-18 ( explode up 4 count negative)

I'm trying to switch up and change my workouts to keep me growing I'm trying to go heavier use superset, dropsets, and negatives. Does anyone else know good ways to switch it up I've switched db to bb also on exercises

05-30-2017, 07:33 PM
Also switching up the grip. On flat bench you can use grip to focus on what area of the chest you are working. There are some great videos on youtube about switching up grip. Also using a high rep day can really stimulate growth. I began throwing a few of these in a month and it definitely helps. Switching the pace of workouts, and plain going heay can stim growth as well.

These look like some great workouts you have logged. Nice work!

05-31-2017, 08:12 AM
Also switching up the grip. On flat bench you can use grip to focus on what area of the chest you are working. There are some great videos on youtube about switching up grip. Also using a high rep day can really stimulate growth. I began throwing a few of these in a month and it definitely helps. Switching the pace of workouts, and plain going heay can stim growth as well.

These look like some great workouts you have logged. Nice work!

I never really thought about that with grip the only thing I change grip on is bb rows but I guess you could with about anything I'll look for that video on grip I appreciate it.

05-31-2017, 08:21 AM
Hit hamstrings this morning I ate cereal today for the first time in I don't know how long just to get something in before my workout and it bloated me up like crazy I still got a good pump but it deffinitly isn't good to eat. I normally have a good carb meal with a cup of fruit and I eat my protein after my workout.

Good mornings 5 sets of 10-15 two sets were to failure
leg curls 4 sets 12-18 two sets to failure
kick backs 3 sets 10
bicep db curls 5 sets 10

My legs are pumped and feeling good my goal is to get my legs to grow thicker and a better quad sweep that's why I'm splitting legs into two days a week. My aggression in the gym is going up also so glad about that.

05-31-2017, 10:11 AM
Hit hamstrings this morning I ate cereal today for the first time in I don't know how long just to get something in before my workout and it bloated me up like crazy I still got a good pump but it deffinitly isn't good to eat. I normally have a good carb meal with a cup of fruit and I eat my protein after my workout.

Good mornings 5 sets of 10-15 two sets were to failure
leg curls 4 sets 12-18 two sets to failure
kick backs 3 sets 10
bicep db curls 5 sets 10

My legs are pumped and feeling good my goal is to get my legs to grow thicker and a better quad sweep that's why I'm splitting legs into two days a week. My aggression in the gym is going up also so glad about that.
Good morning Stephen. Good looking workout. Have a good day and am enjoying your log brother!

Atlas Labs

[email protected]

05-31-2017, 04:25 PM
Nice grind!

It is funny about the cereal. There is a whole isle in most grocery stores dedicated to cereal. Much is marketed as health food which couldn't be further from the truth. Most is garbage that will make you bloated, feel like shit, and have tons of sugar. There was an article written called the "wheat belly" which was mainly about grain and how it is leading to obesity.

I do some fruit and usually calorie dense stuff that is easy to get down in the morning. Peanut butter or sunflower butter gets the cals in without much bloat.

06-01-2017, 08:19 AM
Yea I usually eat a complex carb meal with fruit for the quick carbs and it works great. I went to the gym this morning and hit back heavy and hard

bb rows 6 sets 8-12
Rack pulls 4 sets 8-10 (I started right below the knee upper shin area)
db rows 4 sets 8-10

I know only three exercises but I am concentrating on slow form right now trying to gain some thickness to my back I've been doing more width exercises so switching it up. I also upped my tren dose to 125mgs ed I think it was Monday I did that still no negative sides besides heart burn and sweat more at the gym which I don't mind at all.

06-01-2017, 09:58 AM
Yea I usually eat a complex carb meal with fruit for the quick carbs and it works great. I went to the gym this morning and hit back heavy and hard

bb rows 6 sets 8-12
Rack pulls 4 sets 8-10 (I started right below the knee upper shin area)
db rows 4 sets 8-10

I know only three exercises but I am concentrating on slow form right now trying to gain some thickness to my back I've been doing more width exercises so switching it up. I also upped my tren dose to 125mgs ed I think it was Monday I did that still no negative sides besides heart burn and sweat more at the gym which I don't mind at all.
Good morning Stephen. I love going heavy and kind of miss it. Love the nice and slow movement but with the intensity!

