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View Full Version : Female Cutting Advice

02-16-2018, 03:28 PM
Hey All,

Looking for cutting advice. What do I need to change or suggested add to my plan

Here is where I'm at
147 lbs
low carb/keto diet since December 1
I track all I intake via myfitnesspal to make sure my macros are on point
looking to cut the fat and gain a little muscle
As of today scale says 29.5% bodyfat (I'm feeling crushed)
(pic added to show difference between Dec and now)

Gym 6 days a week alternating lower body/upper body
Cardio 5 days a week (45min to 2 hr)

Started SARMS stack 3 weeks ago - SR (30), GW (20), MK-2866 (12.5).... and then my weightloss stalled and per the scale so did the bodyfat loss.


02-16-2018, 03:49 PM
Looks like you lost a good amount of fat! Since Dec thats a great transformation. Im no expert but you have a lot of cardio in there i would reduce that to 30mins a few times a week and do it fasted. Focus mostly on building muscle. Cardio is for heart health.. you cant out cardio a diet thats not set up correctly. Forget what the scale says your fat percentage is for right now and use the mirror. has weight loss stalled? Looks like you lost alot of fat since Dec to me. How many calories per day are you at?

02-16-2018, 04:51 PM
Weight loss stalled 3 weeks ago when I started the stack. Calories are between 1300 - 1500 with a cap at 1900. Depends on calories burned. So if it was a high cardio day (I like to cycle so usually when I go out for a ride I am out for 2 hrs). That is the day I up my intake of calories.

My goal each day is 5% (24g) carbs, 70% (148g) fat (healthy fats), 25% (119g) Protein

Yesterday I had
3 eggs with 1 cup of spinach
black coffee mixed with unsweetened macadamia milk

Homemade grilled cheese sandwich
Almond flour, ghee butter, and 1 egg to make the bread then toast it with mozzeralla cheese
1 egg

Mixed Green Salad

Quest cookies and cream shake
spicy pumpkin seeds


You are right. I should stay off the scale and focus on what is in the mirror. The scale is messing with my head I think.

02-16-2018, 05:09 PM
My wife has the same issue with the scale.. You need to put that thing in the closet for now.. You are probably putting on a ton of muscle with the help of your stack... My wife did a var run and actually gained weight but she looks more trim than she has looked in a long time.
For me with keto I kinda hit a wall after a few months with weight loss.. I would suggest carb cycling a few days a week. I started doing that and using ketone salts to help get me back into ketosis quicker after carbs and it worked great...
It seems my body gets used to a particular diet after a while and starts to slow the progress. So I change it up.. Same principal in the gym, should always change it up. But what works for one may not work for the other.. I like to experiment to see what works best for my body..

02-16-2018, 05:10 PM
Might wanna bump up your water intake a tad also... Can only help...

02-16-2018, 07:13 PM
Thank you! I have the ketone salts too. I'll give that a try.

02-16-2018, 09:40 PM
If it were me and I was your size... I would lower cals to 1300 or so, not bike for 2 hours regularly and add some carbs in twice a week (after weight training only) 1900 cals is a lot for a girl IMO. Eat for where you wanna be not where your at.. slow weight loss sucks.. get it over with fast with a large calorie deficit. 148gms of fat i thnk is too much for you. thats 1332 cals from fat! Thats too much. eat no carbs most days and lower the fats down

04-03-2018, 04:33 PM
You look great for 3 months of work.

I think you need to tweak your diet as I see too much fat and not enough protein. Look at your BMR again, I think you're heavy on cals and should shoot for about 1300 day to maintain.

Up the protein, up carbs and cut back on fats and see how your body reacts. MY wife struggles with too much fat in her diet at times so I alternate her meals on a weekly basis between higher carb / low fat and then high fat low carbs.

Toss in a boiled egg for a snack, yogurt or cottage cheese. Cut dairy to a minimum. Watch your salad dressing and consider dropping the salad altogether for something like cauliflower, broccoli or carrots. Repalce that cheese samich with a tuna fish sandwich or turkey breast, etc.

Dieting is a marathon, so try to not pick at yourself daily. It will take a calorie deficet of 3500 cals to loose 1 pound. Zero in on your exact BMR and either go into a daily or weekly caloric deficit or burn additional cals to hit your goal. You also need to reward yourself and have a cheat day here or there, otherwise your body doesn't know you're on a diet.


04-04-2018, 12:26 PM
The scale is our enemy. I never weigh myself. Not to mention that females unlike guys have a tendency to retain water very easily. Cardio (preferably fasted cardio), a clean diet and consistent training will help you get the results you want. You already look good on the second pic. Keep up the good work (and please stay away from appetite suppressants).

04-05-2018, 10:44 AM
Weight loss stalled 3 weeks ago when I started the stack. Calories are between 1300 - 1500 with a cap at 1900. Depends on calories burned. So if it was a high cardio day (I like to cycle so usually when I go out for a ride I am out for 2 hrs). That is the day I up my intake of calories.

My goal each day is 5% (24g) carbs, 70% (148g) fat (healthy fats), 25% (119g) Protein

Yesterday I had
3 eggs with 1 cup of spinach
black coffee mixed with unsweetened macadamia milk

Homemade grilled cheese sandwich
Almond flour, ghee butter, and 1 egg to make the bread then toast it with mozzeralla cheese
1 egg

Mixed Green Salad

Quest cookies and cream shake
spicy pumpkin seeds


You are right. I should stay off the scale and focus on what is in the mirror. The scale is messing with my head I think.
Good job so far but your diet needs a lot of work, sorry. And stay away from SARMs. Consider low doses of Clen and T3, if you're going to take anything other than OTC stuff.
At the end of the day its all about DIET and Cardio anyway.

04-08-2018, 01:08 AM
My ex suffered w/ dieting for competition, a few times coming from off-season was a challenge for her to dump the fluff.

Previous posters mentioned your diet needs some help - take a look at true CKD diets - you need to do a refeed. The problem w/ low carb diets is that if you're not low enough, you're only starving out your body of the energy source it is looking for -i.e. you're not eating low enough to actually go into ketosis and switch over to using ketones as your preferred energy source. And then if you go a long time w/o a refeed, your metabolism starts to stall and it looks like you're not getting anywhere w/ progress.

Also if you're training 6x/week and doing 2 hrs of cardio on 1300 cals, you're just burning out the energy that are consuming.

As someone else recommended, I'd probably cut back on the cardio - switch to like 20 min HIIT cardio (high intensity interval training) - e.g. 30 seconds sprint, 90 seconds recovery for 13 min with 3 1/2 min of warm up & cool down or something to that effect - if you're not used to doing interval cardio, start with say 10 or 15 min total with a couple minutes warm up & cool down. Or at least mix in some HIIT w/ your steady-state cardio. But hours and hours of cardio kinda just becomes overkill and becomes either "burn out" or "over training". Honestly, unless you're really behind on your fat loss for a bodybuilding show date, much better to find a balance of cardio & training (& good quality sleep). Sometimes it takes a little experimenting to find the right combination of diet / training & cardio / recovery, seems harder for women sometimes :( but when you find that combination, the human body is amazing how it responds!

Best of lucK!

** Where's de beef? HERE'S DE BEEF! **