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View Full Version : NPP ( Nandrolone Phenylpropionate)

11-28-2011, 03:42 AM
(Nandrolone Base + Phenylpropionate Ester)
Molecular Weight(base):274.4022
Molecular Weight (ester): 150.174
Formula (base): C18 H26 O2
Formula (ester): C9 H10 O2
Melting Point (base): 122-124°C
Melting Point (ester): 20°C
Manufacturer: Organon
Effective Dose (Men): 200-600mgs/week (2mg/lb of Bodyweight)
Effective Dose (Women): 50-100mgs/week
Active life: 5 days
Detection Time: Up to 12 months
Androgenic/Aabolic ratio: 37:125

Nandrolone is a modification of testosterone (carbon atom removed from the 19th position) With an Anabolic /Androgenic ratio: 125:37, meaning it is highly anabolic (muscle building) and moderately androgenic (male characteristics). Due to nandrolones chemical structure it only aromatizes (converts to estrogen) slightly, at about 20% the rate of testosterone when it interacts with the aromatase enzyme. Ergo, estrogenic effects are not a major concern with its use. Of note, however, is that nandrolone is a progestin with a binding affinity of 20% to the progesterone receptor (15) (PgR), so side effects are still possible, though rare. The development of breast tissue in males (gynecomastia ) has been reported in some steroid .com users. One of the most popular anabolic steroid used in bodybuilding cycles , nandrolone is also (medically) used to treat severe debility or disease states and refractory anemias.(1) It promotes tissue building processes, reverses catabolism (muscle destruction) and stimulates erythropoiesis (red blood cell production). This makes it a very useful drug to treat wasting disorders such as advanced H.I.V. (2)( 16), and also, makes it highly sought after by bodybuilders and athletes.

Nandrolone is most commonly found with a cypionate , laurate, decanoate or plenylpropionate ester. Briefly explained, the ester determines how much of the given hormone is released over a period of time. Longer esters such as decanoate peak slowly and can keep stable blood plasma levels up to ten days, shorter esters such as the phenylpropionate peak more rapidly but the half-live is shorter. Shorter esters usually release much more active hormone per mg than longer esters, and of course, allow the drug’s effects to leave your system more quickly.. Surprisingly NPP (Durabolin ) and ND (Deca ) release almost the same amount of active nandrolone per 100mgs: 69% and 65% respectively; this does not correlate exactly though because blood levels of nandrolone are much higher (about doubled) post NPP usage compared to the same 100mg dose of ND. (see chart) NPP also has more distinct advantages over ND. One of the most common complaints about adding ND (Deca ) to a cycle is the water retention that accompanies its use.(3) Gains from NPP are reported to be “clean” with minimal water retention and fat gain. While ND is usually used in “bulking” cycles , NPP is used in “cutting” cycles although either drug can be used in either regard. Being an oil based anabolic it is injected intramuscularly (into the muscle), many users inject it ED or EOD, however NPP can administered E4D without problems.

NPP, and nandrolone in general, has a number of benefits for athletes; it increases levels of serotonergic amines in the brain, these chemicals contribute to aggressive behavior, this could help athletes to train harder and improve speed and power.4 Nandrolone also increases levels of IGF -1 in muscle tissues.(5) This may be another way that makes nandrolone highly anabolic . NPP also benefits the athlete by increasing the number of androgen receptors (AR) one study showed that nandrolone given to rats at a dosage of 6mg/kg of bodyweight combined with muscle functional overload (muscle functional overload gives a similar effect to resistance training) had a 1,300% (!) increase in AR protein concentrations. (6) There is a direct link to muscle growth and AR levels. NPP also seems to be a promising fat loss agent, men given the drug had reduced levels of subcutaneous (under skin) adipose(fat) tissue, visceral (gut) fat loss was not as good however.(7) The fat loss effect seems though to be dose dependant, in one study NPP at a daily dose of 1, 4, or 10mg per kg of bodyweight the 10mg dose had the greatest effect on fatloss, thus displaying a dose respondant curve with NPP(8). The more you use, the more results you'll get, with regards to this drug.

NPP is used to treat anemia by stimulating red blood cell production,(1) and an increase in RBC count can improve endurance during exercise via better lactic acid clearing and oxygen delivery. The blood is also better enabled to carry nutrients to muscle tissue to aid in repair, administration also increases the rate of muscle glycogen repletion after exercise helping the athlete dramatically improve recovery after strenuous physical exercise.(9) Athletes who require a high level of endurance in their chosen sport can benefit from the use of NPP.(15) A favorite with bodybuilders who suffer with sore joints, NPP can also improve collagen synthesis (10), which may improve joint function and alleviate joint pains. Many members of steroid .com swear by nandrolones ability to allow them to train in comfort.

