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View Full Version : Greetings to my fellow Canajuns!

11-25-2017, 01:49 PM
Hey Everyone!

Glad to see there is a little Canadian section here on BOP. Hopefully as time goes by it will expand!

So it's only fair I tell you guys a little about me...

I started weight training at 13.

I have been weight training for 20 years this year, in that time I have learned more so what not to do than anything else.

In my early 20's I was an INBA bodybuilding competitor. In recent years I have switched to competitive powerlifting,

I hold a 450/325/500 = 1275 total. Nothing too impressive but I'm proud of it. This was achieved naturally.

I'm 5'6, 205 and no that's not all muscle.

5/3/1 is by far my most favorite training protocol, that and the most successful for me.

DUP and me don't get along very well...

I am a firm believer in science, fact, and the saying "if you don't know, don't talk!"

To wrap this up with one more fact, I have had a secret affinity with PED's. I have spent the better part of 10 years researching them and understanding the synergistic effects they have with one another. I am by no means a plethora or knowledge on them IMO. But I know a few things...thats not to say I should be asked for my opinion on them and their usage, rather just a statement that I find them interesting and spend a fair share of my down time reading about them.

I look forward to seeing you all around the boards!


02-26-2018, 07:49 AM
Welcome aboard, Canadian forum need more TLC hopefully we get a kick ass sponsor here soon.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-26-2018, 09:52 AM
Welcome from usa. I didn't know we had a Canadian section. Look forward to kickin it with you gents. Maybe bring some of the Canadian culture to us.