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12-29-2011, 11:32 PM


Creatine can add 10 pounds of muscle mass, and up to a 10% strength gain. Creatine uptake can be maximized by taking it with a 1:1 ratio of protein to carbs. Because of this, a creatine and protein stack is extremely beneficial.


Nitric oxide, creatine and beta alanine are popular pre-workout supplements. Many pre-workout formulas contain these vital supplements, but very few pre-workout formulas contain protein. Research has revealed that protein consumption pre-workout can be more important then post-workout protein. One of the best pre-workout approaches you can take is to stack protein, waxy maize and a NO (or pre-workout) drink. This insures that you have the energy and positive nitrogen balance to power through your workout, and the NO and creatine to maximize your efforts.


Taking whey protein and waxy maize intra-workout helps you to sustain energy and retain a positive nitrogen balance. But more can be done to maximize your workouts. Intraworkout supplements are becoming very popular. Intra-workout supplements often include vitamins C and E, a quality blend of aminos and BCAAs, beta alanine, B vitamins, creatine, glutamine, arginine and more. Because of the variety of supplements included in an intra-workout product, they are a great value.

The whey protein, waxy maize combination is an essential workout stack. Not only does waxy maize assist the body in delivering and absorbing protein, heightening the potency of whey protein, but it also is a fast digesting complex carbohydrate source that fuels your muscles with much needed glycogen.

Multivitamins are often one of the most overlooked supplements. The body needs proper amount of vitamins and minerals to function. And it should go without saying that athletes, and those looking to add muscle mass, generally need more vitamin and mineral building blocks then the average man or woman. Make sure you purchase a quality and reputable vitamin and mineral supplement pack.

Fat Burners

If you’re looking to cut fat or lose weight, you can’t go wrong with a protein supplement and fat burner stack. Protein is a natural fat burner, requiring more energy to digest and process then carbs and fats. By adding a fat burner to the mix, you will be amplifying the effects of your fat burning efforts.