Although many nandrolone lovers claim that it is one of the safest anabolic steroids , if not the safest. It does have side effects that can be bothersome in hypersensitive individuals, such as acne, excitation, insomnia, nausea, diarrhea and bladder irritability(1). More serious (and common) side effects include testicular atrophy (shrunken balls), impotence (deca dick) and gynecomastia (bitch tits) (1). Nandrolone use has been shown to be safe and easy on the lipid profile, often improving HDL Cholesterol (16) Impotence can be offset by stacking the nandrolone with a higher testosterone . Nandrolone also causes the “shut down” (total stoppage) of endogenous (natural) testosterone production. Thus an exogenous (outside) source must be provided, the increased prolactin levels from the use of a progestinic steroid contribute to HPTA shut down and testicular atrophy which can be treated with a combination HCG (a female hormone that acts like LH when introduced into the male body) and bromocriptine (a dopamine receptor agonist that, among other things, can lower prolactin levels.) (1)(11) Besides using bromcriptine to lower prolactin levels, the anti-estrogens fulvestrant or letrozole on be taken to down regulate the progesterone and estrogen receptor.(12)( 13 )
NPP can be highly useful in either “bulking” or “cutting” cycles , and it would seem that diet and dosages are the determining factors of whether a cycle with this drug will be one or the other. Due to its highly anabolic nature coupled with low androgenic properties it can be incorporated into a mass cycle , usually stacked with testosterone and a powerful oral like possibly oxymetholone (Anadrol ) or methandrostenolone (Dianabol ). NPP can thus be part of a classic bulking cycle . For a cutting cycle NPP is usually be combined with other short-estered injectable anabolic steroids (testosterone propionate and boldenone acetate come to mind as likely choices) and one of the DHT derived orals such as stanozolol (winstrol ) or oxandrolone (Anavar ). NPP is said to produce good mass and strength gains in both cutting and bulking cycle phases (3). When one is planning a cutting cycle one must take caution if combining the 19-nor-testosterone derivative trenbolone with nandrolone . Trenbolone Acetate, although a powerful drug for lean muscle gains, strength, and fat loss is also a strong progestin with a binding affinity to the PgR of 60% (3x that of nandrolone ). The elevated prolactin, can worsen HPTA insult, often causing the user to spend more money on preventative measures, the combo may also result in a difficult PCT protocol to regain natural testosterone production. So far few steroid .com members have any first- hand experience with NPP….limited to the few who know which UGLabs sells this particular form of nandrolone . This increases the popularity of “home brewing” …since the powder comes out of China at very affordable prices. It is only a matter of time before NPP (or Durabolin ) takes a special place in the arsenal of steroid .com members in their quest for more muscle.

02-22-2013, 05:39 AM
Fav drug to date (3 cycles under my belt, including tren A)

02-22-2013, 05:42 AM
First tried it last yr and fell in love!!!!!!! The only reason Im not using it this yr is only b/c Im taking a break from it but will add it again next yr!!!! GREAT STUFF!!!!!!!!

02-22-2013, 05:57 AM
Thinking about trying it

02-22-2013, 06:40 AM
GATOR: tell me why you loved it? I forgot to say why its my fav lol ...

I felt it kick in FAST - LOVED THAT
You dont have to run it for a very long time to see gains
Low bloat and water holdage/retention
Made me feel stronger than any other steroid I have tried (variables go into this, but you get the idea) - I remember 30 pull-ups specifically speaking..
Minimal sides UNlike tren (sleep issues, sweating, cardio sucked)
To conclude - gains were extremely solid, felt like every time I looked in the mirror a thin sheet on nylon muscle would be added to my frame!

COLE: I rarely tell others to run a particular compound (too many personal variables) but this is the only compound I will suggest!!!

02-22-2013, 03:25 PM
I like NPP..........but I really like the sound of you burger that's in your signature.

"The Double Bacon Cheeseburger Fatty Melt: Three bacon stuffed grill cheese sandwiches for buns, cheese, bacon, and (2) four ounce beef patties. "

Damn I'm Hungary!

02-22-2013, 04:17 PM
I like NPP..........but I really like the sound of you burger that's in your signature.

"The Double Bacon Cheeseburger Fatty Melt: Three bacon stuffed grill cheese sandwiches for buns, cheese, bacon, and (2) four ounce beef patties. "

Damn I'm Hungary!

i will be running npp mid mar, but short just made this thread sound so much better. im hungry too.

02-22-2013, 04:51 PM
It's there so fatties can go eat and get, well, fatter ... while I get leaner and then ... steal your girl!

