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View Full Version : ART vs Acupuncture for Elbow Pain

01-29-2018, 10:19 PM
Hey brothers ive been dealing with that dry rotted out feeling of tennis elbow. I was wondering if any of you have any info or recommendation of art massage over acupuncture.

01-29-2018, 11:26 PM
You will be wasting your time with acupuncture! You have trigger points in your triceps and possibly your forearm that need to be worked out. You can do the forearm yourself but will need someone to help with the triceps. If you live in a state when marijuana is legal get some of the MaryJane SALVE and use that as the lubricant - It literally melts the adhesions away! And you can use something like the dull side of a butter knife or a spoon and work the areas where the blue X's are and around those areas.


01-29-2018, 11:58 PM
I had a pretty nasty case of tennis elbow for 5 or 6 months. It got to the point where it hurt to pick up a cup to take a drink. I had to stop doing bicep curls, and started using straps on all pulling movements, but that combined with massage and Astym/Fascia Scraping weekly, mostly focusing on the upper forearm but also bi's and tri's, helped me get over it without having to quit lifting completely.

01-31-2018, 12:38 AM
You will be wasting your time with acupuncture! You have trigger points in your triceps and possibly your forearm that need to be worked out. You can do the forearm yourself but will need someone to help with the triceps. If you live in a state when marijuana is legal get some of the MaryJane SALVE and use that as the lubricant - It literally melts the adhesions away! And you can use something like the dull side of a butter knife or a spoon and work the areas where the blue X's are and around those areas.


Great info! Thanks for sharing

Ripped Tender
01-31-2018, 02:41 PM
I work commercial masonry and the tendon in my L. Elbow gets killer. Mobic everyday when its flaring up badly, Ibuprofen as needed (over 600mg every 4 hrs is a waste and hard on liver), and the best one is a hippy herb call curamin. I would not believe how well it works unless I had tried it. Its amazing, just get standardized legit stuff.
This is what I use:
Curamin Extra Strength by Terry Naturally - Thrive Market (https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwiEmNWEt4LZAhWPlH4KHXklCLMYABAVGgJwYw&sig=AOD64_2_UGUyV5WM-vc8nwW0ZXL0UIW6hA&ctype=5&q=&ved=0ahUKEwjSvNGEt4LZAhUU-2MKHamqB3AQ9aACCFI&adurl=)

Pain free within an hour of taking 3 caps.

02-10-2018, 06:08 PM
Great post. I have recently been dealing with some tennis elbow and wondering about treaments myself