View Full Version : Going on TRT: Pros vs Cons

01-15-2018, 08:58 AM
Before my upcoming show (first show ever) I'll be running a Test P/Var or Test P/Winstrol cut for 12 weeks in the lead up. After this I am considering cruising for 12 weeks until I start a mass building cycle, and then continuing with Blast & Cruise. However I would like peoples opinions on the pros and cons of doing such a thing, as while I can think of some myself I'm not as experienced as some on here and its always good to get a second, third, and forth opinion.

My current condition:

I am 25, studying at university for my Bachelors Degree, 5'7" and currently 70kg at 11% bf (goal for show is 4-6% bf)
Trained for 10 years so far, 8 while natty and 2 while on gear doing the standard cycle and PCT.
Nutrition is on point and I consult with a dietitian about my meal plans.\
Love to train and have been managing to commit to 4-6 days a week for the last 8 years, even during the times I was working 12 hour days in construction.
Have access to a lot of raws for Test E, P and U as well as AI and soon to get some HCG. Enough Test E for about 10 years worth of cruising at 125mg-200mg/week (not taking into account blasts)
I would like to cruise indefinitely until my mind changes about the lifestyle due to life commitments, family, etc, etc. If I were to come off I have a 4-5 month PCT plan.

Thanks for your opinions, people.

01-15-2018, 12:35 PM
At 25 I would not recommend

01-15-2018, 01:11 PM
I think your going to get 2 schools of thought here.

1) your too young and should wait. Continue running your cycles and allow your natural test to rebound in between.

2) go for it. Your body, your choice. If your going to run gear anyway, run it! As long as your seeking care from a doctor, are not abusive in your compounds, and have the knowledge required to ensure your not damaging your body.

I am of the second group. One thing i would suggest is to use maintenance level of hcg and and an a.i.

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01-15-2018, 07:19 PM
At 25 I would not recommend

Can you give me your reasons why?

I think your going to get 2 schools of thought here.

1) your too young and should wait. Continue running your cycles and allow your natural test to rebound in between.

2) go for it. Your body, your choice. If your going to run gear anyway, run it! As long as your seeking care from a doctor, are not abusive in your compounds, and have the knowledge required to ensure your not damaging your body.

I am of the second group. One thing i would suggest is to use maintenance level of hcg and and an a.i.

I plan to use an AI and order in some HCG to use at 500iu per week to keep my balls from atrophying, although I've seen plenty of guys who ran without HCG and made a full recovery years later with a proper PCT protocol. I've also got no plans to abuse compounds by permablasting or running huge doses of gear (like 2g of test or tren a week lol)

01-15-2018, 07:33 PM
I seen young males on TRT for many reasons, but to just go on and not come off you need to understand the "commitment" that comes with it.. Blood work will need to be done quarterly, in fact maybe more so because your body will constantly change being at your age, sensitivity will vary from one state to the next.. If your physician suggestions gong the therapeutic route of TRT then listen to him, but if this is YOUR idea, I think you're under estimated the true nature of the responsibilities ahead..Its a life long commitment, and if you are not insured it may end up costing you a pretty penny over time (bloods,AI's,testosterone)..

01-15-2018, 08:51 PM
I seen young males on TRT for many reasons, but to just go on and not come off you need to understand the "commitment" that comes with it.. Blood work will need to be done quarterly, in fact maybe more so because your body will constantly change being at your age, sensitivity will vary from one state to the next.. If your physician suggestions gong the therapeutic route of TRT then listen to him, but if this is YOUR idea, I think you're under estimated the true nature of the responsibilities ahead..Its a life long commitment, and if you are not insured it may end up costing you a pretty penny over time (bloods,AI's,testosterone)..

Thanks for the points. Can you tell me of things I might not have thought of when it comes to committing to this? I'm aware of blood tests and committing to paying for test, AI and blood work. You've made very good points and I want to keep mulling over this decision before I make a call.

01-15-2018, 09:59 PM
Thanks for the points. Can you tell me of things I might not have thought of when it comes to committing to this? I'm aware of blood tests and committing to paying for test, AI and blood work. You've made very good points and I want to keep mulling over this decision before I make a call.
the list is long and its not a one size fits all, side effects may vary as its a case to case type instance.. Oily skin,acne, prostate issues, hair-loss, INFERTILITY, risk of blood clots, possibility of gyno, the list can go on and on.. just because something has a "therapeutic" base and is used as treatments this doesn't make you impervious to a slew of unwanted sides that may effect you.. when you are constantly ON hormone levels need to be regulated/monitored through blood work with this said most men on TRT do in fact deal with some sort of sides here or there.. its not necessary unless its absolutely necessary, do NOT take the plunge, you'll have a lifetime of regret..

01-15-2018, 10:15 PM
Vision is exactly correct and makes very good points.
Not sure if he mentioned also, finding a competent Dr is a big challenge...unless u will be the Dr, then u will go through trial and error as u learn your body and its reactions to diff compounds. 25 bro, that's many yrs of maintaining a shot schedule (if u are the Dr)

If u have a decent genetic frame and your mind is made up...just enjoy a few cycles, correctly, let your frame get used to carrying your new weight (hence a few cycles +)
At 25 your natural hormones should be firing on all cylinders!! Use that weapon with a few cycles thrown in, bust your ass and you'll get all you want...jacked!! Save TRT for when u really need it.