GOD I am the master of sneeek!

02-22-2013, 06:42 PM
I've been on it for almost three weeks and really like it. It made my delts explode. I literally could feel them growing while I slept.

02-22-2013, 06:58 PM
I've been on it for almost three weeks and really like it. It made my delts explode. I literally could feel them growing while I slept.

Just wait, the fun is about to really begin now!

02-23-2013, 05:48 AM
It's there so fatties can go eat and get, well, fatter ... while I get leaner and then ... steal your girl!

GOD I am the master of sneeek!

"master of sneek" lol, love your lingo.

02-23-2013, 01:09 PM
Just wait, the fun is about to really begin now!

It's odd b/c I know I'm getting bigger but my weight is maintaining. It looks like I'm losing bf so maybe that is why I'm getting bigger but not gaining weight.

02-24-2013, 01:23 AM
I got some on its way...
First run with it, not sure how much to run though......what worked for y'all?
Gonna run 400 test wit it

02-24-2013, 03:58 AM
I got some on its way...
First run with it, not sure how much to run though......what worked for y'all?
Gonna run 400 test wit it Thats not much test. I would say 2-300NPP.

02-24-2013, 04:00 AM
I like NPP because you dont get that swollen bloat that regular deca gives you especialy if you are eating carbs. I dont like that its only 100mg which makes it tough to get much volume unless you pin ed.

02-24-2013, 07:50 PM
I have not tried it yet , but it is something that I am really interested in right now. How long should my cycle be w/NPP and what else can I use while on it? Does it come in pill/tab form?

02-24-2013, 08:58 PM
It depends on what your cycle looks like. I ran it "mid" cycle to let the longer acting test kick in. If running prop you can run it from the beginning obviously ( I ran test-E)
NPP does NOT stack well with tren. My joints felt like they had butter in them as well. No bloat either. I only ran test/NPP so there was no way I was getting the
results mixed with an oral (say VAR was working great, someone could think its NPP working but really its the VAR) however, I felt the NPP and woooohooooo
I pinned EOD for 6 weeks

03-02-2013, 12:44 AM
I echo half a pint's sentiments, I have nothing but goods things to say about NPP.

I normally run between 600 and 900mg (depending on other compounds being run) and love the strength and size gains.

My only "criticism" is that I don't feel any sort of joint relief like I do with decca.

03-02-2013, 02:25 AM
I echo half a pint's sentiments, I have nothing but goods things to say about NPP.

I normally run between 600 and 900mg (depending on other compounds being run) and love the strength and size gains.

My only "criticism" is that I don't feel any sort of joint relief like I do with decca.

Deca made my old ass feel like a kid again

03-02-2013, 04:28 AM
Shits good

03-02-2013, 06:40 AM
So do you guys like NPP better than tren?? I ran a test/tren/mast blend and got awesome results.

03-02-2013, 06:41 PM
Been wanting to try this one. Gotta get some

03-06-2013, 01:00 AM
Gettin some crazy pumps bro....

03-06-2013, 01:29 AM
I ran NPP before and had great results , i also ran teks mastprop ace blend with great results , im getting ready to run a test prop , npp , and oral winny cycle to help me prepare for an upcoming show , and im hoping if i can afford it to add some tren into it because ive had great results with both compounds on their own so im thinking if I run them together my results would be sick , thinking of starting off at 400mg test prop a week and 300mg npp along with 25mg of oral winny then upping it to 600mg prop a week and 500mg npp and 50mg winny ed , and if possible bring some tren ace or some of that oral ptren into it if thats what i can get , im on a tight budget so i cant be to picky

Mountain Monster
03-06-2013, 01:41 AM
I have an old back injury and NPP or deca is an awesome addition to any of my cycles! makes lifting heavy much more comfortable! one of my top 5 favorite compounds!

03-06-2013, 01:52 AM
yeah I know alot of guys I deal with that always ask me for deca to help with joint pain , along with the great gains they get from it

Big Moose
04-07-2013, 03:27 AM
I'm definitely intrigued by these responses. I think i may have to add this to my current cycle - maybe once I'm done the Tren E, I will switch to NPP for the last few weeks.

04-07-2013, 04:24 AM
I have not tried it yet , but it is something that I am really interested in right now. How long should my cycle be w/NPP and what else can I use while on it? Does it come in pill/tab form?

Npp is an oil. Never heard of it coming in tab form.
Gains usually come quick from it. 100 EOD does the trick for me.
I ran up to 8 weeks with no major sides. Sure others have run it longer.

