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View Full Version : Women and HGH

01-29-2018, 03:42 PM
I dont see anywhere on this forum about Women and taking HGH. I was going to place and order for SuperTropin but held off because my friend said she was interested in it as well. Mind you i told her to do some research first and thought I would do some research as well. But cant find anything.

Have anyone any experience in that or have their own wives, girls, or friends that have taken any?


01-31-2018, 03:45 PM
Bump - 30 some views and not one person on this site has information about women?

01-31-2018, 04:17 PM
My girl uses 1IU per day. I think we will bump her up to 2 and see waht happens. She's been using 1IU for over a year now with good results.. And we are in our 50's

01-31-2018, 04:40 PM
**update** I was wrong shes always used 2iu pd.. just asked her. I though it was 1

02-03-2018, 12:11 AM
for fat loss and anti-aging in women, the recommended dosage is 1-2IUs per day at a minimum of 6 months. if you see good results at 1IU, then stay there. if not, bump it up to 2IUs max

02-08-2018, 01:54 PM
I dont see anywhere on this forum about Women and taking HGH. I was going to place and order for SuperTropin but held off because my friend said she was interested in it as well. Mind you i told her to do some research first and thought I would do some research as well. But cant find anything.

Have anyone any experience in that or have their own wives, girls, or friends that have taken any?


I ran GH 20 years ago. The children protocol worked really well for me.

02-08-2018, 02:32 PM
Bump - 30 some views and not one person on this site has information about women?

I looked a while ago as well as Mrs, there's actually quite a bit of information on internet about HGh and women. Much of the same benefits as for men from memory. Mrs would start using HGH if not for cancer issues - she had a thyroid cancer, had her thyroid removed and needs to monitor the issue for almost another 10 years. The jury seemed still out over HGh and cancerous cells, although I didn't investigate much further, not willing to face responsibility in case the cancer gets worse.
I might look up for other products that might help her, as @35 y o she is lacking energy, putting steadily on fat over the years (she used to be slim but was never fit, so her body doesn't bear the fat well) and of frail mental and physical health.

02-10-2018, 11:35 PM
My wife has done 1.5 iu Ed for a few years fat melts away ,skin is tighter,mood is improved,muscle tone is insane and full, only sides she gets is extremely bad hunger,hand numbness and tired she takes t4 to help combat the tiredness

05-20-2018, 08:48 PM
I have an order placed for some HGH and it should be here in a couple weeks. I’m planning on posting some results in a PSL thread because that’s who I’m getting it from, but it looks like I should add some input here too.

05-20-2018, 09:59 PM
PSL makes great gh we both used eutropins for a while and very happy with the quality

08-14-2018, 07:38 AM
Female here. You're right, there's not much out there about women and HGH.

Some of what's out there is total bunk, too (I've seen people wailing about how HGH gives women a thick waist and neck...and I have seen zero evidence ever that information is true at decent dosage levels).

I've been on peptide GH for a few months now. Have some synthetic HGH on order, will be switching over. I've had some feedback from a coach who is experienced with this stuff. My goals are to tighten skin, improve fat loss, and build/maintain muscle while cutting. It's done all three for me. My muscle bellies are definitely full and aesthetic and I'm definitely growing muscle on this cut. Some reduction in wrinkles, improvements in sleep.

Start her at 0.5 IU and ramp up, in my advice. My sweet spot tends to be about 0.75-1 IU twice 5 days per week (morning and before bed). No more or I get crazy sides (my feet swelled so bad my shoes didn't fit and my hands were NUMB and my boobs were like swollen rocks). If she gets sides, back her down.

Additional context: I'm not a small girl (5'9'') and I'm not typically super sensitive to...any substance, so take that into consideration. If she's tiny she may not be able to take a full 1.5-2 IU per day.

12-20-2018, 12:18 PM
I am looking for you input on the HGH as I am just starting out myself.

12-20-2018, 12:55 PM
Women respond well go GH. As stated above, the 2iu Mark is a good spot