Just an opinion, everyone has a right to do it their way!! I know Ive exercised my rights on many occasions lol.
Good luck and stay active with us either way.

01-16-2018, 02:20 AM
the list is long and its not a one size fits all, side effects may vary as its a case to case type instance.. Oily skin,acne, prostate issues, hair-loss, INFERTILITY, risk of blood clots, possibility of gyno, the list can go on and on.. just because something has a "therapeutic" base and is used as treatments this doesn't make you impervious to a slew of unwanted sides that may effect you.. when you are constantly ON hormone levels need to be regulated/monitored through blood work with this said most men on TRT do in fact deal with some sort of sides here or there.. its not necessary unless its absolutely necessary, do NOT take the plunge, you'll have a lifetime of regret..

Vision is exactly correct and makes very good points.
Not sure if he mentioned also, finding a competent Dr is a big challenge...unless u will be the Dr, then u will go through trial and error as u learn your body and its reactions to diff compounds. 25 bro, that's many yrs of maintaining a shot schedule (if u are the Dr)

If u have a decent genetic frame and your mind is made up...just enjoy a few cycles, correctly, let your frame get used to carrying your new weight (hence a few cycles +)
At 25 your natural hormones should be firing on all cylinders!! Use that weapon with a few cycles thrown in, bust your ass and you'll get all you want...jacked!! Save TRT for when u really need it.

Just an opinion, everyone has a right to do it their way!! I know Ive exercised my rights on many occasions lol.
Good luck and stay active with us either way.

Thanks for the advice. I think I'll just do my next 8 week cut cycle, PCT, wait 8-10 weeks and then Bulk cycle for 20 weeks on Test and Deca before I PCT once more.

I'll wait a few years before I again consider Blasting and Cruising, as I might be competing in a class which it would benefit at that point. I've got no worries about a shot every week if I went on a cruise, but you both make sound points and I reckon you're right about not needing to do it yet and getting better results without. Perhaps when I'm 30 I'll look into it once more.

01-16-2018, 12:16 PM
Other considerations - at 25 you are not thinking of settling down and getting married. However there will be a time when you want to. Infertility is a possibility - you would be bummed if you met your dream woman but she wants to marry someone who can give her own children and doesn’t see a future with you. It is great that you have your PCT ready just in case - 4 months worth. Not sure if you have an addictive personality or suffer from depression but even if you didnt it would be hard to go off after years of continuous use from a mental aspect IMO. This is your decision but a serious one that will impact your life. If I was you I would sit down and think through the ripple effect of all the potential negatives.

01-16-2018, 01:06 PM
Vision is exactly correct and makes very good points.
Not sure if he mentioned also, finding a competent Dr is a big challenge...unless u will be the Dr, then u will go through trial and error as u learn your body and its reactions to diff compounds. 25 bro, that's many yrs of maintaining a shot schedule (if u are the Dr)

If u have a decent genetic frame and your mind is made up...just enjoy a few cycles, correctly, let your frame get used to carrying your new weight (hence a few cycles +)
At 25 your natural hormones should be firing on all cylinders!! Use that weapon with a few cycles thrown in, bust your ass and you'll get all you want...jacked!! Save TRT for when u really need it.

Just an opinion, everyone has a right to do it their way!! I know Ive exercised my rights on many occasions lol.
Good luck and stay active with us either way.

His hormones are not firing on all cyclinders, he's been regularly cycling since 23 years old.

Trt I think if you're out of range. If you bounce back the last time with 400ngdl, I'd stay Natty at that range

01-16-2018, 08:00 PM
Im infertile from TRT

01-17-2018, 03:15 AM
His hormones are not firing on all cyclinders, he's been regularly cycling since 23 years old.

Trt I think if you're out of range. If you bounce back the last time with 400ngdl, I'd stay Natty at that range

My test levels are currently at 678.2 ng/DL, so within normal male range. But I'd be a fool to think that no damage may have been done even with my careful PCT. Before my first cycle I was at 720.5ng/DL. For now I'm going to keep cycling until low T becomes an issue and I hop on TRT, or until my physique is at the level where it is required. But not before that.

Im infertile from TRT

Fuck, that sucks dude. My wife and I don't want kids at all, but even so I'd prefer to be at least firing enough to conceive if we ever wanted it.
How long were you on TRT for and when did you find out?

01-17-2018, 12:05 PM
25 a little young for TRT, it's a life long commitment.

01-20-2018, 01:01 PM
As Vision said, that shot regiment is a literal pain the arse! I’ve ran plenty of cycles and have never ever had any problems pinning. But, when you go weekly for a year, it gets tough to want to keep doing it! I’ve been on prescribed TRT for 3 years now (38 years old), and it gets tiresome to say the least. The scar tissue buildup is also a problem! Not sure how many sites you are good with injecting, but it is something to consider when you do decide it’s time to go “full time”.

Good on you for coming and seeking advice before making a decision you can’t change.

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