04-07-2013, 05:35 AM
My next cycle is either going to be NPP or deca. Cant decide. Bc i am going to be brewing up some Test E and Deca and really wanna see how my homebrewed cycle will go. Really thinking about just going with NPP though. This is how my Npp cycle will look like

1-4 Dbol 40mgs ED
1-16 Sust 600mgs
1-14 NPP 400mgs
1-16 Hcg 500iu

04-07-2013, 12:04 PM
I have an old back injury and NPP or deca is an awesome addition to any of my cycles! makes lifting heavy much more comfortable! one of my top 5 favorite compounds!

Spot on.....I have noticed a hardness with npp that I wasn't expecting

04-07-2013, 12:08 PM
My next cycle is either going to be NPP or deca. Cant decide. Bc i am going to be brewing up some Test E and Deca and really wanna see how my homebrewed cycle will go. Really thinking about just going with NPP though. This is how my Npp cycle will look like

1-4 Dbol 40mgs ED

1-16 Sust 600mgs
1-14 NPP 400mgs
1-16 Hcg 500iu

14 weeks is a lot of pinning withy npp....
U could run both.....npp 6 to 8 weeks start the deca at about week 5......
Best of both worlds

04-07-2013, 12:16 PM
I usually use NPP 6-7 weeks

04-07-2013, 09:41 PM
Just stopped NPP last week. One of the best AAS I've ever used. I started at 300 mg a week then bumped it to 420 mg b/c I was doing 60 mg ED. Next time I'm going to go 750 mg test, 600 mg NPP. No sides, just lean muscle and good strength gains. I've never tried Tren but I'd like to see how they compare. They are both 19-nor so I wonder if they offer similar results?

04-08-2013, 01:42 AM
14 weeks is a lot of pinning withy npp....
U could run both.....npp 6 to 8 weeks start the deca at about week 5......
Best of both worlds

I will be pinning the NPP M/W/F Thats 42 pins.
I really have thought about running npp for like 6-8 weeks and then switch over to deca but i dont know. I better get use to the pinning bc after this cycle and my winter cycle im going to try Tren ace for 12 weeks and T300 for 14 weeks.

04-08-2013, 01:42 AM
I usually use NPP 6-7 weeks

Is it because you get tired of pining?

04-10-2013, 02:15 AM
Npp is top 5 for sure. Not as good as tren though.

04-10-2013, 02:59 AM
After two more cycles i will Do a T300 and Tren ace cycle Cant wait!

04-10-2013, 03:59 AM
Just stopped NPP last week. One of the best AAS I've ever used. I started at 300 mg a week then bumped it to 420 mg b/c I was doing 60 mg ED. Next time I'm going to go 750 mg test, 600 mg NPP. No sides, just lean muscle and good strength gains. I've never tried Tren but I'd like to see how they compare. They are both 19-nor so I wonder if they offer similar results?

NPP Sounds like a nice compound.

Tren's infamous sides usually hit everyone. For me, night sweats (changed my soaked t-shirt twice a night). Insomnia. Anxiety. A very tough run!

You've been warned :)

04-10-2013, 05:32 AM
is npp the real shit or what?

04-10-2013, 05:45 AM
Npp is the shit man.

04-10-2013, 05:54 AM
Npp or decca for a huge gains cycle?? Never tried either and need a break from tren next blast

04-10-2013, 06:06 AM
Deca will hold more water weight which will make you look bigger. Npp will hold less weight but kicks in pretty fast. Deca takes 5-6 weeks to kick in . Im running NPP In may and for my winter Bulk im going to run Deca.

04-10-2013, 06:13 AM
Clean ur pm box :)

04-10-2013, 06:27 AM
I just did bro.

04-10-2013, 10:41 AM
Deca will hold more water weight which will make you look bigger. Npp will hold less weight but kicks in pretty fast. Deca takes 5-6 weeks to kick in . Im running NPP In may and for my winter Bulk im going to run Deca.

True for the most part....some individuals swell up like a blimp on NPP as well, depends on the person. Im with you, I prefer npp over deconate anyday

04-10-2013, 10:41 AM
I would go with NPP.....shit comes on fast!

04-10-2013, 01:50 PM
So if you run prop, npp and mast prop, would the mast prop be ok for your AI or would you add adex or aromisin to that??? Or just t hrow in some proviron?

04-10-2013, 02:50 PM
Fom the testosterone yes, nandrolone converts to progesterine though....some people swear stanzolol has anti-progest/prolactin properties

04-10-2013, 05:52 PM
Fom the testosterone yes, nandrolone converts to progesterine though....some people swear stanzolol has anti-progest/prolactin properties

So you probably better off with letro then.

04-10-2013, 06:08 PM
So you probably better off with letro then.

