12-04-2011, 09:34 PM
I threw this section in here to clarify some things about this mystery nutrient. Fatty acids are used by the body to lubricate joints, to aid in electrical nerve
impulses, and especially important for bodybuilders, hormone production. Hormones such as testosterone are mostly composed of fatty acids. Keep in mind
that all fats are not created equal. There are variations in the chemical formulas of fats that make some of them extremely dangerous.
A saturated fat is a very dense cell. The way that its carbon atoms are arranged is such that the saturated fat molecule is very hard to break down. You
can imagine that folded clothes are able to be fit more densely into a laundry basket than clothes that are wadded up and thrown in. Because its density
makes it so hard to break down, your body would rather use the energy in saturated fat at a later time and so stores it in adipose more readily than unsaturated
or omega fats. Where animal fats are generally solids (saturated), vegetable fats (oil) are generally liquid. But don’t trust all vegetable oils, most are “partially
hydrogenated” meaning that the unsaturated fats have been chemically made saturated during the extraction process. The worst thing about saturated fat
is that those dense molecules can stick together and line the inside of veins and arteries as they are being transported to adipose cells for storage. Since they
are so dense, it takes your body a long time to dissolve them from the vascular walls. Therefore, over time the sediments can build up in the vessels and block
them before the body can dissolve them causing heart disease. That is the cause of most high blood pressure and heart attacks.
There are actually “good” fats. Omega 3, Omega 6, and Omega 9’s are extremely beneficial to human growth. The omegas contain essential fatty acids.
The omegas are easily broken down and as with all fats, are an excellent source of energy. The omega 3’s are superior to the 9’s in that they are more easily
broken down. The most Omega dense foods are fish oils such as cod liver oil, and flax seed oil. Flax seed oil contains more omega 3 fatty acids than any
other food. It’s always a good idea to supplement with flax seed oil.