View Full Version : Macros? How does this look. INPUT!!!

11-20-2017, 08:10 PM
Myself (want to add 6 to 8lb of lean muscle and keepl speed)
218lbs lean workout 10 times or more a week and lots of cardio.
40mg anavar daily, 200mg test week, 200mg deca for joints
2600 calories
1300 from protein
780 from low glycemic carbs
520 from fat

Protein 325g
Carb 195g
Fat 65g

Now 2600 is. Maintenance so sustain myself bujt does not include all the workouts.....i want to add to this if needed to get calories higher but try and retain lean mass and increase it while keeping most of the fat at bay..

Wife's chart looks like this
(She wants to shed excess weight on belly and add l ean muscle)
140lbs extremely athletic works out 5 to 7 times a week.
10mg anavar daily
1680 calories
840 from protein
504 from carbs
336 from fat

210g protein
126g carbs
42g fat

So both diets reflect a maintenance calorie count and hers should be a deficit when working out is added which is 5 to 7 times a week...

It's a 50/30/20 split.....

Right now I average 3k+ a day and depending on how many Larry and lennys cookies I eat I offset my protein...I have a fast metabolism and alot of cardio so I have been pretty relaxed on my diet.. I'll go up to 4k a few weeks out before an event to pack in everyrhi n then cut let week before for speed....

My diet is pretty piss poor sometimes, pop tarts, cookies, tons of almond butter, mms, chocate milk.....

I want to give it a real shot and see what happens..worst case is I'll go back to my now diet.

11-20-2017, 11:59 PM
Myself (want to add 6 to 8lb of lean muscle and keepl speed)
218lbs lean workout 10 times or more a week and lots of cardio.
40mg anavar daily, 200mg test week, 200mg deca for joints
2600 calories
1300 from protein
780 from low glycemic carbs
520 from fat

Protein 325g
Carb 195g
Fat 65g

Now 2600 is. Maintenance so sustain myself bujt does not include all the workouts.....i want to add to this if needed to get calories higher but try and retain lean mass and increase it while keeping most of the fat at bay..

Wife's chart looks like this
(She wants to shed excess weight on belly and add l ean muscle)
140lbs extremely athletic works out 5 to 7 times a week.
10mg anavar daily
1680 calories
840 from protein
504 from carbs
336 from fat

210g protein
126g carbs
42g fat

So both diets reflect a maintenance calorie count and hers should be a deficit when working out is added which is 5 to 7 times a week...

It's a 50/30/20 split.....

Right now I average 3k+ a day and depending on how many Larry and lennys cookies I eat I offset my protein...I have a fast metabolism and alot of cardio so I have been pretty relaxed on my diet.. I'll go up to 4k a few weeks out before an event to pack in everyrhi n then cut let week before for speed....

My diet is pretty piss poor sometimes, pop tarts, cookies, tons of almond butter, mms, chocate milk.....

I want to give it a real shot and see what happens..worst case is I'll go back to my now diet.

So before I reply with advice, what exactly are you asking for? How many calories to increase daily consistently moving forward? Where to add the added macros? Please advise and I’ll do my best to help

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11-21-2017, 01:30 AM
I want to add a few lbs of lean muscle but do it slowly and controlled I compete pretty often and need speed/strength for the events...

So I want strength power durability and cardio/endurance comes with the regime. It burns alot of calories I know...

Here's my personal layout
8% or close to BF
44yrs old
Pretty fast metabolism

How maintainable is this kind of diet on a regular long term basis?
If I'm losing muscle then add a few calories in protein, if tired add a few carbs or if not getting rid of last belly fat then cut out a little more fat?

Does that sound about right....

So not a bulking but more of a maintenance with small gains....I want like all of us a little bigger chest and not too much more mass...takes too much air to get these things moving....

11-21-2017, 01:41 AM
Ahh ok well then sounds like you’re trying to get some new dimensions and perhaps add a few lbs of lean mass but not much more.

Here would be my thoughts:
If 2600 is your maintenance but as of late you haven’t really kept it with clean/quality calories and have very high days (3-4K) then I would suggest upping your current baseline calories of 2600 with an additional 315 calories making it 2915 calories total.

I would disperse them as followed:
Protein: 345 (20g/80 cal increase)

Carbs: 220 (25g/100 cal increase)

Fat: 80 (15g/135 cal increase)

I would time the gist of my carbs pre/intra/post workout so try something like 70g pre, 30g intra, 70g post.

My thoughts process is 250-300 or so calorie increase is more reserved versus going 500 or more. And timing carbs pre/intra/post is when they’ll be most effective at delivering all the nutrients/supplements you’re taking before, during and after your workouts. So you have 50g carbs to either start your day or have the meal after post workout.

Hope this helps brother

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11-21-2017, 03:56 AM
Hey brother best way to slowly start adding calories back into your diet to try and increase your metabolic activity is in the peri workout window (pre, Intra post) .

If you're an endurance athlete you should be for sure drinking some sort of Intra workout with a carb source, HBCD or another carb sourced but HBCD is the cleanest and EAAS

Or even simpler a Gatorade and some EAAS would be a good place to start

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11-21-2017, 08:05 AM
Thanks guys and primemuscle I will look at spacing my carbs around lifting and add a few hundred to stay consistant.... Never put any thought into that...joko123 yeah I need sustainability, I'll look into a carb drink.... . I prep for 5 mile races with primary being 2.5 but 35 weighbt stations in it with sprinting...then the elite strength which isn't long but it's heavy weights back to back to back timed as well....then the times are combo rd so I need to do well in the first one on time...