Atlas Labs

[email protected]

06-01-2017, 06:57 PM
Nice grind Bro!

06-03-2017, 10:39 AM
The weekend is here hope everyone has a good one. I went and hit shoulders this today

-military press 6 sets 8-15
Rear delts 4 sets 10-12
Front bb raises 4 sets 10
side lateral 4 sets 10

I got a burning pump I took my igflr3 before I went with my HGH. I haven't taken an actual prework out drink in a long time and my energy and everything has been good in the gym. Came home and took 5ius of humulog I've been trying something different I take my HGH and roughly 45 min later take humulog 4-5 ius it seems to be working. Does anyone else take low dose insulin with every HGH shot they do? I know from blood work when I take growth I have more sugar in my blood than normal so is it good to always take a small dose insulin with every HGH shot ?

06-05-2017, 08:43 AM
I went and hit legs yesterday evening I also upped my calories a little more I'm around 4k now I'll probably keep it there for awhile and see how it goes. I'm also going to up my water intake I work in construction and I don't feel dehydrated but with sweating more I need to make up for it. I deffinitly feel the tren now I can feel the aggression if I don't lift when I lift it like gets it out on rest days though I feel it all day
-squats 6 sets 8-10
-leg extension 6 sets 12-20 failure
-Calf raises 4 sets 15-20

Had a nice pump I think this split will bring my legs up quicker they seem a lot fuller the last week.

06-05-2017, 07:15 PM
The weekend is here hope everyone has a good one. I went and hit shoulders this today

-military press 6 sets 8-15
Rear delts 4 sets 10-12
Front bb raises 4 sets 10
side lateral 4 sets 10

I got a burning pump I took my igflr3 before I went with my HGH. I haven't taken an actual prework out drink in a long time and my energy and everything has been good in the gym. Came home and took 5ius of humulog I've been trying something different I take my HGH and roughly 45 min later take humulog 4-5 ius it seems to be working. Does anyone else take low dose insulin with every HGH shot they do? I know from blood work when I take growth I have more sugar in my blood than normal so is it good to always take a small dose insulin with every HGH shot ?

I have actually found I feel better if I do the opposite. Instead of pinning slin after GH I will drink a couple ounces of juice. Usually do pineapple or OJ and the increased sugar causes my bodies own insulin response that seems stronger than any slin I pin. I feel more pumped and dont get that GH sluggishness.

06-07-2017, 07:52 AM
I hit chest last night I tried something a little different no rest at most 20 seconds to catch my breath while still trying to go heavy
Superset alternating
- db flat bench 5 sets 6-12
- db flat flies 5 sets 8-10
superset alternating
-incline db bench 4 sets 8-12
-incline db flies 4 sets 8-12
Negative drop set
-hammer strength flat 4 drops 8-20reps

I was done after that I've never tried no rest before but I thought I'd try something different it was good

06-07-2017, 03:19 PM
Good stuff man, Those are always the best workouts. Something new and pushing the pace. I would be sweating my ass off!

06-07-2017, 10:27 PM
I did sweat my ass off and I'm feeling it today more than normal so that's good I just got back from hitting back and I had a great session I'm sweating heavy I think the tren is causing me to sweat a little more in the gym I'm going to start putting down some of the actual weight I lift I never do because I feel like I'm weak but I feel like it'll help my log
Bb rows 5 sets 10-15 135,135,185,205,215
deadlift 4 sets 8-15 135,225,285,315
db rows 4 sets 10-12 55,65,75,85
db curls 4 sets 15 25,25,30,35

I was dead after that the weights felt great I was really tired after work also and still did this I usually go in the mornings to workout but I couldn't wake up today to save my life so I went tonight. Ive eaten good today I'm adding in more fruits with my meals.

06-09-2017, 08:30 AM
I hit hamstrings I tried something a little different and it went really well totally killed them. I'm just having fun with my workouts right now I'm trying new things and mixing it up to try and force my body to keep growing I've made some good progress in the last year.I found a picture of me last year and I can't believe how far I've come I may post a before after I started working out again last year after my long battle of addiction so I've gained a good 50-60 pounds of muscle I wanna see if I can keep it going.
- good mornings 5 sets 10 105,125,135,145,145
- straight leg deadlifts 5 sets of 10 100x5
Leg curls used one leg at a time alternating 5 sets 20 50x5
Calf raises 4 sets 25 200x4

06-09-2017, 08:33 AM
Another great one in the books!

