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12-28-2011, 02:35 AM
Benefits of Buckwheat

Proprieties of Buckwheat plant

Buckwheat contains linoleic acid, vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, E, P), essential amino acids, minerals - chromium, copper, manganese, folic acid - and is an excellent source of magnesium. These proprieties recommend buckwheat as having a pronounced Yang feature. It has anti-tumor and tonic effects.

Buckwheat treatments

Due to the presence of inosit, buckwheat adjusts metabolism, fat and the lipo-soluble vitamins. It also helps the liver in processing hormones, medicines, and glucoses, with a protective hepatic effect.

Buckwheat provides the necessary amount of proteins necessary for the body because it contains essential amino acids which the body cannot synthesize and who need to be taken from one's daily nutrition.

Buckwheat decreases the cholesterol level by eliminating fat and assuring protection against arthrosclerosis. It prevents the developing of biliary lithiasis by optimizing the synthesizing of biliary acids and eliminating neutral and acid fat.

Owing to the quantity of magnesium contained, buckwheat has a relaxing effect over blood vessels, improving circulation and decreasing blood pressure.

Because it contains plenty of vitamins with B complex, buckwheat is recommended in cases of liver disorders and sugary diabetes, illnesses where it is unadvisable to increase the quantity of sugary substances consumed each day. Due to the fact that it lacks sugary substances makes buckwheat ideal for those who need to keep a restrictive diet.

This herb offers protection against breast cancer as well as against other forms of cancer dependent on hormones. Through the contained antioxidants buckwheat is an antidote for X ray irradiations or other forms of irradiation.

Before consumption, it is essential that the herb be thoroughly washed.

Buckwheat macerate is made from 2 spoonfuls of buckwheat flour left to macerate for 6 to 8 hours in 300 ml clear or mineral water. It is consumed on an empty stomach half an hour before meals.

Poultices are obtained from buckwheat flour mixed in warm water until it becomes solid paste. It is then applied for 2 to 4 hours in the evening or night over the painful areas.

In cooking, buckwheat is left to sit in water for 24 hours, often replacing the water with fresh water. The mixture is then boiled and then left to cool down for 20 minutes. It can be used as an alternative in case of rice or preparing puddings. Buckwheat flour has to be kept in the fridge and should be consumed in several months.

Buckwheat milk from buckwheat flour is obtained by mixing 2 spoonfuls of buckwheat flour with 250 ml of warm water of 38 degrees Celsius. It is then mixed rapidly with a fork for about 5 minutes after which it gets filtered and consumed with sugar.

12-28-2011, 02:35 AM
Here's another recipe for Buckwheat milk...

Makes 4-5 cups

Grain milks used same as seed and nut milks – as a beverage or as base for soups, dressings, smoothies. It is also believed to help building your muscle, stimulate your strength and stamina. It is yet another great way to get live enzymes, carbohydrates, proteins and easy to digest.

1 cup Buckwheat, hulled
Agave nectar , or date(s)
Celtic sea salt
3 cup Water


SOAK grain for 6 hours SPROUT it for 12 hours. BLEND everything gradually adding water for smoother consistency~ Other good grain choices include quinoa… amaranth… millet… oats… make a note various grains require slightly different time for soaking and sprouting. It is best to use it in two days.

12-28-2011, 05:30 AM
Great post F.I.S.T.

Mountain Monster
12-28-2011, 02:25 PM
Great read! Thanks brother!

12-29-2011, 01:51 AM
Thanks guys.