View Full Version : Failed and getting back on track

07-23-2017, 02:04 PM
So I came home from being on the road for four months and dropped to 248 and a half. Wooo hoo right. Yes. However, I have noticed since I have been home just over a month I have not kept up on my food prep a majority of the time. While this morning I weighed 261 I am also retaining some water. the water retention is from a half gallon of milk throughout the night and eating a whole large pizza with pepperoni sausage and pineapple.

On the road it was easy for me to do food prep stick to planned meals and snacks and hit the gym on scheduled days. Coming home spending time with my kids, handling life responsibilities, waiting to find out if I actually have a growth and if so what is it, having to buy a new car after being in a car accident, and handle a sporadic work schedule. I am going to have to focus more and use more discipline to get back down and continue to go further down in weight.

Although right now is the time I am taking to increase my calorie intake and bulk a little, putting on a little mass before going back to carb cycling. Either way it is looked at I need to make sure I stick to the way I eat no matter what is going on.