Thank you I'm wanting to switch things up some I need to start throwing in some different isolation movements

06-09-2017, 12:23 PM
I hit hamstrings I tried something a little different and it went really well totally killed them. I'm just having fun with my workouts right now I'm trying new things and mixing it up to try and force my body to keep growing I've made some good progress in the last year.I found a picture of me last year and I can't believe how far I've come I may post a before after I started working out again last year after my long battle of addiction so I've gained a good 50-60 pounds of muscle I wanna see if I can keep it going.
- good mornings 5 sets 10 105,125,135,145,145
- straight leg deadlifts 5 sets of 10 100x5
Leg curls used one leg at a time alternating 5 sets 20 50x5
Calf raises 4 sets 25 200x4

Sounds like a good workout man. Glad you are finding some variety that works for you. I wish I could do straight leg deadlifts I always fuck up my back even with light weight and perfect form. I like those single leg-leg curls I may try that out when I do legs tomorrow.

06-09-2017, 04:00 PM
Nice grind!

Have a good weekend Bro!

06-10-2017, 11:46 AM
Hope everyone has a great weekend it's nice here I went to the gym this morning and hit shoulders had to make it quick since I'm leaving for the day me and the wife are going to a street fair they sell art and some other things their we do it every year it's nice to get away for the day so leaving early. I get a blood test on Tuesday to check everything out not a hormone just blood, liver, kidneys. I've been taking b12 supplement since I've been anemic and I'm curious if it's helping bring up my hemacrit and I take an iron supplement so I'll see if it's not going up and the doctor doesn't help or anything I may try epo low dose for 3 weeks to see if that works. If anyone has any suggestions I'm open to anything.
Military press 4 sets 10-15
Side lateral 4 sets 10
Rope pulls for rear delts 4 sets 12 this is my first time trying this exercise
Bb upright rows 4 sets 10
db shrugs 3 sets 15

06-10-2017, 11:50 AM
Sounds like a good workout man. Glad you are finding some variety that works for you. I wish I could do straight leg deadlifts I always fuck up my back even with light weight and perfect form. I like those single leg-leg curls I may try that out when I do legs tomorrow.

I love doing it this way I feel the muscle better. Isolation movements with only one side at a time I find really helps me concentrate on that muscle making me gain size a little quicker in my experience try it out you may like it

06-10-2017, 12:26 PM
I love doing it this way I feel the muscle better. Isolation movements with only one side at a time I find really helps me concentrate on that muscle making me gain size a little quicker in my experience try it out you may like it

For sure man! I need to start doing that for more body parts because I know that naturally you use one side more than the other when pushing with both sides at once. So this should help with symmetry. Keep killing it man

06-12-2017, 07:28 AM
I hope everyone has a great weekday i went and hit quads
-squats 6 sets 10
-leg extension 5 sets 15
Calf raises 5 sets 20

06-12-2017, 08:32 AM
I hope everyone has a great weekday i went and hit quads
-squats 6 sets 10
-leg extension 5 sets 15
Calf raises 5 sets 20

Way to kill it! Have a great Monday

06-13-2017, 08:16 AM
If anyone has ideas of what I can add into this log I'm open to suggestions. I switched from chicken to tilapia this week so I cooked up a bunch I breaded it also. I'm just ready for a little bit of a change with food. Next is switching my breakfast then I'll be good. I'm also eating a lot more fruit since I work in construction fruit is amazing in the heat and keeps my body staying hungry otherwise I loose my appetite quick. So i have a goal by December I want to be 235-240 which mean to stay on track I need to be 225-228 by September. I'll weigh myself today to see where I'm at and I don't want a lot of fat almost no more fat. My plan is to try and compete my first time next spring. So I hit chest last night
-bb flat bench 6 sets 8-10
-Db flies flat 6 sets 10
- db incline bench 4 sets 10
- db incline flies 4 sets 10
- hammer strength machine flat 4 sets 12-18 negatives

06-13-2017, 09:07 AM
Nice log brother. Lookin lean as hell.

06-13-2017, 04:58 PM
Nice Bro!

