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View Full Version : Arms not growing. Need advice ease...

09-29-2017, 09:08 AM
Ok guys.I'm having a prob with my arms growing. Not sure if I'm over trading them or I hit a plautue.my routine looks like this
Mon- back/tris
Tue- shoulders/ legs
Wed- chest/ bi's
Thur -off
Fri-Repeat cycle

I'm 38-- 231lbs-- 5'11" 14%bp
I been trying for years and I'm on cycle now
Tren ace 100mg eod. Test E 750mg a Wk

I have not had this problem with them growing before.but now they just won't seem to get any bigger. some advice would help.
On bicep days my routine is
Straigh bar 4 sets 10/15 reps 70lbs/110lbs
Ez curl preacher 3 sets 90lbs 8/10 reps
Single arm Hammers with 50lb 4 sets 10/15reps
Single arm Cross hammers 40lb 3 sets 12
Concentrated curls sit down on incline bench 25lb 4 sets 15 each arm
If anyway give me advice it would be greatly appreciated

09-29-2017, 10:06 AM
Hey bro, as you may or may not know...your tris make up about 2/3 of your overall arm size, so get you some big triceps.
Second, you may need to lighten the load and focus more on concentration/form. This has worked for me. S do lighter weights with super strict form and negatives, making sure to work all angles of the biceps. Then once every other week do a heavy low rep workout.

09-29-2017, 11:26 AM
Thx bro. I was thinking light and slow. Just not my style.But I got to get it in my head and try it and see how it pans out...thx brotha

09-29-2017, 12:41 PM
Try doing different routines. Sometimes I'll YouTube any of the legends and do one of their routines, or I'll go on BB.com and check out some exercises they have on there.

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09-29-2017, 02:57 PM
I had the same problem bro.I used to just do tri's & Bi's once a week.I asked a guy at the gym,he said he does his everyday.so i'd do a couple bicep movements everyday and they started to grow.Its the Pump is thats important.Grunking out reps with heavy weight will only get them stronger,you need the blood to fill that muscle.Hold that last rep nice and tight for 10 seconds. I like closing with drop sets from 60 down to 20 with 15-20 reps. That gets that blood flowing! Like the other brothers say,try different movements.I did decline curl's the other day,something different.good luck brother

09-29-2017, 03:58 PM
Throw in a few sets of Old School "21's" into your straight bar curl routine. Talk about a Freaking Pump! (Dexter Jackson says they're his all time Fav bicep move). If you're not familiar 7 reps half way up.. 7 reps half way down..then 7 full reps to complete the set. If your arms aren't screaming by the end of the set you're going to light and you need to up the weight. 3-4 sets of those once a week should explode your Bi's (along with the rest of your routine) Dexter Jackson A day in the Life 217 - Arms Workout - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8w3CLWpvAXc)

09-29-2017, 04:12 PM
I think for most of us we feel your pain bro... for me my arms have always been something that I have to torture to get them to grow. I agree with Electromass, choose a little lighter weight and get in the mirror and keep you form as strict as possible and keep your weight where you can get about 15 reps or so.. That has helped me when I feel like my arms ain't getting sore from the heavy low rep stuff

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10-01-2017, 12:58 PM
Thanks for freed back guy. Going to throw some of your ideas in an post progress and pics

10-01-2017, 03:47 PM
I also feel your pain. I don't have great genetics for bicep size, I found that just destroying my triceps week in and week out if what the doctor ordered. My arms are full and much larger. The bicep is such a small muscle group compared to the triceps and it seems like everyone thinks the bicep is where big arms are made... Like Electromass stated, the triceps is 2/3 of your arm.

10-04-2017, 03:19 PM
I've never had problems growing my triceps but my biceps have always lagged until I started add John Meadows "Arm Fryer" workout in once a week. I would also look into BFR training at the end of your bicep rountine. Light weight and do 3 or 4 pump sets.
August 2013: Arm Fryer This is an arm workout from Program 13 (Doomsday), a program I recently completed. I used it to prepare for the 2013 Master’s Nationals.
Biceps – 12 sets / Triceps – 12 sets Goal – The strategy for arm training is for maximum pump. Take as many sets as you need to warm up. Seated dumbell curl – Keep your palms up and flex hard at the top for 1 second on each rep. I prefer to do all the reps on one arm, and then move to the other arm. Now when you get to the middle of the rep, while LOWERING the weight, stop and do an isohold for 5 seconds. Do 4 sets of 8. 4 total work sets.

EZ bar preacher curls – On these I want an isotension hold for 5 seconds on each rep in the middle of the movement. You are doing sets of 4. Don’t get silly and try to use a ton of weight. So lower the bar to the halfway point and hold for 5 seconds then go down a little and come back up all the way. That’s one rep. Do 4 sets of 4 like this. 4 total work sets.

Barbell reverse curls – Do 4 sets of 10 here using a nice full range of motion. On each set once you get through the 12 reps, do 6 with a partial range of motion, and then 6 with a very small range of motion, an inch or two out of the bottom. 4 total work sets.

Your bis will be jammed full of blood. Within two sets on tris you will feel the blood surging into them.

Rope pushdowns – I want higher reps to prep you for next exercise. Do 4 sets of 20. Use constant tension, no locking out and flexing at bottom. 4 total work sets.

Lying extension – I want these to be isotension style like the EZ bar preacher curls you did. Lay on a flat bench. Lower the weight half way and hold for 5 seconds. Then go down a little and back up to the top for 1 rep. Each set should be 6 reps. Do 4 sets of 6. 4 total work sets.

Close grip pushups – Use a shoulder width hand spacing and keep your elbows in nice and tight against your body. Do 4 sets to failure. 4 total work sets.

If you are really lagging in the arms department, do this again the same week, just flip the order so that you do triceps first and then biceps!

Plate Smacker
11-22-2017, 03:29 AM
Ever tried bands? Mine wouldn't grow until I started using bands.

11-22-2017, 04:09 AM
Volume helps my focus on a pump where you have trouble driving home they will grow.