I don't like running letro unless its last resort that shit is strong man. Arom or adex is good unless lumps start to form then switch to letro.. Especially if ur trying to gain size letro will hurt your gains. Estrogen is needed :) and letro doesn't allow that shit to live.

04-10-2013, 06:10 PM
I agree Letro is a last resort thing. Only use it if you have to. Its way to strong.

04-10-2013, 07:42 PM
What the best doesage for it and how do you pin twice a week and eod

04-10-2013, 07:54 PM
For a first time 400mgs Of NPP is enough. And you pin NPP M/W/F

04-11-2013, 03:03 AM
I like the NPP but I get better strength and size from regular deca. Its hard to get 600mg npp, easy with 300mg deca

04-11-2013, 05:05 AM
I like the NPP but I get better strength and size from regular deca. Its hard to get 600mg npp, easy with 300mg deca

Very True ^^

04-14-2013, 02:34 AM
Very True ^^

I have been thinking about this. I just cant get the volume when its only 100mg per cc. I will stick with running both. 4-600 deca 2-300NPP, just depending on how much room is left in the rig. I am not wanting to do more than 9cc per wk.

04-19-2013, 01:39 PM
3 pins at 3ml each sounds painful lol I'd rather go 6 or 7 pins at 1-2ml, that route as long as I rotate I seem to have no pip at all

04-19-2013, 04:07 PM
I've got a vendor that makes NPP/TP at 100/100 - pin ED and you're there with only one cc per pin.

04-21-2013, 03:15 AM
Damn this is intriguing me. I need this to help out my joints and mostly bc of everything else I just heard. I didnt like Deca bc of the bloat and this seems like the new better version to me.

05-06-2013, 05:41 AM
im doing it in my next bulk cycle for sure

05-06-2013, 06:11 AM
NPP over deca every time for me if given the choice.

I am running test e and deca, I run FORMERON 2 pumps a day and 12.5aromasin 2x daily for the bloat and retention issues. But it is part of my cycle winnings from a contest I won 2 months ago at IM. I'm actually. Loving deca with all the suicide inhibitors. I'm using prolactrone in place of a DA. I'm not super dry, well , that's me in the avi from last week, judge for yourself:)

05-06-2013, 06:46 AM
You look good man! Congrats on the win!

05-09-2013, 03:56 AM
NPP is hands down one of favorites, excellent lean keep able gains, joint support, strength gains. Excellent compound

05-11-2013, 07:49 PM
This year I kept my first cycle simple ten weeks 1000mgs a week of test e

Have some npp comi g in first time using it I hqve ran deca in the past as well as tren.
After reading this I am a little more excited

I will be running
Testp 100 mg eod w1-12
Npp 100mg eod w1-12
Test e 500 - 750 mgs 2x week 1- 14 what do yall suggest on mgs
I have winny
I have aromsin what do you guys suggest on these

I love the npp sorry for jacking the board on this one just seems like alot of dudes on here know whats up with npp and id like the input thanks

05-11-2013, 08:13 PM
This year I kept my first cycle simple ten weeks 1000mgs a week of test e

Have some npp comi g in first time using it I hqve ran deca in the past as well as tren.
After reading this I am a little more excited

I will be running
Testp 100 mg eod w1-12
Npp 100mg eod w1-12
Test e 500 - 750 mgs 2x week 1- 14 what do yall suggest on mgs
I have winny
I have aromsin what do you guys suggest on these

I love the npp sorry for jacking the board on this one just seems like alot of dudes on here know whats up with npp and id like the input thanks

Im on week 2 and 6 days of my dbol/Sust/NPP. Up 6 pounds already.

06-30-2013, 11:49 PM
how are you likeing the sust, thinking about dropping the prop and test e and switching to sust. I liking all my vascularity coming in but id like a little more bulk or do you suggest keeping them and just adding a couple weeks of dbol?

07-01-2013, 09:34 PM
how are you likeing the sust, thinking about dropping the prop and test e and switching to sust. I liking all my vascularity coming in but id like a little more bulk or do you suggest keeping them and just adding a couple weeks of dbol?

I love the Sust. I switched to Test E and Deca though bc i decided to run a much longer cycle.
You could through in some dbol if you wanted.

02-05-2014, 08:06 PM
Does NPP promote vasularity and fatloss anywhere near Tren A? I ran Test Prop 350/wk Tren A 350/wk and later on added Mast P 350/wk (the triple combo was insanely good results!) but Tren A was giving me progestin gyno a little which I had to kill of, and it killed my hard ons. Since NPP is only 1/3 as progestenic as Tren is it a lot weaker but with less sides? Wouldn't mind the joint relief either. I'm planning to do Test Prop/Mast Prop/and Tren A or NPP

04-01-2014, 02:14 AM
Ran nppa few times with multiple compounds..nothing but good results every time.