I have a hard time with fish. I can do it at restaurants but have a hard time at home. I feel sick after eating it and it stinks up my kitchen for days. My buddy eats a ton of cod. He swears by it and incorporates it into nearly every meal. I may give that a try but I am going to cook it outside in the smoker or BBQ.

Hellz yea on the comp. I love BBing but think I am way too shy to step on stage :) SHit I am getting to the point where I don't like taking off my T shirt at pool party because I hate all the questions.

Nice grind BTW it looks similar to what I got in this AM. Love the morning workouts.

06-15-2017, 07:54 AM
I'm the same way i get questions all the time I cover up when I go out. I went to the doctor yesterday and found out the reason I'm anemic is my body isn't absorbing iron she thinks it's from the antibiotics I'm on. So Wednesday I go in for an IV iron infusion they said it'll take away my fatigued feeling which is nice I can't wait for that. Since starting eq my body is making a ton of new RBC from what the blood work show I'll post some of the results once they put them online I don't have a hard copy. So I went to the gym and hit back destroyed it from how I feel.
- bb bent over rows 5 sets 8-15
-deadlifts 4 sets of 8-15
- db rows 4 sets 10
-lat pull downs 4 sets 15

I'm trying to get my deadlift strength up I may do this 5 sets 5 strength increase regime that works well for me it's not the 5x5. But I may wait also the tren and I added in drol now my strength is going up more than it has in awhile .

06-15-2017, 10:25 PM
I went and hit hamstrings I finally feel like this split legs routine is making my legs grow nicely I'm happy with it.
- Good mornings 5 sets 10
- Straight leg deadlifts 4 sets 10
-Leg curls 4 sets 15-25
-Calf raises 5 sets 20-35
- BB curls 6 sets 10-15

I was done after that I did biceps in between my calf raises I'm getting the feel for straight leg deadlifts this is my second week ever doing them and I get a good stretch on my hamstrings. I'm wanting to add one more exercise for hamstrings my gym doesn't have the kick back machine so I'm going to look up some more exercises also I'm open to suggestions

06-15-2017, 10:44 PM
I went and hit hamstrings I finally feel like this split legs routine is making my legs grow nicely I'm happy with it.
- Good mornings 5 sets 10
- Straight leg deadlifts 4 sets 10
-Leg curls 4 sets 15-25
-Calf raises 5 sets 20-35
- BB curls 6 sets 10-15

I was done after that I did biceps in between my calf raises I'm getting the feel for straight leg deadlifts this is my second week ever doing them and I get a good stretch on my hamstrings. I'm wanting to add one more exercise for hamstrings my gym doesn't have the kick back machine so I'm going to look up some more exercises also I'm open to suggestions
As long as you make progress that is all that matters. Good routine

Atlas rep

06-15-2017, 10:47 PM
I havent seen anyone do good mornings in a LONG time! Even I forgot about them! Thank you, I'm doing legs tomorrow so I will add them :D

I went and hit hamstrings I finally feel like this split legs routine is making my legs grow nicely I'm happy with it.
- Good mornings 5 sets 10
- Straight leg deadlifts 4 sets 10
-Leg curls 4 sets 15-25
-Calf raises 5 sets 20-35
- BB curls 6 sets 10-15

I was done after that I did biceps in between my calf raises I'm getting the feel for straight leg deadlifts this is my second week ever doing them and I get a good stretch on my hamstrings. I'm wanting to add one more exercise for hamstrings my gym doesn't have the kick back machine so I'm going to look up some more exercises also I'm open to suggestions

06-18-2017, 01:40 PM
I havent seen anyone do good mornings in a LONG time! Even I forgot about them! Thank you, I'm doing legs tomorrow so I will add them :D

I enjoy doing them I find it really helps my hamstrings grow I'd say they are finally caught up with my quads. I find you don't need heavy weight just get a good stretch and feel the hamstrings and flex the hips at the top and it'll give a great feel to them. I've ever only seen one person do them before

06-18-2017, 01:41 PM
As long as you make progress that is all that matters. Good routine

Atlas rep

Very true I've been trying to shock my body with my routines to not platue

06-18-2017, 02:05 PM
Good morning Stephen!

