02-17-2018, 06:08 PM
OK ... I am sure this has been asked before but I am going to ask it again. Will ANADROL EFFECT Testosterone levels on bloodwork. Make them higher and if so how much higher will it make it. 100/200/500 ng higher. I went and got bloodwork last week and I am currently using a trt dose from a sponsor. My number was thru the roof. But at the same time I stopped the anadrol 50mg a day 5 days before test. And my last shot was five days before test. My number was 1761 at 300mg a week. So if some educated people can help me out it would be much appreciated. Thanks

02-17-2018, 07:21 PM
OK ... I am sure this has been asked before but I am going to ask it again. Will ANADROL EFFECT Testosterone levels on bloodwork. Make them higher and if so how much higher will it make it. 100/200/500 ng higher. I went and got bloodwork last week and I am currently using a trt dose from a sponsor. My number was thru the roof. But at the same time I stopped the anadrol 50mg a day 5 days before test. And my last shot was five days before test. My number was 1761 at 300mg a week. So if some educated people can help me out it would be much appreciated. Thanks

Anadrol is suppressive. Your test levels will decrease while using it unless pinning test.

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02-17-2018, 08:16 PM
yeah anadrol doesnt do that im on like 150-300mg and my test was 400ng/dl