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01-21-2012, 02:52 PM
4 Muscle Hammering Biceps Exercises

By: Unknown

Biceps have always been one of the most popularized body parts of a bodybuilder and it’s no wonder, they are fun to train and for most men it’s where they will notice gains early. In addition to this the pump you get from a good bicep workout is amazing.
This article is going to cover 4 great bicep building exercises. As with any exercise it’s very important to do them correctly and to focus your mind on the muscle.

1.The Barbell Curl
The king of the bicep builders, and the archetypal exercise we see bodybuilders training arms.
There is a reason barbell curls are so popular, because they work.
Barbell Curls are nice because you can vary your grip widths, which allows you to target different parts of the biceps. By reversing your grip you can train the brachiallias and forearms.
The EZ Curl Bar is a nice tool for those just starting out to help them get the spacing on the bar correctly, and the angled grips will take some of the stress off the elbow joints and wrists if you have problems with these at all.
As for performing the barbell curl there are a couple schools of thought on this, those that are super strict, those that cheat the weight and those that fall somewhere in between. I think its important to practice strict form for lighter weights and then to use a slight bit of momentum for heavier weights to assist getting the weight past the first portion of the movement where the biceps aren’t being used as much.

Performing the barbell curl (With a slight cheat)

To start, make sure you are standing shoulder width apart, gripping the bar with hands equidistant. Have your arms slightly bent, and then with a small amount of hip movement bring the weight up in an arc towards your chin. Your elbows should stay locked in position (imagine a broomstick running through them). When the weight reaches the apex, bring it back down in the same arc in a controlled fashion, and do not straighten your arms at the bottom.

2. Dumbbell Curls
Dumbbell curls are another important exercise because of the isolation factor (the weaker arm cannot be assisted by the stronger) and they hit your biceps in a unique way. Because the dumbbell curls allow you to supinate your wrist through the exercise arc you will be hitting the brachiallis extra hard. Different grips like hammer curls also add a different dimension to the movement.
Dumbbell curls require you to supinate your wrists when performing them. This hits the brachiallis hard too.

Performing the dumbbell curl

Dumbbell curls are pretty easy to do, but the potential for bad form is pretty high. It’s easy to start swinging to much or looking down at the bicep as each arm comes up.
Dumbbell curls start much the same way as barbell curls, except with your feet about shoulder width apart, and your back straight and core stable. You should alternate hands – so start with one arm by bringing it up with the elbow locked in position, and begin supinating (turning) the wrist as soon as you are able (generally starts when it clears the thigh). Continue to supinate until you can supinate no further. If you timed this correctly, full wrist supination should occur at the top of the motion. For extra fiber contraction squeeze the bicep at the top.
As with all exercises remember to breath throughout the motions, and especially with dumbbell curls as the alternating motion means the set lasts longer and as a result there is more lactic acid build up.

3. Incline Curls
The incline curl is an exercise that is really going to stretch those biceps, and is good to do after you have completed compound exercise or two. Be warned though, you should definitely be warmed up before attempting this exercise as the stretch and stress on the biceps can lead to muscle pulls or even tears if you aren’t careful.
One of the nice things about this exercise aside from its unique effect on the biceps, is that you can easily adjust the angle of the incline you perform them at, which is recommended.

Performing the incline curl

Start by setting up an incline bench to about 60-70 degrees, you can vary this later.

Sitting on the bench, hold the dumbbells in both hands with wrists fully supinated, and arms hanging. Curl both dumbbells up keeping your elbows in the same position and then with control lower the weights again. At the bottom of the repetition make sure not to lock out completely, stop the weight short of completely straightened arms.

4. Concentration Curls
Of the four exercises in this article, this exercise is the only isolation exercise, but can be extremely effective if done properly. Concentration curls are what I call a finishing exercise, and by this I mean they are always done at the end of a workout to “finish” off whatever muscle fibers you have left.
Because these are an isolation exercise your weights will be considerably less, but the impact that these have on muscle activation is well worth it.
Stand with your feet at just outside shoulder width apart. Bend your upper body over to roughly 90 degrees, holding one arm out in front of you to hold the weight and the other to hold on to something and stabilize yourself.