06-19-2017, 10:18 PM
Hey everybody so I haven't been able to go to the gym i went to the lake and got burnt really bad so tomorrow I'm going. Also i got weighed today and it came back at 216.00 so not bad since I'm deffinitly leaning out . I feel good about that number. Hope everyone has a great week

06-20-2017, 04:01 PM
Ouch! Been there Bro and it is rough. There is an after sun aloe vera gel you can get at the pharmacy that will help. Also solarcane makes a spray that has lidocane which helped me sleep. Hopefully it gets better quick.

06-20-2017, 09:54 PM
It's still rough feeling I'm not peeling surprisingly but I still feel it. I had to do quads today also so the bar hurt also so I did more high reps light weight to help. I tried the igf des this was my first time trying it I guess I got a good pump from it I pinned quads. But my legs felt like swollen after because they were so full so I think that's it.
-squats 7 sets 10-15
-Leg extensions 5 sets 15-20 failure
-Calf raises 4 sets 20-25

06-20-2017, 09:56 PM
Ouch! Been there Bro and it is rough. There is an after sun aloe vera gel you can get at the pharmacy that will help. Also solarcane makes a spray that has lidocane which helped me sleep. Hopefully it gets better quick.

So it's over the counter but behind the pharmacy? I'll have to pick some up. I have a spray and a lotion I'm putting both on. It's crazy cuz I usually never burn but I guess 7 hours at a lake on the beach will do it.

06-20-2017, 10:38 PM
So it's over the counter but behind the pharmacy? I'll have to pick some up. I have a spray and a lotion I'm putting both on. It's crazy cuz I usually never burn but I guess 7 hours at a lake on the beach will do it.

Yea, I had to grab a card on the isle but the spray was behind the counter. My wife would spray my back then I could sleep. About 4 hours later I would have her hit it again :)

06-22-2017, 10:12 PM
So I went and hit chest today I pinned the des right before going in and I got a great pump I was full and vascular as can be.
-Flat bb bench 6 sets 8-18
-Flat db flies 6 sets 10-12
-Incline db 4 sets 8
-Incline flies 4 sets 10-12
-Rope pull downs 3 sets 10-19
-Rope overhead pushes(not sure of the name when your pulling the rope from behind your head forward flexing the triceps) 3 sets 8-10

Everything was done after that. I got my anemia under control got an iron infusion and feeling way more energized and ready to grow now. Does anyone have any tips to help build the upper inner chest if so let me know I'd appreciate it. Thank you

06-22-2017, 10:25 PM
Helped me a bit with upper inner chest.


06-23-2017, 01:24 AM
Good evening Stephen!!

BPak is kind of a genius! Love his videos. He def wants to sell you a program but most of his vids have some great training tips.
Helped me a bit with upper inner chest.


06-25-2017, 03:07 PM
I use to always watch bens videos he is smart the way that he approaches the exercise. Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
- db military press 5 sets 10-15
- db side lateral 5 sets 10
-rear delts 3 sets 12-15
- db shrugs 3 sets 15
I was done after that my shoulder was acting up a little I haven't felt that in awhile but I got a nice pump for them so it was ok. I've been swamped this week with things I had to do so haven't updated much.

06-26-2017, 05:55 PM
I use to always watch bens videos he is smart the way that he approaches the exercise. Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
- db military press 5 sets 10-15
- db side lateral 5 sets 10
-rear delts 3 sets 12-15
- db shrugs 3 sets 15
I was done after that my shoulder was acting up a little I haven't felt that in awhile but I got a nice pump for them so it was ok. I've been swamped this week with things I had to do so haven't updated much.

Good Stuff Stephen. Life gets busy sometimes. The weights and internet will be there when you are done. :)

Have a good one Bro!

07-10-2017, 08:33 AM
Life has been busy so I haven't updated this but I did hit chest and back this weekend. I changed to a little more of a strict meal plan also since I'm starting to incorporate insulin into my protocol. Hoping for some good size with trying this. I'll post full workouts later today

07-10-2017, 05:54 PM
Life has been busy so I haven't updated this but I did hit chest and back this weekend. I changed to a little more of a strict meal plan also since I'm starting to incorporate insulin into my protocol. Hoping for some good size with trying this. I'll post full workouts later today

Good stuff Bro! What is your slin protocol?

