View Full Version : What Happens when your Test Crashed

12-24-2011, 05:53 AM
Left the powder in the trunk (Test E) and it melted.....brewed it up and here you go...looks like motor oil but it's smooth as shit and slightly overdosed


12-24-2011, 06:14 AM
ha motor oil is right! lol keep us posted on it

12-24-2011, 07:26 AM
What oil are use using?

01-11-2012, 08:23 AM
Damn thats wierd,.i could understand darker deca or EQ, but test? When the powder melted did it turn a darker shade? I always viewed 'crashing' as ,for example, when test cyp at 250mg comes out of the solution if it gets too cold, like the oil will be all cloudy, a white cloudy but never that dark. Any time u brew cyp at over 200mg its at a higher risk of crashing becuz thats just how cyp is, thats why you never see test cyp 400, its always E becuz it holds in solution better. But im curious to why your E turned out that dark?

01-12-2012, 01:04 AM
Looks like he over cooked it lol.

Red Circle
01-12-2012, 01:58 AM
I hate when my Test E powders melts before i brew it. The melting point is low for Test E so keeping it in your trunk on a warn day was like a slow bake in a oven.

Looks like you have 20ml or so not to bad if its a loss. If mine melts melts i toss it i cant get any of my friends to pin black oil. I have lived and learned.

01-12-2012, 12:03 PM
it does look like 10w30 lol. be safe bro

01-12-2012, 01:36 PM
Throw it a way and start over bro. No need to change your bodies engine oil yet. Loo

01-13-2012, 06:45 PM
Hahaha yeah it's heavily oxidized but completely painless and infection free trust me....my guinea pig is on 1g a week and loving it..the amount in the photo was actually 50ml....i wasn't the cooker but i wanna say the oil's he used were Benzyl alcohol and grapeseed oil i think is what he told me.....like i said it looks scary but I can say it was smooth as shit and painless ( I injected some of this twice-- 2cc's each time)...I did however pass on keeping it for myself and passed it along to one of my training partners who would inject coca cola if you told him it would raise his test levels- LMFAO.....I'm a little off center but i'm not Nuts...;)

01-14-2012, 12:44 AM
Just as the rest have stated it looks like motor oil bro...Never seen test that color before and I have seen alot of test in my dayz...
I would most likely throw that crap away and start over with a new batch...Its not worth the risk if there is something wrong with it...

01-15-2012, 04:32 PM
I wouldn't inject that shit lol. But I also wouldn't use a vial someone else has used. I'm weird like that.

01-17-2012, 10:48 PM
Whoa..looks more like homebrew tea...damn bro, haha, be careful

01-18-2012, 03:37 AM
Man if it feels like its working then I would use it, but honestly, I have seen pictures of Test and they have never been that color before. I would honestly get something to replace it I wouldn't trust that.

12-06-2012, 04:38 PM
ha ha glad it worked out in the end