05-19-2014, 12:38 AM
Thanks bro,good post.I have some in the mix for later days.

02-17-2016, 05:17 AM
Gonna try this alone with test E and masteron E,since I don't like Deca durabolin long ester I'll do this EOD, I just wonder if has same effects for joints

Mike Larry
03-01-2016, 07:43 AM
It depends on what your cycle looks like. I ran it "mid" cycle to let the longer acting test kick in. If running prop you can run it from the beginning obviously ( I ran test-E)
NPP does NOT stack well with tren. My joints felt like they had butter in them as well. No bloat either. I only ran test/NPP so there was no way I was getting the
results mixed with an oral (say VAR was working great, someone could think its NPP working but really its the VAR) however, I felt the NPP and woooohooooo
I pinned EOD for 6 weeks

Hey bro what week did you start your NPP and do you think it was more beneficial then starting from the start on test e? I'm just a little confused weather to run it from the start with test e as a kick start like some recommend or wait until the test kicks in like you done?

03-03-2016, 01:59 PM
dont run it from the start with test e bro. i would personally run npp with test p but if i had to use test e i would wait 4 weeks before i started npp

Mike Larry
03-04-2016, 05:35 AM
dont run it from the start with test e bro. i would personally run npp with test p but if i had to use test e i would wait 4 weeks before i started npp

Yeh copy that bro, I ran test p last cycle its good but only problem is the low mg per ml same as the npp so big shots

03-29-2016, 06:39 PM
I love npp the only other thing I've used that comes close to it is tren. Good solid gains it will make you feel
Great like ull need to turn sideways to walk through a door lol

Pudin Head
04-16-2016, 06:37 AM
I love NPP so far. I ran Test e (600mg)and Deca(400mg) for 12 weeks of a 16 week cycle. At week 12 ( 2 weeks ago ) I dropped the Deca and replaced it with NPP. Over those 2 weeks I have dropped 2kg of water but my muscles still feel like they are growing daily. For the last 4 weeks of the cycle I am pinning M/W/F. 750mg test e and 600mg NPP per week.
25mg of aromasin per day. No side effects. Maybe sweating a bit more.

04-18-2016, 01:59 AM
Love the NPP ...TEst P EOD

05-06-2016, 11:36 PM
Been on npp and test prop for almost a month at 175mg eod. This is my first run with it. I'm feeling and getting a little stronger. Not sure if I was expecting to much, it just hasn't fully kicked in yet which I doubt being such a short ester or its underdosed.

06-25-2016, 11:44 AM
Sorry if this question has already been posed but...

What is a good dosage of NPP and how often do you pin? Since it is a fast acting ester I'm assuming its pretty often

06-25-2016, 07:21 PM
Sorry if this question has already been posed but...

What is a good dosage of NPP and how often do you pin? Since it is a fast acting ester I'm assuming its pretty often
I normally run 600mgs a week with 750 test e. I run npp eod at 200mgs
I dont bloat and i get good strength and joint relief.

Has anyone run tren and npp together i understand ure not meant too but was just curious...

08-12-2016, 11:54 PM
How does npp compare to boldenone for you guys?

Amber Jones
08-22-2016, 06:38 AM
oxymetholone can stacked with Npp during the bulking cycle

Rachel Whiseley
08-22-2016, 08:33 AM
good post, i always think the deca and npp are nearly the same thing...

08-25-2016, 01:10 PM
I love NPP so far. I ran Test e (600mg)and Deca(400mg) for 12 weeks of a 16 week cycle. At week 12 ( 2 weeks ago ) I dropped the Deca and replaced it with NPP. Over those 2 weeks I have dropped 2kg of water but my muscles still feel like they are growing daily. For the last 4 weeks of the cycle I am pinning M/W/F. 750mg test e and 600mg NPP per week.
25mg of aromasin per day. No side effects. Maybe sweating a bit more.

How's cardio with NPP? Are you in the hurt locker?

Pudin Head
08-26-2016, 11:32 AM
I didn't have any dramas with my cardio...other than sweating a lot more than usual. Tren defo was tougher on cardio for me

08-26-2016, 11:51 AM
I didn't have any dramas with my cardio...other than sweating a lot more than usual. Tren defo was tougher on cardio for me

Sweet. Im glad to hear that! Looking forward to next week even more now!

