View Full Version : Painful injection

one more rep
10-13-2017, 01:38 AM
Does anybody know why some shots hurt . Is it the ba content. And if so what can you do.

10-13-2017, 01:43 AM
Depends ^^ I run the same gear which has no pip - sometimes it’s just a bad spot and I hit the muscle on the wrong angle /or use wrong pins etc - for me, it is always because using new gear and/or new injection site with different size pins - I stick to 27g 1/2 inch with 3 cc barrels - ventroglute alternating with deltz

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one more rep
10-14-2017, 12:18 AM
I think I hit a bad angle on delt and put to much in and felt it burn right away. Then I rubbed it and and made it worse. Running dyel labs cyp plus deca and eth combo.no one else seems to be having that prob. Thanks bro.

10-14-2017, 12:26 AM
Chalk it up as part of the game it happens unfortunately

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10-14-2017, 01:19 AM
I hit a nerve, I think, a couple of times in my ass... one second all was fine.. next second the bottom of my feet were on fire, then under my danglers, then my eye sockets got hot... then the injection site hurt like hell... same gear, same gauge needle, same alcohol swab first with a minute to let that crap dry... so I avoid that area at all costs now lol...

10-14-2017, 04:13 AM
Warming the oils up to body temp always helps, especially for me. You could even use a heat pack for a few mins after pinning. I always use 25g

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