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View Full Version : ! Need advice ! - 25 days into PCT - Blood Results and Gyno

06-22-2017, 03:58 AM
Hey guys, just looking for some solid advice / help with my PCT


I'm about 3-4 weeks after I stopped taking some sarms, specifically LGD, Mk and RAD

I had some issues when coming off the sarms and my test dropped dramatically and started getting some minor gyno flare-up which was totally unexpected and I was not prepared.

My nipples were sensitive and puffy

I did as anyone would, tried to fix the issues immediately, i knew i had fucked up and i was up shit creek

I started taking nolva and DAA 4 days after stopping my sarms, then 4 days later I started taking clomid and armidex, another 6 days past and i started taking MK-2866 and GW-501'

I was sitting a pretty heavy PCT stack but i was in full panic mode cos of the blood tests showing low test.

It was crazy, full on madness, but i was following the advice of dylan gemelli and going FULL PCT ASAP

20ish days after stopping taking the SARMS i stopped the clomid

Old post talking to dylan - Need PCT Help - Stack gone wrong (https://www.isarms.com/forums/steroids-sarms-information/need-pct-help-stack-gone-wrong-24882.html)
Previous post on my backstory - https://brotherhoodofpain.com/aussie-anabolic-steroid-discussion/37434-pct-advice-gyno.html?posted=1#post570285

My current PCT stack is:

Nolva: 30mg
MK2866 - 20mg
GW501516 - 20mg
DAA - 5g

The surrounding area around my nipples has gone down, the last few days i have been keeping bandaids over them as to not touch them... however the "pointyness" and "large head" of my nipples remains. My nipple head is also a bit whiter and there are small dots around the edge of my nipple.

My blood test from 2 days ago came back as following:

FSH - High - 11 (should be below 7)
LH - High - 7.7 (Should be below 7)
ACTH - lowish - 2.5 (should be less than 11)
TSH - normal - 1.4 (should be between 0.5-4.0)
Cortisol - normal - 406 - GW and MK supposed to help with keeping this down
Prolactin - normal - 141 - (should be between 40-450)
Oest2 - normal - 94 - (should be below 150)

Urea - upper limit - 7.6 (could be from the 13 hour fast)
AST - high - 42 - (should be below 35)
ALT - high - 43 - (should be below 40)
Cholesterol - upper limit - 5.2 - this was high 2 weeks ago
The rest was normal

Currently Im doing 16 / 8 intermittent fasting to help my body heal, i have been eating REALLY WELL to improve my recovery

I want to slowly come off all the supplements / drugs

My questions:

I'm looking for advice on how to proceed with coming off the stack.

Will my nipples go down / stop being pointy? they look to be improving but im still concerned i have permanent damage.

What should I do about the high LH and FSH - are these effecting my nips?