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View Full Version : Getting back in gear

11-16-2017, 02:23 AM
Hey my brothers.

I'm in my mid 40s and I haven't cycled since my 30s. But after a lot of thought, I'm looking to do a cycle again. Since I've last cycled I've fortunately remained fit and have kept a good solid base, so it's not like I'll be starting over from the very beginning. I'm currently a little over 190lbs at 12% bf.

My goals for this cycle aren't to look how I did in my 20s, but I want to regain size and strength I've lost due to age. I hate that I'm not able to lift as much or last as long in the gym as I once used to. I'm sure you guys understand.

To achieve my goals, I've planned the cycle like this:
Week 1-4: dbol, 30mg everyday
Week 1-12: test-e, 500mg every week
Week 1-12: hcg, 500iu every week

pct: Clomid, 75/50/50/50, and Nolvadex, 40/20/20/20

I might remove the oral from the cycle since I'm not the biggest fan orals due to their liver impact. I really am only considering the dbol for vanity, since when I used it in the past it was effective at getting me some extra shreds. If I keep the oral in the cycle I'd be using TUDCA at 500mg everyday for liver support though.

But since it's been a while since I last cycled, I want to get some other people's opinions and suggestions. Do any of you over 40 brothers have some input? Or is there anything you'd change based on your experience of using gear after 40?


Bullseye Forever
11-16-2017, 03:00 AM
I applaud you brother! I’m 51 and I’m planning another cycle myself,I’ve been out of the gym for 5 months due to a broken leg,and I’m hoping to be released soon to go back,I’ve lost about 30lbs and a lot of muscle,so I’m gonna try and regain some muscle as well,I’m gonna go back with
Test E-600mg/week/16weeks
NPP-600mg/week/16 weeks

Gonna add Anavar at 100mg/day the last 8 weeks

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11-16-2017, 03:05 AM
welcome to the brotherhood

11-16-2017, 03:10 AM
Welcome to the brotherhood

Weapon X
11-16-2017, 04:03 AM
55 years old here. Cycling on and off since my 20's. Started back February 2017 after 2 years of not training. 30mg/day of Dbol for 4 weeks should not negatively affect your liver. Consider adding a little Deçà to the cycle for 8 or 9 weeks. No reason at all you wouldn't add size and strength in your mid 40's. Transitioning into my mid 50's I'm as big as I ever was in my 20's and 30's, but not as strong, but that's just my experience
Hey my brothers.

I'm in my mid 40s and I haven't cycled since my 30s. But after a lot of thought, I'm looking to do a cycle again. Since I've last cycled I've fortunately remained fit and have kept a good solid base, so it's not like I'll be starting over from the very beginning. I'm currently a little over 190lbs at 12% bf.

My goals for this cycle aren't to look how I did in my 20s, but I want to regain size and strength I've lost due to age. I hate that I'm not able to lift as much or last as long in the gym as I once used to. I'm sure you guys understand.

To achieve my goals, I've planned the cycle like this:
Week 1-4: dbol, 30mg everyday
Week 1-12: test-e, 500mg every week
Week 1-12: hcg, 500iu every week

pct: Clomid, 75/50/50/50 (tel:75/50/50/50), and Nolvadex, 40/20/20/20 (tel:40/20/20/20)

I might remove the oral from the cycle since I'm not the biggest fan orals due to their liver impact. I really am only considering the dbol for vanity, since when I used it in the past it was effective at getting me some extra shreds. If I keep the oral in the cycle I'd be using TUDCA at 500mg everyday for liver support though.

But since it's been a while since I last cycled, I want to get some other people's opinions and suggestions. Do any of you over 40 brothers have some input? Or is there anything you'd change based on your experience of using gear after 40?


11-17-2017, 02:19 AM
Good luck brother! Hope everything goes well.

11-17-2017, 02:31 AM
Good work to you. I picked the lifestyle back up again almost 2 years ago at 42 yrs old. Not as strong as I used to be, but looking just as good.

When I started back up I went to my old reliable, test E & Deca 16 weeks

11-18-2017, 01:28 AM
Good work to you. I picked the lifestyle back up again almost 2 years ago at 42 yrs old. Not as strong as I used to be, but looking just as good. When I started back up I went to my old reliable, test E & Deca 16 weeks Nice, brother! You're the second person to suggest deca. It's a good compound. But I worried that starting back up with deca might be a bit too intense seeing as it's been so long since I last cycled. But I take it you had some good results with it? I've thought about adding 200 or 300mg of deca to this cycle. I doubt that would cause any sides. I ran some more intense deca cycles before and it gave me great results. But before I started using it my training bud warned me about deca dick. He wasn't kidding. Deca dick is real, lol, which is another reason I've been hesitant about using it this time around.

02-19-2018, 02:20 PM
Welcome to the brotherhood!

02-19-2018, 09:40 PM
Welcome to the hood brotha

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-20-2018, 03:22 AM
55 years old here. Cycling on and off since my 20's. Started back February 2017 after 2 years of not training. 30mg/day of Dbol for 4 weeks should not negatively affect your liver. Consider adding a little Deçà to the cycle for 8 or 9 weeks. No reason at all you wouldn't add size and strength in your mid 40's. Transitioning into my mid 50's I'm as big as I ever was in my 20's and 30's, but not as strong, but that's just my experienceAgree about adding deca but I'd do it the whole time. Just finished a dbol, test, deca cycle and loved it. Ramped up to 700 test, 540 deca and kept dbol at 30mg wks 1-4 and 9-12. Could've skipped it 9-12 it bloated me a bit.
I'm 47.

09-30-2018, 04:08 PM
I am just getting back to it myself. Working on putting a cycle together. I'm in my mid 40's. I'm looking at Test E and EQ. As long as you are using test in your cycle Deca dick shouldn't be an issue. I read about that issue before I ever Used Deca so I have always made sure Test is in every cycle.

09-30-2018, 05:31 PM
welcome to the board has for me i will just take the test e for my first cycle after all those year and had another compound your next cycle so you be able to know how you react after all those year and and go get your blood test to establish your base line and have that for a future comparison and instead of pct when not checking to go on trt ....

10-01-2018, 09:17 AM
Welcome to the hood

10-01-2018, 10:58 AM
Welcome to BoP

10-01-2018, 02:12 PM
Welcome to the Brotherhood! 45 here and finished up a test only blast a few weeks ago myself. Cruising on 250 Test C per week now. Going to start a test/NPP blast in a couple weeks for another blast, might use PL's Lean Mix for that blast. Just letting things calm down then to get bloods to see where I'm at. Good luck!!