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View Full Version : My wife has gained 30 pounds and needs to loose it what are so weight loss pill she can take

09-20-2017, 06:55 AM

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09-20-2017, 08:07 AM

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Can she dial down her carbohydrate intake and get on a Cardio plan say start out on the treadmill 20 minutes a day 7 days a week and every week add 5 minutes a day to it for a maximum of 1 hr a day 7 days a week. See how that goes 1st run that for 12-16 weeks she'd be amazed at what that can do for her. Gradually cut the weight down. In my humble opinion.

09-20-2017, 10:28 AM
It sounds like your gonna slip something into her morning coffee lol

She needs to watch what she eats plain and simple, I'm not see the time frame off her weight gain if it's slowly progressed over years and years or if it's been a short , acute time time.

In short her diet needs improvement. If it's been over years she may not know or realize what's she's eating, I can't tell you how many women I've spoken to that have said idk why I'm gaining weight all I eat is fruits , Heath carbs like oats and sweet potatoes. Welcome its becuse you're taking in as many carbs as a lineman.

Some people also turn to food as a way of coping

I'm taking a shot in the dark here because I'm not really sure on some of the info.

How long has it taken to put on this weight ?

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Dont wanna be old
09-20-2017, 10:57 AM
Joko is right in his post .

Phetermine from Private Label . Will make her happy . Energy and good mood without being hungry .
PL dose is 17.5mg and Pharma is 35mg . It's pretty much only recommended for females if you ask me .


smokin joe
09-20-2017, 11:36 AM
no starches - bread, pasta, or potatoes and limit sugar intake

09-23-2017, 05:28 AM
Hi. I would suggest her to take exercises and a balanced diet to lose weight. One of my friends has out on a lot of weight and so she has taken thé cellulite to shed weight. She can also take the detox tea to lose weight and fats.

09-27-2017, 07:49 PM
I try and start a bet with my wife about something she wants to get her motivated to do something that is. doesn't always work but it has a few times with different things

09-27-2017, 08:49 PM
Also if she doesn't want to lose the weight she's not going to it's got to come from inside of her

You're just gonna end up on the couch if you try to get her to lose weight

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09-27-2017, 09:55 PM
Depending on how old she is she could be going into full blown Menopause and that can fuck with a woman's weight Big Time! She may want to get her levels checked and consult a good Endocrinologist to see where her hormones are at. It's not Always Diet & exercise cause I've seen a lot of women put on pounds when they get a certain age.. even though they may be working out and eating clean.

Quick Tip.. go to Whole Foods or a good health food store and pick up a can of high Quality Fiber (should have soluble and insoluble fiber in it). Have her drink a glass of water with 1 scoop of fiber 15-20 minutes before breakfast & again before dinner..If she can do that for 30 days she should see some good results.

Hydroxycut Hardcore Elite & Platinum can help too-as long as she can tolerate it without turning into a Bitch- with the added benefit that you can get it at any CVS, Walmart, or Walgreens as well as on Amazon.

I concur with the other poster.. Phentermine should work like a charm if she can get it.. but use the fiber too.. it'll double the weight loss.

10-05-2017, 11:15 PM
Don't listen to the bro science. She can eat starches and bread and pasta and all that shit. Its called if it fits your macros. Develop a plan and have her start tracking macros and get on a program in the gym 5-6 days a week. She can lose the weight without being miserable. I cant stand when people say "oh starve yourself practically, no carbs, no bread, no this, no that, no oxygen, no water, no sleep.." Stop believing the lie. Good luck on her journey!

10-06-2017, 04:24 PM
Cardio and a clean diet are the key to weightloss. No crash diet or she will gain the lbs back in no time (and even more) once she starts eating normally again.

11-22-2017, 07:24 PM

Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkAs a woman I can tell you that we hold bodyfat in certain areas to support being able to carry another life, primarily on the waist, hips and buttocks. These are the hardest areas to shed stubborn fat.
The first thing I tell clients is that they need to change their mindset and think FAT LOSS instead of weight loss. Why? Because muscle weighs more than fat. Which means, the numbers on the scale may not change much when one has implemented a change in diet and incorporated a training regimen. Women tend to get discouraged when they do not see those "lower numbers.'" We have to learn to throw out the scale and "trust the process." The change in the way clothes fit should be the determining factor at that point. Muscle takes up roughly 18% LESS space than fat does. Prime example: six years ago I began my fitness journey, I weighed 153lbs, BF was 35% I wore a size 10/12 pant. 2017, I'm 155lbs BF circa 11%, I wear a size 6 pant.
There's no wonder pill. Lifestyle changes are pertinent. One can't do it off fat burners alone. Those are tools like PEDS are.
When it comes to "diet," I tell people, I eat According to my goals. So at any point in time, I'm eating to maintain, gain muscle or lose fat. Period. I adjust my macros to reach the desired goal.
There's no doubt in my military mind that your wife can lose the body fat that she wants to. It only takes a few adjustments in lifestyle to do that.[emoji119]

