View Full Version : My review of craze

01-21-2012, 01:36 AM
So first I would like to point out that i have been using jack3d on and off for about 2 years. I would take it for 3 weeks then off 2 then on 3 again. Jack3d felt good for the first 2 weeks but on the 3rd week i wouldn't feel as good as the first 2.

Craze: what can i say, the taste isn't that bad but not good either. It mixes better than jack3d and looks really purple. Lol.
20 minutes after i took it my mind started to focus on anything i put my eyes on. It wasn't a jittery feeling at all that i get from jack3d. I took 1 scoop and a half.
30 minutes in.. I felt it! Incredible focus, feeling of well being. As I continued working out my endurance was amazing! It opens up your lungs you feel like you can breath so much better.
As i continued doing my muay thai training, my kicks felt strong and hard. Usually after about 100 kicks on each side im gasping for air. This time however I was breathing heavy but not that bad.

After my hour and 30 minute workout I still feel its effects, feeling of well being. Might be the test im taking too. Lol. Amazing shit man. We'll see how it holds up on week 3. Then i'll be off of it for 2 weeks.

Go Get it NOW! Lol

02-10-2012, 04:35 AM
Awesome post!! I love NeuroCore but I feel all amped up just reading your post lol..where u get it at? I've just started hearing about it