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View Full Version : 3 months on Androgel and TT is too high, how to wean off?

01-26-2018, 12:03 AM
Hi guys,

Urologist wanted bloodwork before I see him after 3 months on Androgel so I got a clinic to do a lab with 10 days to go before my urologist's lab does one.
My TT is too high for my comfort level. I want him to put me on injectable test after I do his bloodwork in 10 days. Should I immediately cease the Androgel?

Unfortunately, I could only get these numbers from the clinic, they wouldn't do a Free Test etc...

01-26-2018, 12:59 AM
You’ are roughly at 723ng/dL. Your levels are very acceptable for TRT. Your urologist should be pleased.

Chemical Romance
01-26-2018, 01:13 AM
As John Doe said your levels are very acceptable, I would say they were great for being on Gel, however given that you have stated that you want to be off Gel and onto an injectable I think you run the risk of your urologist keeping you on Gel as it has obviously had a very good effect on you.

Personally I would cut back on the Gel to try and lower the reading, also when you talk to the Dr you might complain about the inconvenience of the gel and express your concern over the Gel getting on other family members if you have them.

01-26-2018, 01:17 AM
Thank you for replying Joe and Chemical Romance. Yes, the levels are acceptable but I want them to be better as I suspect my Free Test isn't as good, comparatively speaking. My goal is be protocalling TRT via injection, not the gels and I'm afraid he won't allow for that with this level of TT. So I want my levels to go DOWN, in 10 days, without totally crashing.