07-10-2017, 10:01 PM
My slin protocol will be 10ius upon waking eat and go to the gym 5ius post workout with more food and 10ius at 5pm around my dinner. I'm going to see how that goes I may up it or may keep it the same. So instead of a drink I'm doing 60grams of carbs from rice with 3 whole eggs cooked into it. With 2 eggs blended with pineapple juice to drink with my food. I also take 10grams bcaa's. Each shot also is with HGH. I'm looking to add 8 pounds lean muscle in 4-6 weeks I think it'll happen. I'm three days in and my muscles are full and solid. I'm also on
tren a 100mgs ed
eq 600mgs ew
Test 400mgs ew
Anadrol 100mgs ed
It's crazy I've noticed that the slin is giving me energy and making me feel more awake also.
I hit shoulders today
-military press 5 sets 10-15
-side lateral 5 sets 15-20
-rear delts on flies machine 4 sets 15
-rear delts cable rope 4 sets 10
-shrugs superseded with dumbbell front raises
- shrugs 4 sets 18
- db front raises 4 sets 10

I was super pumped and full after that workout I felt great. I'm really stuffed trying to eat all this food today but I'm getting it down.

07-10-2017, 11:45 PM
It's funny slin makes me feel a little on the tired , sluggish side

The pumps from slin are just plain silly stupid , I don't know how else to explain it lol

Nice work brother I'm enjoying your progress and reading your log

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-13-2017, 08:36 PM
Yesterday Hamstrings
straight leg deadlifts 5 sets 10
Good mornings 5 sets of 10
Seated leg curls 4 sets 15-20
Calf raises 4 sets 25

Had a great pump and deffinitly feeling fuller

07-13-2017, 09:30 PM
Nice grind Bro!

07-16-2017, 05:04 PM
flat db 5 sets 10
Flat db flies 5 sets of 10
incline db 4 sets 8-12
Incline db flies 4 sets 10

Squats 8 sets 10-15
Leg extensions 5 sets 15-20
Calf raises 4 sets 20-25

Military press 4 sets 10-15
Side lateral 6 sets 10-12
Rear delts db 5 sets 10
Front rows 4 sets 12
Db shrugs 4 sets 15

I can tell my strength is going up and the pump is amazing with adding slin. I look leaner since adding it but also a lot more fuller. I'm going to keep it in for 4 weeks then take a little break then run it again. It seems to be helping with everything energy level and my metabolism is raising feeling hungry all day.

07-16-2017, 05:18 PM
flat db 5 sets 10
Flat db flies 5 sets of 10
incline db 4 sets 8-12
Incline db flies 4 sets 10

Squats 8 sets 10-15
Leg extensions 5 sets 15-20
Calf raises 4 sets 20-25

Military press 4 sets 10-15
Side lateral 6 sets 10-12
Rear delts db 5 sets 10
Front rows 4 sets 12
Db shrugs 4 sets 15

I can tell my strength is going up and the pump is amazing with adding slin. I look leaner since adding it but also a lot more fuller. I'm going to keep it in for 4 weeks then take a little break then run it again. It seems to be helping with everything energy level and my metabolism is raising feeling hungry all day.

Any change in your weight brother ?

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07-17-2017, 12:56 PM
Great looking workout routines

Atlas rep

07-20-2017, 08:08 AM
Any change in your weight brother ?

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It's funny I have been stuck at 217 for the longest time that's why I started slin and I'm still their in the mornings when I wake up though I'm leaner than I was though and clothes are getting tighter. I don't know what to make of it I'm actually upping the slin slowly to get to 20ius around my workout right now just trying to break this platue I'm eating more just very very lean around insulin use. It's a high carb high protein low fat

07-20-2017, 08:14 AM
Db rows 5 sets 8-15
BB rows 4 sets 8-12
Rack pulls 4 sets 8-10
Db curls 4 sets 15
Db hammer curls 4 sets 10

Flat db bench 6 sets 8-15
Flat db flies 5 sets 10-15
Incline db bench 4 sets 12
Incline flies 4 sets 10-12
Cable flies 4 sets 10-12

07-20-2017, 09:05 AM
It's funny I have been stuck at 217 for the longest time that's why I started slin and I'm still their in the mornings when I wake up though I'm leaner than I was though and clothes are getting tighter. I don't know what to make of it I'm actually upping the slin slowly to get to 20ius around my workout right now just trying to break this platue I'm eating more just very very lean around insulin use. It's a high carb high protein low fat

It's funny that's what hooked to me , I was told I wasn't using enough slin to grow but just enough to enhance recovery

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