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11-22-2017, 09:39 PM
No carbs is called ketosis, body is burning fat for fuel instead of sugars...and it works, no hype about it lol. Losing weight is an internal metabolic process...u can go about it the right way for your body, go to bed...and lose weight, with no exercise. The hype is most of the other shhhtuff u see/hear/read/told.
Now, some peeps can just cut back on a few cals, and it works for them...some need to go a step further, and so on. Exercise does not burn fat...sorry. If it did then all the fat people I see in the gym for months/yrs, still look the same. They are fooled into believing exercise will burn the fat off/new muscle growth burns the fat, etc....nope.

Weapon X
11-23-2017, 04:18 PM
The false logic behind behind your statement is crazy. That's like saying lifting weights doesn't build muscle because of all the skinny people you've see lifting weights for months haven't gotten bigger.
Exercise does not burn fat...sorry. If it did then all the fat people I see in the gym for months/yrs, still look the same. They are fooled into believing exercise will burn the fat off/new muscle growth burns the fat, etc....nope.

11-23-2017, 06:15 PM
He was doing so well and then my eyes almost fell out of my head lol

The false logic behind behind your statement is crazy. That's like saying lifting weights doesn't build muscle because of all the skinny people you've see lifting weights for months haven't gotten bigger.

11-24-2017, 12:44 PM
when u smoke your muscles in the gym, run on the treadmill until your legs fall off, etc etc...what is sore the next day ?? the fat or the muscle?
you aren't doing shit to that fat...but building muscle right underneath it.
do what ya do my friend.

why do peeps stay fat in the gym ? because they aren't successfully dieting the fat off...they think they are going to "burn" it off....how many transformations do u see in the gym, not many, just the same old struggles....then they disappear.

oh, I do just fine...go see my log and look at myself...thank you ; p

Weapon X
11-24-2017, 03:31 PM
More false logic
when u smoke your muscles in the gym, run on the treadmill until your legs fall off, etc etc...what is sore the next day ?? the fat or the muscle?
you aren't doing shit to that fat...but building muscle right underneath it.

11-24-2017, 03:32 PM
when u smoke your muscles in the gym, run on the treadmill until your legs fall off, etc etc...what is sore the next day ?? the fat or the muscle?
you aren't doing shit to that fat...but building muscle right underneath it.
do what ya do my friend.

why do peeps stay fat in the gym ? because they aren't successfully dieting the fat off...they think they are going to "burn" it off....how many transformations do u see in the gym, not many, just the same old struggles....then they disappear.

oh, I do just fine...go see my log and look at myself...thank you ; p

How does this theory apply to marathon runners?

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11-24-2017, 03:46 PM
I imagine what they eat...not sure about a marathon runners diet.
I can tell u I see the same peeps n the gym all the time, a few I know dont change their diet (theyre going to "exercise it" off)...and things just dont change.
Can also tell ya, put your bod into a state of ketosis, stay out of the gym and see what happens.

11-24-2017, 04:41 PM
Diet is def the #1 thing
Clen and T4 will speed up her metabolism and burn fat as well (faster than normal )

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11-26-2017, 05:09 PM
Michael Phelps will eat a pizza before or in between swimming.
His diet isn't on point from a dieticians standpoint..he burns 11k calories training and eats whatever he he can get in ...still has almost no body fat...
Now he doesn't eat Twinkies and dingdongs he had a meal plan to try and keep that amount of nutrition in but he picks high calorie ca th type stuff in there to accommodate the output....

My diet is far from on point but I will say that when I add those 4 miles extra a day running in daily for a week and not change My diet my six pack gets tighter and defined...it's not just water weight...

Sure you can out eat your workout and most of the fat people do, but you can also cut it back a bit and outrun your diet if your committed...
Most of you guys have a better diet than I do but I run trails and stairs, put in 30 to 40 miles minimum running a week outdoors trails and hills on top of gym and hiit training....

So yes burning fat is a real thing, you can also have a piss poor diet that you can't outrun or when you hit the gym have the motivation. Of a turd and do squat on effort....that's not scientific that's just plain lazy.....

That being said my wife just started a new diet today that's 15 to 25% protein 20 to 30% carbs and 45 to 65% fat....I had her all set to do low carb, mid f st nd high protein but she opted to give this semi ketosis diet a try or paleo or wahatever it is......if it works I'll post up.....
She has been fighting a chemical change since our last child and went from 115 size 0 to 140 size 5...now she is 146 and quite a bit of muscle but she is fighting the dreaded belly fat....it's not much she is 22% but as a husband who has a motivated wife and did ALOT of research for her I have hopes the keto diet will work then we will shift her macros back to lean muscle and recovering what's lost from low protein....