08-27-2016, 10:46 PM
Loved the speedy results of NPP. Ran it with Prop...Prop 300/wk NPP 400/wk Dbol 25/day...good results, killer combo!! Compared to Test E and Deca....no contest for me...Prop/NPP!! It did kill my cardio in about the 5th week tho, as does Deca. Have to keep it at about 6-8 weeks. Same joint relief as Deca for me.

08-29-2016, 08:52 PM
NPP is definitely one of my fav especially in case when i am cutting, I am highly prone to aches and joints pain and as the water level in my body goes sigifnicantly down while on tren/letro/winny and such, i start feeling irritating pain. NPP really helps me in this regard. Side effects are not that harsh for me but since its a 19 NOR i run caber with it

09-15-2016, 12:59 AM
This is my first NPP run and its only been a week. I added it for the last 8-10 weeks of this blast... was running 875 test with mt on squat and dl days and m1t the rest of the week. Pretty much done with that though... only 2 more weeks. Im doing things different this time... heavy test base (as usual) but put my oral in the middle of the cycle and added my major compound at the end.... basicslly to break any myostatin barrier that may be building. I feel pretty awesome and obviously stronger than usual. Can't wait to turn the corner on the npp. Ran deca several times and loved it but I like the idea of a drier version

09-15-2016, 04:36 PM
Been running NPP at 450mgs per week..big increase in appetite..muscles are full..Loving this NPP.

11-23-2016, 09:40 PM
Test and npp will defintely be my next cycle, beyond excited

08-01-2018, 09:43 AM
Love NPP never have water bloat, did a cycle with anavar / prop and winny looked amazing

11-29-2018, 02:17 PM
Npp makes me sweat at night but i do love it

11-29-2018, 09:02 PM
Love NPP. But I am a year round Deca user. I love running 200 mgs of Deca year round and when I need a little push, I incorporate some NPP into my life. Great strength gains, feel good on it. It does seem to make me a little more grouchy and short fused. I'm sure that has to do with elevated prolactin. I also sweat bad at night just like if I were on Tren. Must have something to do with 19 Nors. My sweat smells like straight vinegar when on it. Strange. But it is by far a very useful compound. Love it!

12-09-2018, 05:42 PM
Has anyone used Spectrum Pharma NPP recently?

01-11-2019, 06:30 AM
Strongest I've ever been was on NPP. Disappointed in myself for not running it with the upcoming cycle. Only ran it once, years ago

04-24-2019, 03:59 AM
On my first pinning cycle now, running NPP. About 18 days in, really enjoying it so far stacked with var.

04-24-2019, 02:15 PM
Npp will blow you the fuck up...biggest i ever got was on npp blast

Sent from my LG-H932 using Tapatalk

04-26-2019, 03:23 AM
Npp will blow you the fuck up...biggest i ever got was on npp blast

Sent from my LG-H932 using Tapatalk

Im eating at maintenance, really going for a recomp and not trying to pack on sloppy size. But I’m definitely looking bigger. I’ll take it.

04-26-2019, 03:31 AM
Im eating at maintenance, really going for a recomp and not trying to pack on sloppy size. But I’m definitely looking bigger. I’ll take it.Man im telling you....idk prob bit of water...but i seriously was getting bigget ed...lol...it was rediculas....total blowit....i could have hit 300 easy bro....but fuck at 280 i was just starting to feel so cumbersome and uncomfortable....but when you get those looks and stares and questions everywhere you go makes you want to keep going...lol...

Sent from my LG-H932 using Tapatalk

05-08-2019, 02:05 AM
Man im telling you....idk prob bit of water...but i seriously was getting bigget ed...lol...it was rediculas....total blowit....i could have hit 300 easy bro....but fuck at 280 i was just starting to feel so cumbersome and uncomfortable....but when you get those looks and stares and questions everywhere you go makes you want to keep going...lol...

Sent from my LG-H932 using Tapatalk

Yeah im def holding some water. When I come off the NPP, I’m gonna run 6 weeks of high dose 11oxo to finish. Should have me where I wanna be for the honeymoon.

05-23-2020, 04:33 AM
Npp is the shit!

05-28-2020, 04:34 AM
Do you also run test with NPP?

What would be considered a light cycle?

05-28-2020, 08:25 AM
I run npp @100mg eod with test p eod
Makes nice lean gains maybe with some winstrol if its a summmer cut

Sent from my SM-G973F using Tapatalk

09-11-2020, 05:47 AM
I am going to run 300npp and 500 Test C per week and I plan to pin every day equally divided, will start the test 2 weeks early, thoughts?

03-10-2021, 01:11 AM
Man im telling you....idk prob bit of water...but i seriously was getting bigget ed...lol...it was rediculas....total blowit....i could have hit 300 easy bro....but fuck at 280 i was just starting to feel so cumbersome and uncomfortable....but when you get those looks and stares and questions everywhere you go makes you want to keep going...lol...

