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View Full Version : Lab results - high liver enzymes

03-01-2018, 06:29 PM
Just got my TRT labs back and are showing the following. Should I be concerned that my doc will pull my rX? Like a dumb ass I drank like a fish the day before my test so wondering if that impacted results.

88 (10-40 U/L)

101 (9-46 U/L)

27 (7-25 MG/DL)

32.2 (6-22)

Also my test levels were as follows. I went off gear for a couple of weeks and stuck to my TRT protocol. Labs were 9 days after 200mg injection. Honestly I'm not sure how to interpret.

495 (250-1100 ng/dL)

120.8 (35.0-155.0 pg/mL)

03-01-2018, 07:15 PM
Ya bro drinking the night before would definitely affect it lol. 495 9 days after inject isn’t bad IMO I’d just try to inject more frequently if possible

03-01-2018, 07:27 PM
Thanks. I purposely waited a little longer. Wanted my results to be a tad lower. He has me on 200mg EOW. I've been "supplementing" and going 200mg EW

03-01-2018, 07:50 PM
Thanks. I purposely waited a little longer. Wanted my results to be a tad lower. He has me on 200mg EOW. I've been "supplementing" and going 200mg EW

I have the same issue with my BUN and creatinine. They’ve never tried to take my script. I see a urologist for my TRT. Now my GP dr had me do a 24 hour urine collection and ultrasound just as a precaution. She then called the nephrologist and he stated that use of aas and heavy weight lifting would cause this. All my tests came back fine so the dr isn’t worried. Mine have been elevated for over a year. I wouldn’t sweat it much.

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03-01-2018, 08:12 PM
She then called the nephrologist and he stated that use of aas and heavy weight lifting would cause this.

R. Weight lifting in itself will increase liver enzymes, as well as alcohol before testing. As well as Hep-C and a host of other OTC meds. I doubt 200mgs of Test a week would elevate your liver enzymes, orals might tho.

You would have more stable Test levels if you break the 200mgs a week into two shots a week.

03-02-2018, 12:08 AM
Ya, your free test to total test ratio is great! Bun/creatinine and urea is effected bu weight lifting and the breaking down of proteins into the bloodstream... no biggie for us... usually, ALT is effected more than AST when alcohol is involved... if your concerned.. grab some Sythergine from Sythetek and run in as directed for a few weeks... should clear up... Testosterone barely ever effects liver values... have u been using alot of acetaminophen products or oral aas as well? If not, ya buddy... try not to drink before your test lol... retest your blood in a few weeks and i bet u are fine, dont stress yet... DRs, will not take in account our lifesryle as they dont know jack shit about it really...EoW is no bueno for trt, try to at least inject weekly like u said u do, but if u can, Fancy's advice about bi-weekly really is best... Good luck brother! Let us know how everything turns out for u! Best wishes!

03-02-2018, 12:11 AM
Body Builder Testing | Private MD Labs (http://www.privatemdlabs.com/lp/body-builder-testing.php)

03-02-2018, 02:44 PM
I am on TRT and have had no issues with elavated liver values. I get the same, 200 mg every 2 weeks. It is not enough so I think I will suppliment as johnnyringo does. I need to pin more often as I can feel it bleeding out of my system if I wait 2 weeks. That is a good sugestion so thanks for posting it.

03-03-2018, 12:02 AM
I'm on the same, pin twice a week seems to keep me more stable.