View Full Version : Estrogen/Gyno related “help”

03-27-2018, 04:40 AM
Hey all, i don’t post much on here but, i do come on time to time for great knowledge from you guys. Anyway, i have a question I’m hoping you all could give me some advice on. I’m currently running a test iso 200mg every third day, and anavar “just started” 20mg per day. Well I’ve been running the test now for a little over 2 months, and it’s not gyno that I’m feeling there’s no hardness but, i feel like I’m holding water in my lower chest area “poking out”. Now I’m only 185lbs at 8.5-9% bf so i don’t think the BF is the issue? I’m wondering is there something i can do to bring this down maybe a nolvi or AI? Any advice would be very greatly appreciated. Thank you all in advance!

03-27-2018, 01:56 PM
You'll get a thousand different answers to this. First, why are you running test e3d and what test are you running? The corrective path is going to be different depending on what you're shooting.

I don't get your symptoms but if you are in fact holding water it could be from estrogen or it could be from lack of you drinking enough water. If you want to jump on the AI wagon, which you should always be prepared to do, I would consider aromasin. I prefer caps over liquid and would start at 12.5mg E3D to see how you react. Its generally hard to take too much, unless you use ED.


03-27-2018, 03:02 PM
You'll get a thousand different answers to this. First, why are you running test e3d and what test are you running? The corrective path is going to be different depending on what you're shooting.

I don't get your symptoms but if you are in fact holding water it could be from estrogen or it could be from lack of you drinking enough water. If you want to jump on the AI wagon, which you should always be prepared to do, I would consider aromasin. I prefer caps over liquid and would start at 12.5mg E3D to see how you react. Its generally hard to take too much, unless you use ED.


Im running test iso every third day. It could be the water but, also i feel my stomach being somewhat bloated during the day.

03-27-2018, 04:40 PM
Only way to be sure is blood work. What does your diet and cycle look like brother?

03-27-2018, 05:34 PM
My diet isn’t bad at all. Not to much of fats or sugars, and I’m lean also which is why this is weird to me. I read somewhere with odd estrogen levels you can get a swollen lower belly which i feel like i have at times throughout the day.

03-28-2018, 02:37 AM
If you’re retaining water in your lower abdomen I would highly recommend you go see a doctor for some tests... yes, it could very well be nothing major and caused by a few different things... however, it’s also a sign of MANY horrible things. From liver to heart... I’m a bit paranoid though. So I’d definitely say go to a doctor to get checked out and run some tests...