She has been battling this for over a year now, she lifts weights, hiit training, and runs with me is a damn good pace and strong....

So we are indeed batting the female anatomy of belly fat....

I will post up after her 28 days what her diet was and results...hopefully it will be good and help other ladies to get where they want to be....

11-26-2017, 05:20 PM
Of course burning fat is a real thing....different peeps can only burn it certain ways with diff results. Again tho, is it possible to burn fat without exercise...yip.

11-26-2017, 05:21 PM
At the end of the day calories in vs calories out is all that matters for your average person who is concerned about their weight not body composition

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11-26-2017, 06:23 PM
What joko said and dial macros from there as well...2 weeks take a bodyg pic and weigh in, adjust a little on macros another couple weeks same thing....

You can find out what makes her body tick as far as metabolism and cutting..but it's a general rule as joko said calories in calories out...
It takes a little time to dial in as changes don't happen overnight....

ALSO. DO NOT BASE IT ON WEIGHT.....muscle weighs more than fat as body transitions more muscle it will add weight and as far drops off it will lose. Little. Muscle as she gains will start to burn more fat as muscle increases as well...

My wife at 145 is way hotter than when she was 105...she was too skinny, and when she started her journey she was 138 and no real muscle now she is up more and alot hotter now...

Just a thought to keep in mind, mirror is more effective than scale during initial phase once you have a baseline then scale and cutting is a more effective tool....learn your bodies composition and metabolism...they are all different....

01-06-2018, 01:52 PM
and I'm interested in this!
from what to go?

01-06-2018, 03:41 PM
Nothing will replace daily cardio and a clean diet and remember that most weight loss pills have bad sides like tachycardia, insomnia, bad taste in the mouth, hypertension ..... The only safe one that I ever took was Meridia but I haven't seen anyone carrying it for a long long time. She should stay away from phentermine .....

Sam Gold
01-10-2018, 03:35 PM
What I have heard a lot of women talk about is that new book The Whole30. Might want to buy it and leave it on the counter for you. If you get it for her you will be a dead man. Also, do not tell her she is fat if you value your life. Might want to take away the charge cards so she cannot buy any new items of clothing for her new size.

01-10-2018, 05:05 PM
Phetermine which can also be obtained legally. Works very well in women. But should be cycled a few weeks on / few weeks off reguardless of what a physician will tell you. (they just want the money)
A good clean diet and cardio like everyone else has said.
It is a lifestyle change I promise she will loose the weight with adapex / phetermine but if she don't develop good eating habits and regular cardio the weight will come back.
My wife is currently on a low dose anavar cycle and seeing good results she has put on alot of muscle but is holding weight in the tummy area and I gave her the same advice.. Other than I did not advise adapex... My wife does HIT Cardio with me cause she wants to maintain as much muscle as possible and she, (like me) is on a time crunch and hates long enduring cardio.

01-10-2018, 05:10 PM
And take it easy on them.. We hate em sometimes but must friggin love em too.. So make sure you think before you speak. You can say alot of shit but the word fat is not one of them.... Even if she knows that what you mean, its not the same. My wife has seen me go from 25% bf to 15% ish.. So she is motivated to follow and that's the kind of support they are looking for. I always remind her that I started off as a fat ass before I became the stud that I am now... lol

01-31-2018, 07:07 AM
Also if she doesn't want to lose the weight she's not going to it's got to come from inside of her

You're just gonna end up on the couch if you try to get her to lose weight

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Lol! It's funny how that works. Women tell guys to lose weight all the time. Guy says it to a woman and its, "I'm sorry... What, mothafukah!?"

My gf is upset as hell with her weight. She is insecure as fuck about it and cries and carries on about it.

Idgaf really but I wish she would so she would stfu!

I tell her she will lose weight when she is bothered by it enough. She wants to go on walks or bike rides etc.

I tell her flat out you ain't losing shit until your TDEE is above you caloric intake.

Its a pet peeve when people say they have "Tried everything to lose weight"

Except calorie deficit!

Sam Gold
01-31-2018, 01:10 PM
If her Bmi is high enough have her talk to her doctor about a drug called saxenda. My daughter git it approved and with the coupon from the drug company website it was 30 usd. Per month. Made a huge difference for her. Something look at.

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01-31-2018, 02:15 PM
How old is your wife? Maybe something else is going on here? Has she had any blood work recently? How fast did she put on that 30lbs? Maybe her tyroid isn’t working right? Maybe she has low test? You can always go get some L tyrosine, vitamin c, and b complex. She can take that on an empty stomach 30 minutes before her first meal to help kick up her tyroid and even help with finding motivation. L tyrosine is a powerful amino acid.

05-15-2019, 05:29 AM
KETO all the way

05-15-2019, 01:50 PM

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diet and cardio

05-19-2019, 10:16 PM
diet and cardio

^^^^^^ it has to start with diet & excersise