Performing the concentration curl

Sitting at the end of a flat bench place the weight in one hand and your elbow against the inside of your knee for stability (you can also do these free standing without the stability of the knee). Curl the weight upwards using only the biceps, keep the motion controlled and deliberate.

So with these four exercises in your arsenal you can start on your road to massive biceps! Remember that you can’t build muscle without adequate nutrition and rest!

01-21-2012, 03:04 PM
I like doing 5 sets of Hammer Curls and 5 sets of preacher curls.
I do a set of hammers and than jump over and do a set of preacher curls. 60 second rest in between sets.

01-21-2012, 03:11 PM
Thats very good, hammer curls are a great exercise.

01-21-2012, 04:38 PM
Bro good read, I like doing all those killer exercises, I got a good one for you 21's

01-21-2012, 04:56 PM
Bro good read, I like doing all those killer exercises, I got a good one for you 21's

What are those?

01-21-2012, 04:59 PM
Bro good read, I like doing all those killer exercises, I got a good one for you 21's

21's are awesome bro....I love to superset 21's...i'll do cable biceps curls (21's) supersetted with cable pushdowns for tri's (21's)....try that and see how pumped you are

01-21-2012, 05:06 PM
What are those?

I like to do 21's on the cable machine it keeps constant even tension on the muscle from start to finish...for biceps curls you would perform it like this:

Take the bar in your hands (straight or ez curl bar the choice is yours) and from the fully extended starting position curl the bar up until you are at the half-way point- your arms are parallel to the floor - then stop and return to the starting position....that is 1 rep now do that 6 more times on the 7th rep after you have returned to the starting position do a complete curl and stop at the top position...squeezing your biceps then lower to the halfway point again and stop- arms are parallel to the floor- and return back to the top squeezing the biceps....that is 1 rep now do 6 of those at the 7th and last rep return to the starting fully extended position and do 7 full complete curls.....that is 21 reps....theres no resting during this you want to move from one to the next until you have completed all 21 reps.......you should be screaming by the end...........

01-21-2012, 05:12 PM
Thank you for explaining that.

01-21-2012, 09:11 PM
Great read.Definitely utilize all of those.Couple others that are some of my favorite biceps isolation exercises are using the lat machine and cable crossover.I love lying on a bench under the lat machine and with your ups up grabbing the bar,curling down towards your head (sort of like a reverse skull crusher with palms down) Awesome burn and monstrous pump.With the cable crossover I grab each one with my arms straight our to the sides and again curling in towards your ears.This is another great burn technique.

Go to failure on both of these exercises for 1-2 sets.Use these as finishers to your arm workout and you'll be crying like a baby when you're done.

21's are great as well.Great pump from them too.

01-21-2012, 09:21 PM
Excellent Thread on Bicep Curls. There are 100's of exercises that can be done to train the Biceps. Always change your routine in training . Practice hitting the Bicep muscle at different angles. You'll be pleased at the growth you will obtain through implementing different Strength Resistance Exercises in your arms training routine.

01-22-2012, 12:02 AM
my arms currently measure at 21 inches. 75lb dumbell hammers is where its at!!!

01-22-2012, 01:16 AM
every other arm workout ill do giant sets for bicep and triceps...talk about a great pump

01-22-2012, 03:40 PM
Oh yea 21's with the straight bar

01-22-2012, 04:06 PM
Great tips! I remember reading an article that Fist posted, on biceps. The need to work the brachialis muscle which lies beneath the bicep, using hammers and reverse curls. This brings the bicep out further, making it appear larger. I also sometimes finish my biceps with sets of chin ups!

01-22-2012, 04:40 PM
There is a lot of great information in this thread. All of you seem very expirenced.