Sent from my LG-H932 using Tapatalk Hey bro clear your pm out, Just wanna ask you a few things about npp, thank you

Bullseye Forever
03-12-2021, 04:55 AM
Hey bro clear your pm out, Just wanna ask you a few things about npp, thank you

I used deca for years and I swole like a ballon so I started using npp and don’t have near the problems I know it’s aggravating pinning 3-5 times a week but bettsr thsn holing water like a ballon I’ll never use deca again

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09-09-2022, 12:49 AM
Npp makes me sweat at night but i do love it

I agree with this and started getting insomnia about 2 weeks ago. Won't ever use it again for any longer then 8 weeks. !2 was too long.

09-09-2022, 01:13 AM
I agree with this and started getting insomnia about 2 weeks ago. Won't ever use it again for any longer then 8 weeks. !2 was too long.

Really!? Hmmm. Never in my life but that’s my experience and have run it 12-16 weeks. Now DHB, that’s insomnia!

EXO-GEN [emoji626]
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List: [email protected]

09-09-2022, 02:04 AM
Really!? Hmmm. Never in my life but that’s my experience and have run it 12-16 weeks. Now DHB, that’s insomnia!

EXO-GEN [emoji626]
Anyone new gets 2 FREE TEST!
List: [email protected]

What do you really get from DHB? Ive never tried it

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09-09-2022, 02:15 AM
What do you really get from DHB? Ive never tried it

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

If I remember correctly.. it's a 200 anabolic and 100 androgenic.

09-09-2022, 03:26 AM
Really!? Hmmm. Never in my life but that’s my experience and have run it 12-16 weeks. Now DHB, that’s insomnia!

EXO-GEN [emoji626]
Anyone new gets 2 FREE TEST!
List: [email protected]

Never had insomnia with NPP or DHB, just finished a 16 week NPP/Test run and will def run it again for 16. Good lean gains. Maybe I'll add DHB to the end of the run, wonder if anyone has experience with that?

09-09-2022, 10:16 AM
Really!? Hmmm. Never in my life but that’s my experience and have run it 12-16 weeks. Now DHB, that’s insomnia!

EXO-GEN [emoji626]
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List: [email protected]

For me it's real, little after 3 am now and been up since 2. Started about 2 weeks ago. Loving the results but I'm not going any longer then 8 weeks next time.

09-09-2022, 10:27 AM
What do you really get from DHB? Ive never tried it

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I'll be using DHB for the first time on the next blast. Starting low at 210 ew to see how I respond. So far, the only bad that I have heard about it is the PIP. Hopely if that's it, I'll just cut it.

09-09-2022, 10:43 AM
Really!? Hmmm. Never in my life but that’s my experience and have run it 12-16 weeks. Now DHB, that’s insomnia!

EXO-GEN [emoji626]
Anyone new gets 2 FREE TEST!
List: [email protected]

RE-read your post and that sucks. The plan for the next blast was to start with test and dhb for the first 4 wks and if all was going well then add npp. If there is anything good about insomnia is a little more aggression in the gym, at least for me. I know you know everything else about it sucks.

09-09-2022, 11:01 AM
@ XXL hey brother, with DHB when did the insomnia kick in? With NPP it was about week 10. Starting to re-think this. Thanks bro.

09-09-2022, 01:07 PM
@ XXL hey brother, with DHB when did the insomnia kick in? With NPP it was about week 10. Starting to re-think this. Thanks bro.

I had mild insomnia pretty soon the entire time with insomnia but never with NPP.

EXO-GEN [emoji626]
Anyone new gets 2 FREE TEST!
List: [email protected]

09-09-2022, 11:08 PM
[QUOTE=*XXL;1249857]I had mild insomnia pretty soon the entire time with insomnia but never with NPP.

EXO-GEN [emoji626]
Anyone new gets 2 FREE TEST!
List: [email protected][/QUOTE

This is the 1st time for me, but I've never ran it for 12 wks. Hopefully DHB will be the opposite for me. Thanks bro.

09-10-2022, 12:54 AM
[QUOTE=*XXL;1249857]I had mild insomnia pretty soon the entire time with insomnia but never with NPP.

EXO-GEN [emoji626]
Anyone new gets 2 FREE TEST!
List: [email protected][/QUOTE

This is the 1st time for me, but I've never ran it for 12 wks. Hopefully DHB will be the opposite for me. Thanks bro.


EXO-GEN [emoji626]
Anyone new gets 2 FREE TEST!
List: [email protected]

11-21-2023, 11:40 PM
Love npp.